Access from home or on the go

Logo der Software "Shibboleth"

Via Shibboleth

In order to access online resources (e-books, electronic journals and databases), you must first be identified as a member of the UDE. This authentication requires a login with your university ID (= Unikennung) and your password – regardless which device you are using and without installing any additional software.

Check out our overview of publishers and platforms, for which authentication via Shibboleth is already set up.

ZIM infos about Shibboleth    Instructions for Shibboleth authentication

©Michael Meitzner


Since not all providers offer authentication via Shibboleth, we still provide remote access via VPN (Virtual Private Network) as an alternative access option.

Authentication takes place via the IP address of your computer. Using an additionally required VPN client, you dial into the UDE network and your computer receives an IP address for which access is enabled.

Accessing the Internet via VPN