Research at the Institute for Socioeconomics

ifso working paper
The Institute of Socioeconomics publishes its own working paper series. In the series, preliminary research results from the Institute of Socioeconomics as well as from joint research projects with external cooperation partners can be made available to the scientific community at an early stage.
ifso Research results on Twitter

Doctoral Program "Political Economy of Inequality
In the doctoral program "The Political Economy of Inequality", 12 fellows and one coordinator conduct research in collaboration with other researchers at the Institute on issues related to the extent, causes, and consequences of socioeconomic inequality.

Research Program
Our research program is derived from the fundamental approach of the institute: It is committed to an application-oriented examination of economic phenomena from an interdisciplinary and plural perspective at the interface of economics and social sciences. Learn more on the individual profiles of our researchers and in our institute report.

Gerhard Mercator Graduate School "Cosmopolitanism, Tolerance and Public Spirit
The Gerhard Mercator Research Training Group on Cosmopolitanism, Tolerance and Public Spirit is an interdisciplinary research training group at the University of Duisburg-Essen, funded by the Mercator Foundation. It is composed of a variety of scientific perspectives ranging from the social sciences, philosophy, and cultural studies to psychology.