ISE Masterstudiengang "Management and Technology of Water and Waste Water" (MTW³)

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Der Masterstudiengang "Management and Technology of Water and Waste Water" (MTW³) gehört zum ISE Programm der Universität Duisburg-Essen (ISE = International Studies in Engineering).

Der Studiengang beinhaltet Themen zum betriebs- und wasserwirtschaftlichen Management, weiterführende ingenieurwissenschaftliche Themen sowie ingenieurwissenschaftliche Themen mit dem Fokus auf Wassergewinnung, Wasseraufbereitung und Abwasserreinigung

Why to study the Master "Management and Technology of Water and Waste Water" (MTW³)?

Tackling the World Water Crisis
Limited fresh water resources, increasing pollution of the natural water cycle and increasing demand of high quality water to meet the needs of the still growing global population are the driving forces of the upcoming world water crisis. To counteract this development a combination of highly sophisticated management and technology of water and waste water is getting more and more important. The MTW3 curriculum offers such a combination of knowledge represented by lecturers from the University of Duisburg-Essen and experts from water industry of the River Ruhr and River Rhine area.

Master Study course MTW3
The Masters course (M.Sc.) "Management and Technology of Water and Waste Water – MTW3" is an internationally orientated course which is addressed to German as well as foreign students. MTW3 is a 2-year interdisciplinary Masters course based on natural scientific and technical fundamentals with main focus on process engineering and advanced engineering as well as economics and water management. Graduates of the new MTW3 course will be familiar with German water management and treatment systems. They will be able to think interdisciplinarily by combining knowledge on economics, water management and engineering offering a wide range of possibilities for prospective careers especially in water supply, sewage disposal, water boards and engineering companies.

Employment prospects
Due to the international orientation of the MTW3 Masters course graduates can work in various fields of water technology and management also in foreign countries and international organisations. Typical jobs for graduates of the MTW3 Masters course can be found in the following institutions:

  • Engineering companies

  • Water boards and similar institutions in other countries

  • GO’s (Government organisations), ministries and authorities

  • NGO’s

  • Research companies and universities

For foreign students the MTW3 Masters course offers the opportunity of technology transfer to their home countries in consideration of the special regional demands.

Course contents

  • Basics of water technology and fluid dynamics

  • Advanced engineering

  • Process engineering

  • Sewer systems

  • Water and waste water treatment

  • Management and controlling

  • Water management

In addition to 18 compulsory courses, students have the option to choose lectures with a totoal of 12 credits from a special catalogue. Thus, students have the opportunity to focus their studies on their personal interests and abilities. Furthermore, students can set individual priorities by selecting lectures from non-technical subjects with a total of 6 credits.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Panglisch (Raum MF 162)
Tel.: +49 (0)203/379-3477
Fax.: +49 (0)203/379-3017

M. Sc. Grit Hoffmann (Room MF 163)                                 
Tel.: +49 (0)203/379-3954                               
Fax.: +49 (0)203/379-3017                        
E-Mail:   Grit Hoffmann  

Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Abteilung Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik
Lehrstuhl für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik / Wassertechnik (MVT / WT)
Lotharstrasse 1
47057 Duisburg

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ISE Studierende werden beraten durch Jina Joseph Vazhavelil 

MTW³ Informationen

MTW3 Flyer

Prüfungsordnung MTW³ PO 19

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Link zum Prüfungsamt mit Infos für das ISE Programm

Informationen des ABZ über MTW³

Informationen der Ingenieurwissenschaften über das ISE Programm

Bei allen organisatorischen Fragen zu ISE und MTW³ können sie sich auch gerne an SCIES wenden, eine zentrale Einrichtung der UDE, die in Duisburg in der Geibelstrasse zu finden ist  SCIES