Anne Engelhardt, M.A.

ResearcherAnne Engelhardt, M.A.

Room: LS 032
Phone: +49 (0)203-379-3675
E-Mail: anne.engelhardt[at]

Research Focus
Selected Publications
Research Projects
▶ Transfer Activities 
Curriculum Vitae

Research Focus

  • Employment protection and working conditions in the global economy, spatial and labor geographic approaches
  • Social movements and transnational trade unions especially with reference to the global logistics sector
  • Theories of social reproduction and sustainability
  • Theories of international political economy with a focus on North-South relations

Selected Publications

► Scheper, Christian / Engelhardt, Anne 2024: New Due Diligence Laws in Europe. Effective regulation of sustainability and human rights in global supply chains? (Global Governance Spotlight 1/2024). Bonn: Development and Peace Foundation.  

► Engelhardt, Anne Im Erscheinen 2025: „Arbeitsschutz vs. metabolischer Riss: Räumliche Kämpfe um körperliche Unversehrtheit im portugiesischen und brasilianischen Hafensektor“, In: Doutch, Michaela / Engelhardt, Anne / Lopéz, Tatiana / Premchander, Saumya / Wenner, Miriam (Hrsg.): „Geographien der Arbeit - Neue Perspektiven aus Räumen der Re/Produktion“

► Engelhardt, Anne / Sara Cufré Im Erscheinen 2024: „Conflicts up in the air: Cabin crew resistance in Argentina and Portugal through the lens of the body” für das Special Issue der Zeitung für Konflikt- und Friedensforschung “Transnational Corporations and Conflicts”

► Buckel, Sonja / Engelhardt, Anne / Kopp, Judith / Pichl, Maximilian / Scheper, Christian / A. Vestena, Carolina 2023: “Powered by the Supply Chain”: Der Streik in Gräfenhausen und die Rechtskämpfe um das neue Lieferkettengesetz, Verfassungsblog, 2023/10/03. DOI: 10.17176/20231003-233537-0

► Engelhardt, Anne 2023: Book Review: Women workers in the garment factories of Cambodia: A feminist labor geography of global (re‐) production networks. By Michaela Doutch, in: Gender, Work and Organization, 31:2, 683-686. DOI:

► Engelhardt, Anne / Moore, Madelaine 2022: “From mechanisms to dynamics: How to embed social movement studies within historical materialism.” In: Piva, Adrián / Santella, Augustín (eds.): Marxism, collective action and social movements. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 75–104. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-12474-7_4

► Engelhardt, Anne 2020: „Logistische Knotenpunkte – der Schlüssel zur Macht? Transnationale Arbeitskämpfe im europäischen Hafensektor.“ In: Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang; Klemm, Matthias; Dengel, Udo (eds.): Transnationalisierung der Arbeit und der Arbeitsbeziehungen. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 179-213. DOI:10.5771/9783845294322-179


Research Projects

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Current Projects

Legal Struggles in Transnational Supply Chains

Transfer Activities

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Literature compilation and evaluation on working conditions and conflicts in warehouses worldwide for the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) - preparatory work for the study "Organising the Warehouse" (2020).

Online, Blog and Media Contributions 

Buckel, Sonja/Engelhardt, Anne/Kopp, Judith/Pichl, Maximilian/Scheper, Christian/ A. Vestena, Carolina 2023: “Powered by the Supply Chain”: Der Streik in Gräfenhausen und die Rechtskämpfe um das neue Lieferkettengesetz. Verfassungsblog, 03.10.2023.


Labour power weakened? Racialised exploitation patterns at ports and airports in Brazil and Portugal. Lecture at the Racial Capitalism – Marxism meets Postcolonial Studies Conference, on 05.10.2023 in Kassel.

Global Governance Spotlights

Scheper, Christian / Engelhardt, Anne 2024: New Due Diligence Laws in Europe: Effective regulation of sustainability and human rights in global supply chains? (Global Governance Spotlight 01/2024). Bonn: Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden.

Curriculum Vitae

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since October 2023
Researcher at INEF

PhD in the Department of Globalization & Politics at the University of Kassel,
Dissertation title: "Social Reproduction Metabolism at Chokepoints Labor conflicts on occupational health and safety at ports and airports in Brazil and Portugal"

2012 - 2016
M.A. Political Science (University of Kassel)

2008 - 2012
B.A. Politics and Administration (major) / Sociology (minor) (University of Potsdam)