
Ulf Richter

  • Member of the rectorate and supervisor of employees in technology and administration
  • Head of administration and responsible for the economic and personnel administration of the university
  • Representation of the rector in legal and administrative matters.
T01 S06 B61 (Essen)
Phone +49 201 183-3000
About the Person
Detailed Curriculum Vitae
Chancellor's Office:
Barbara Allekotte (Management)
Dr. Christoph Czychun (Advisor to the Chancellor)
Marco Stein (Coordination Research Alliance Ruhr)

Claudia Peljhan | Astrid Jedrak

Role and Key Responsibilities

The Chancellor has specific responsibilities regarding the ongoing strategic development of the administration department. The areas of responsibility are:

Management and Finance
  • Planning and management of all of the university’s financial resources, including external funding (as per article 19, paragraph 1, sentence 1 of the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschulgesetz))
  • Bookkeeping, annual financial statements and accounting policy
  • Business planning, medium-term financial planning (as per article 33, paragraph 3 of the the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschulgesetz)), quarterly reports
  • Performance-based resource allocation (in partnership with the Vice Rector for Development and Resource Planning)
  • Cost and transaction accounting, maintaining and publishing a record of state aid measures received as well as research grants and contracts
  • Budgeting (as per article 19, paragraph 1, sentence 2 of the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschulgesetz))
  • Contractual matters and advice (e.g. relating to UDE reviews by the German Research Association, Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG) as well as UDE participation in the DFG)
  • Administration of external funding and consultation
  • Managing capital investments, liquidity and risks
  • Tax management
  • Investment management
  • Acquisitions
  • Controlling and IT systems
  • Internal services
  • Operating the ERP software (SAP) (for those parts of the university outside the remit of UDE’s internal service centre, ZIM)
Property Management
  • Construction projects and building maintenance
  • Location development planning
  • Management of location requirements and location utilisation
  • University modernisation programme
  • Concerted building consolidation programme for the higher education sector (Hochschulbau-Konsolidierungsprogramm)
  • Real estate management
  • Technical facilities management
Student Services und Campus Management
  • Student services
  • Enrolment and examination offices
  • Campus management
  • International Office
Digital transformation and academic controlling
    Digital transformation
  • Digitisation coordinator
  • Digitisation coordinator
  • Business process management
  • E-file
  • Campus management
  • "Further development of HISinOne-CM.NRW"

  • Academic Controlling (AC)
  • Administration HISinOne BI
  • Statistics and analyses
  • Digitalisation Acad. controlling

HR Management and Organisational Development
  • Supervisor of non-academic staff
  • HR management and service
  • Recruitment and retention negotiations
  • Organisational and HR development
University Development Planning
  • Structural development and UDE Centre for Logistics and Transport (ZLV): University development planning, award and repeal of ‘associated institute’ status, national collaboration contracts
  • Teaching and learning: establishing institutions, (re-) accreditation, discontinuation of degree courses, capacity management, entry requirements and entry scores (NC, Numerus Clausus)
Legal and Committee Work
  • Academic matters and higher education sector policy
  • Legal department
  • Data protection/GDPR
  • Committee supervision
Internal Audit
  • Conducting internal audits
  • Auditing the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes
  • Auditing internal control systems
  • Corruption prevention measures
  • Compliance
Health & Safety and Environmental Protection
  • General duties regarding health and safety at work and environmental protection
  • Appointment and supervision of Health, Safety & Environment Officers
  • Approval processes in accordance with radiation protection regulations, x-ray protection regulations, genetic engineering law, biohazard protection regulations, and laser protection
  • Fire prevention
  • Chemicals storage and disposal

Mandates & Memberships

  • Member of the shareholders' meeting of Ruhr Campus Academy (RCA) gGmbH
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of the Centre for Fuel Cell Technology (ZBT) GmbH
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of the University Hospital
  • Member of the Administrative Board of Studierendenwerk Essen-Duisburg
  • Spokesperson for the ‘University Construction’ working group of the chancellors of German universities

Conscious as we are of our responsibilities towards our university and our employees, we have established the following guiding principles. These outline our understanding of our duties within the university, provide us with a clear focus, and embed our commitment to transform our ideals into genuine practice.

Research and teaching
The university administration provides the operational resources and the organisational opportunities for carrying out the core duties of research and teaching. We translate the strategic goals of the University Board into practice. We derive our functional goals directly from those of the university; we formulate and communicate our goals and ensure their realisation. We actively shape service-driven collaboration, and we provide expert solution-oriented advice in line with our norms and standards.
Efficient organisation
We support the efficient completion of duties through thorough organisation, clear responsibilities and transparent processes. We are systematically expanding the use of IT. We continually review our duties to ensure they are meaningful and feasible, and we seek out avenues for ongoing improvement. We set priorities and determine the required resource commitments. We use feedback processes to ensure division of labour and task completion , and we note the consequences of these practices in other areas of responsibility. We define quality targets for our work, and we continually review and assess our results to measure our performance against our goals.
Leading with commitment and dedication
As the executive team, we are responsible for the performance of the administration. We direct and shape the relationships and processes that make collaboration possible. Leading by example with commitment and dedication fosters motivation. We consult with other executive teams, and we support each other in the completion of our duties. We continually aim to improve on our competencies, reflect on our leadership practices, undertake further training, and refer to the advice and feedback of our employees.
Practicing respectful and appreciative leadership
We are appreciative of and respectful towards our employees. We protect their rights and help build their reputations. We respect their competencies, experience and creativity. We acknowledge that the diversity among our employees is a great asset. We aim to meet our employees’ needs by allocating them suitable projects and assignments. We provide employees with timely feedback about their work and we provide recognition for good performance. We offer constructive guidance to address mistakes and utilise both types of feedback for our mutual learning and development.
Information and involvement
e actively offer our employees regular, timely, and comprehensive information about everything that affects their duties and their teams. We conduct regular meetings to increase employee participation, and we foster two-way information flows to ensure that employees can contribute their knowledge to planning and decision processes. Trustworthiness is part of our assignment strategy: we ensure that employees have the necessary autonomy to carry out their duties, and we grant them clear decision-making authority. We incorporate clear, transparent, and binding agreements into our decision-making processes.
Enhancing potential
We create opportunities for our employees to enhance their potential, contribute competencies, and learn new skills both on-the-job and through suitable training. We support performance-based pay and professional development. We consider the needs of our employees and strive to be a family-friendly employer.
Promoting health
We are aware of the stresses our employees may face. This is why we continuously strive to provide a positive working environment and accept our share of the responsibility for the health and wellbeing of our employees.
We count on our staff
It is our goal that everyone—executives and employees alike—should feel jointly responsible for our working environment and our success. We rely on everyone’s willingness to leverage their working practices, their personal behaviour, and mutual support to achieve our goals. Good leadership only happens when everyone works together. This is the case across all levels of hierarchy and departments. We count on everyone’s support and offer support to everyone.

You can download download these guiding principles in pdf-format.