Publikationen AG Muckel
- L. Spee, J. Konietzka, A. Grundmann, N. Stracke, M. A. Schroer, M. Winterer, H. Kalisch, M. Heuken, A. Vescan, G. Bacher, F. Muckel
“Photogating through Unidirectional Charge Carrier Funneling in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide/Perovskite Heterostructure Photodetectors”
ACS Applied Optical Materials 5, 852 (2024),
- T. E. Czerny, Q. Shen, J. Konieczny, M. Schroer, M. Winterer, F. Muckel
“Efficient Narrowband Photoconductivity of the Excitonic Resonance in Two-Dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper Perovskites Due to Exciton Polarons”
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 4850 (2023),
- Y. U. Jin, B. Marler, A. D. Karabanov, K. Winkler, I. C. Jie Yap, A. Dubey, L. Spee, M. Escobar Castillo, F. Muckel, A. N. Salak, N. Benson, D. C. Lupascu
“Lead-free organic–inorganic azetidinium alternating metal cation bromide: [(CH2)3NH2]2AgBiBr6, a perovskite-related absorber”
RSC advances 51, 36079 (2023),
- F. Muckel, K. N. Guye, S. M. Gallagher, Y. Liu, D. S. Ginger
“Tuning Hybrid Exciton-Photon Fano Resonances in Two-Dimensional Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Thin Films”
Nano Letters 21, 6124 (2021),
- S. Sanders, G. Simkus, J. Riedel, A. Ost, A. Schmitz, F. Muckel, G. Bacher, M. Heuken, A. Vescan, H. Kalisch
“Showerhead-assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition of CsPbBr3 films for LED application”
Journal of Materials Research 36, 1813 (2021),
Weitere Veröffentlichungen (liste unten)
(Eingeladene) Vorträge / Konferenzbeiträge
- L. Spee, J. Konietzka, A. Grundmann, M. A. Schroer, M. Winterer, M. Heuken, A. Vescan, H. Kalisch, G. Bacher, F. Muckel
“Photogating through Unidirectional Charge Carrier Funneling in 2D TMDC / 2D Perovskite Heterostructure-Photodetectors”
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibition, Seattle, USA, 22.04-26.04.2024
- T. Czerny, Q. Shen, J. Konieczny, M. Schroer, M. Winterer, F. Muckel
"Narrowband Photoconductivity through the Excitonic Resonance in 2D Perovskites" (Poster)
10. NRW Nano Konferenz – Innovations in Materials and Applications, Dortmund, Germany, 23.05.-24.05.2023
- L. Spee, J. Konietzka, A. Grundmann, M. Heuken, H. Kalisch, A. Vescan, F. Muckel
"Narrowband Photoconductivity through the Excitonic Resonance in 2D Perovskites" (Poster)
10. NRW Nano Konferenz – Innovations in Materials and Applications, Dortmund, Germany, 23.05.-24.05.2023
- F. Muckel (eingeladen)
" Photoconducting Devices with Specific Attributes based on 2D Metal-Halide Perovskites"
2023 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibition, San Francisco, USA, 10.04-14.04.2023
- L. Spee, J. Konietzka, A. Grundmann, M. A. Schroer, M. Winterer, M. Heuken, A. Vescan, H. Kalisch, G. Bacher, F. Muckel
"(Highly Responsive) 2D/2D TMDC/Perovskite Hetero-Photodetectors with Photo-Gating"
MRS Spring 2023, San Francisco, USA, 10.04.-14.04.2023
Weitere (eingeladene) Vorträge und Konferenzbeiträge (liste unten)
Dissertationen, Projekt- und Abschlussarbeiten
- R. Ayyad, S. Ravindran
"Entwicklung eines Photolithografieprozesses zur Herstellung von Kontaktstrukturen für 2D-Photodetektoren"
Bachelorprojektarbeit Medizintechnik, 27.03.2024
- P. May
„Ortsaufgelöste Photostrommessungen an 2D Perowskit Dünnschichten“
Bachelorarbeit NanoEngineering,
- J. V. Stepien, N. Steinfort
"Herstellung eines 2D Perowskit/TMDC Photodetektors mit Gate Kontakt"
Bachelorprojektarbeit NanoEngineering, 24.01.2024
- J.Korte, O. Kowollik, T. Smola
"Optimierung von CsPbBr3 Metall-Halogenid Perowskit-LED"
Masterprojektarbeit NanoEngineering, 11.09.2023
- U. K. Alirarasan
„Creating an user interface for spatially resolved luminescence measurements with variable excitation wavelength on a microscope setup“
Bachelorarbeit International Studies of Engineering,
Weitere Dissertationen, Projekt- und Abschlussarbeiten (liste unten)
Weitere Publikationen
- F. Jiang, J. Pothoof, F. Muckel, R. Giridharagopal, J. Wang, D. Ginger
“Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy Reveals that Ion Motion Varies with Dimensionality in 2D Perovskites”
ACS Energy Letters 6, 100 (2021),
- F. Muckel, S. Lorenz, J. Yang, T. A. Nugraha, E. Scalise, T. Hyeon, S. Wippermann, G. Bacher
