
The library's e-book offer

The library is continuously expanding its range of electronic media by by licensing ebooks from from all disciplines.

Around 630.000 e-books are currently available, partly accessible for a limited time in projects of user-driven acquisition.

In addition, many e-books are available via DFG-funded national licenses.

With license E-book packages

The digital library provides an overview of the library's e-book packages.

List of e-book packages

With license Medical e-books

Medical textbooks available online - sorted by subject.

Online textbook collection

Freely available Open Access

Here you will find many e-books freely available on the web:

www.oapen.org   www.hathitrust.org

Currently in focus - new offers

Logo CUP

From now until 28.02.2026 you have access to 50,000 e-books from Cambridge University Press.

In addition, the University Library has licensed around 1,300 textbooks from Cambridge University Press, which are available to you until 25.02.2025.

Cambridge University Press
Grafik: Logo des Verlags Mohr Siebeck

Over 5,500 e-books from Mohr Siebeck will be available until 31.01.2026.

Key topics include theology, Jewish studies and philosophy.



Mohr Siebeck
Grafik: Logo des Verlags Peter Lang

The University Library has extended access to Peter Lang's e-books until 31.01.2026 and added French and Spanish-language e-books.
A total of over 18,000 titles are available.

Peter Lang

User-driven acquisition

Here you will find time-limited offers of user-driven acquisition: After the offers have expired, well-used e-books are selected and are then permanently available.

The e-books are listed in the Primo catalogue.

Some offers are made possible by the Initiative E-Books.NRW.

Click here to check out offers

How to suggest e-books for purchase

The title you need is only available in print or not even available at all?

The library would like to buy more e-books, which are available for all UDE members.

Suggest titles for purchase!
We will then check whether the e-book can be purchased for UDE-wide use.

Your order request: go to the form

How to use e-books

UDE university members can use licensed e-books at any time and from any location. For access from outside the campuses, log in via Shibboleth or VPN. Your UDE identification (= 'Unikennung') and password are required for both login methods.

External users can access e-media at PC workstations in the GW/GSW Library and in the LK Library. Access to electronic media from home, e.g. via VPN, is not possible.

Opening and service hours

Access via Shibboleth

Shibboleth is a procedure for distributed authentication and authorisation for web applications and web services. You need your UDE identification (= 'Unikennung') and password for authentication.

Instructions for shibboleth authentication

Access via VPN

Access via VPN (Virtual Private Network) establishes a tunnel to the UDE network. All your data traffic runs via an encrypted connection via the UDE VPN server. As long as the connection exists, your computer is assigned an IP address from the university network.

Internet access via VPN

Please note:
Usually, e-books can be used by several users simultaneously.

For some e-books only a limited number of simultaneous accesses is available. In this case, you will be notified when all available licenses are used. Please try again after some time.

Terms of use for electronic resources

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions regarding the use of e-books, we will be happy to help you: