The library from A-Z
- About us
- Access from home or on the go
- Account
- Actionbound on the GW/GSW Library
- Actionbound on the LK Library
- Addresses and opening hours
- Apprenticeship in the library
- Archive
- Article delivery service (internal)
- Article delivery service (internal): Instructions
- Audio-visual media
- Author support (DuEPublico)
- Calender of due dates
- Campus delivery service
- Career in the library
- Catalogue
- Catalogue: information and help
- Change of address in the library account
- Charges
- Children in the library
- Citavi
- Classification system
- Collection management
- Collection of books for children and young people
- Collection of schoolbooks
- Collections
- Complaint
- Conditions of use
- Confucius Institute Metropolis Ruhr
- Contact
- Copying
- Copyright
- Daily lockers
- Databases
- Digital Library
- Directions
- Disclaimer
- Dissertations
- DuEPublico document server
- Duisburger Universitätsmatrikel 1652 - 1818
- E-Books
- e-Point
- East Asian Sciences
- Eduroam for guests
- Electronic dissertations
- Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
- Elsevier
- Email notification
- EndNote
- Engineer standards and guidelines
- European Union
- EVA (Acquisition request option of the interlibrary loan department)
- Events
- Exhibitions
- External users
- iCalender
- Imprint
- Individual study places
- Information
- Information literacy
- Institut für wissenschaftliche Schlüsselkompetenzen (IwiS)
- Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) - Library
- Institute for Development and Peace (INEF), Duisburg
- Institute for Lower Rhine Cultural History and Regional Development (InKuR), Essen
- Interlibrary loan: FAQs
- Interlibrary loan: Ordering books & extracts from books
- Interlibrary loan: Ordering journal articles
- Internship in the library
- Intranet
- Job vacancies
- Journal articles (Ordering via Interlibrary Loan)
- Journal articles (Ordering via Internal article delivery service)
- Journal articles (Ordering via Internal article delivery service: instructions)
- Journals
- Learning in the library
- Library account
- Library card
- Library card validity
- Library tours
- Literary fiction and poetry
- Literature orders from material resources
- Loan period
- Locations
- Lockers
- Login
- Loss of borrowed items
- Loss of library cards
- Lost property
- Lower Rhine Library (Institute for Lower Rhine Cultural History and Regional Development), Essen
- Management and departments
- Maps
- Matrikeldatenbank
- Medical Library
- Microforms
- Moodle
- Moodle Competence Centre
- Online semester collections
- Open Access
- Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Opening hours
- Ordering journal articles and volumes (internal service)
- Orders from material resources
- Orders from UDE faculty members
- Password
- Patents
- Pay machines
- PC workstations
- Periodicals
- Plagiarism
- Practical training in the library
- Precious holdings
- Primo: information and help
- Primo: the library catalogue
- Printing
- Publications of the library and of the UDE
- Publishing
- Purchase suggestions
- Rare books - precious holdings
- Re-loan
- Reference collections for UDE teachers
- Reference management software
- Registration
- Registration of school students
- Renewal of library card validity
- Renewal of loan period
- Replacement card
- Research data
- Reservations
- Returning media
- Rooms & plans
- Scan services
- Scanners (device overview)
- Scanning
- Schoolbook collection
- SchreibCamp
- SchreibSprints
- Schreibwerkstatt (Writing workshop), now: Institut für wissenschaftliche Schlüsselkompetenzen (IwiS)
- Self checkout
- Semester collections: List of currently active collections
- Semester collections: Locations of the printed semester collections
- Shelfmarks
- Shibboleth
- Short-term borrowing
- Social media netiquette
- Special collections
- Staff from A- Z
- Standards and guidelines
- Stockroom and stockroom orders
- Study places at the UDE
- Study places in the library
- Study room tour of the library
- Subject information
- Subject librarians
- Subject sections (printed journals)
- Support
- Teaching & learning videos
- Terms of use
- Terms of use for electronic resources
- Terms of use for for the library PC network
- Textbook collection
- Tours
- Training courses (Library basics)
- Treadmills in the library
- Tutorials
- UA Ruhr (University Alliance Ruhr)
- Unikate
- University Archive
- University Bibliography
- University calendars
- University identification (= Unikennung)
- University Law of North Rhine-Westfalia: Gebühren- und Entgeltordnung der Universitätsbibliothek an der Universität Duisburg-Essen
- USB flash drive
- User account
- User number