„Exciton-driven change of phonon modes causes strong temperature dependent bandgap shift in nanoclusters“
Nature Communications 11, 4127 (2020),
- R. Fainblat, F. Muckel, G. Bacher
„Tailoring exchange interactions in magnetically doped II-VI nanocrystals“ in “Chalcogenide - From 3D to 2D and Beyond”
Elsevier (2020),
- J. Yang*, F. Muckel*, B. K. Choi, S. Lorenz, I. Y. Kim, J. Ackermann, H. Chang, T. Czerney, V. S. Kale, S.-J. Hwang , G. Bacher, T. Hyeon
„Co2+-Doping of Magic-Sized CdSe Clusters: Structural Insights via Ligand Field Transitions“
Nano Letters 18, 7350 (2018),
- F. Muckel*, S. Delikanli*, P. L. Hernández-Martínez, T. Priesner, S. Lorenz, J. Ackermann, M. Sharma, H. V. Demir, G. Bacher
“sp-d Exchange Interactions in Wave Function Engineered Colloidal CdSe/Mn:CdS Hetero-Nanoplatelets”
Nano Letters 18, 2047 (2018),
- F. Muckel, C. Barrows, A. Graf, A. Schmitz, C. S. Erickson, D. R. Gamelin, G. Bacher
“Current-Induced Magnetic Polarons in a Colloidal Quantum-Dot device”
Nano Letters 17, 4768 (2017),
- J. Yang*, F. Muckel*, W. Baek, R. Fainblat, G. Bacher, T. Hyeon
“Chemical Synthesis, Doping, and Transformation of Magic-Sized Semiconductor Alloy Nanoclusters”
JACS 139, 6761 (2017),
- F. Muckel, J. Yang, S. Lorenz, W. Baek, H. Chang, T. Hyeon, G. Bacher, R. Fainblat
“Digital Doping in Magic-Sized CdSe Clusters”
ACS Nano 10, 7135 (2016),
- J. Yang, R. Fainblat, S. G. Kwon, F. Muckel, J.H. Yu, H. Terlinden, B. H. Kim, D. Iavarone, M. K. Choi, I. Y. Kim, I. Park, H.-K. Hong, J. Lee, J. S. Son, Z. Lee, K. Kang, S.-J. Hwang, G. Bacher, T. Hyeon
”Route to the Smallest Doped Semiconductor: Mn2+-Doped (CdSe)13 Clusters”
JACS 137, 12776 (2015),
- R. Fainblat, F. Muckel, C. Barrows, V. A. Vlaskin, D. R. Gamelin, G. Bacher
“Valence-Band Mixing Effects in the Upper-Excited-State Magneto-Optical Responses of Colloidal Mn2+-Doped CdSe Quantum Dots”
ACS nano 8, 12699 (2014),
- R. Fainblat, J. Frohleiks, F. Muckel, J. H. Yu, J. Yang, T. Hyeon, G. Bacher
“Quantum Confinement-Controlled Exchange Coupling in Manganese(II)-Doped CdSe Two-Dimensional Quantum Well Nanoribbons”
Nano Letters 12, 5311 (2012),
- C. Punckt, F. Muckel, S. Wolff, I. Aksay, C. A. Chavarin, G. Bacher, W. Mertin
“The effect of degree of reduction on the electrical properties”
APL 102,023114 (2013),
Weitere (Eingeladene) Vorträge / Konferenzbeiträge
- F. Muckel (eingeladen)
"Narrowband Photodetection based on Nanostructured Inorganic Materials for Flexible Optoelectronic"
12th Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Bremen, 29.09.-2.10.2022
- F. Muckel, K. N. Guye, S. M. Gallagher, Y. Liu, D. S. Ginger
"Tuning Fano Resonances in 2D Perovskites using Plasmonic Silver Nanoparticles"
Unconventional Semiconductors and Their Applications - Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, USA, 12.06.-17.06.2022
- T. Czerny, Q. Shen, L. Spee, F. Muckel
"Wavelength-selective Photoconductivity in 2D Perovskite Material (BA)2PbI4 thin film" (Poster)
Unconventional Semiconductors and Their Applications - Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, USA, 12.06.-17.06.2022
- F. Muckel, T. Czerny, Q. Shen
"2D Perovskites for Wavelength-Selective Photodetectors"
MRS Spring Meeting 2022, Honolulu, USA, 08.05.-13.05.2022
- F. Muckel (eingeladen)
" 2D Perovskites for Photodetectors and Light-Matter-Interaction"
Global Conference on Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures, Webinar, 14.-16.04.2022
Weitere Dissertationen, Projekt- und Abschlussarbeiten
- J. F. Konietzka
"Untersuchung von Ladungsträger-Transfer-Mechanismen in (BA)2Pbl4/MoS2 Photodetektoren"
Bachelorarbeit, 08.05.2023
- Q. Shen
"Wellenlängen-abhängiger Photostrom in (BA)2PbI4 Schichten mit unterschiedlichen Schichtdicken"
Bachelorarbeit International Studies of Engineering, 04.07.2022
- J. Konieczny
"Lichtemittierende Bauelemente basierend auf CsPbBr3 Metall-Halogenid Perowskitschichten"
Masterarbeit NanoEngineering, 02.05.2022
- J. F. Konietzka, T. Kramberg
"Design and optimization of a (BA)2PbI4/WS2 heterostructure for use as a light detector"
Bachelorprojektarbeit NanoEngineering, 28.01.2022
- T. Czerny
"Photoleitfähigkeit in Perovskit-basierten Schichten unterschiedlicher Dimensionalität"
Masterarbeit NanoEngineering, 15.02.2021