Sebastian Schär (M.Sc.)

Sebastian Schär
Position: | Research Associate |
Adress: | Bismarckstraße 90 47057 Duisburg |
Room: | BC 009 |
Telephone: | +49 (0)203 379 3246 |
Fax: | +49 (0)203 379 2922 |
E-Mail: | |
Office-hours: | by prior arrangement by E-Mail |
Since 2019
Research Assistant at the Chair of General Business Administration and Production Management, University of Duisburg-Essen
2017 - 2019
Master's degree in business management at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen.
Thesis topic: Evaluation of the potentials of demand response for container handling equipment
2014 - 2017
Bachelor studies of business administration at the Georg-August-University Göttingen
Topic of the final thesis: State-of-the-Art dynamic methods for multi-criteria decision support
Research stays
- Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Department ESS, Decision Analysis Cluster, 15.11. - 25.11.2021, Dübendorf-Zürich, Schweiz
Publications and presentations
Schär, S. (2024), (Dissertation):
Prospektive multikriterielle Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Entwicklung und Bewertung von Maßnahmen im Wasser-Energie Nexus : Das Wasserdefizitproblem im Nahen Osten, DuEPublico, 2024.
Prospektive multikriterielle Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Entwicklung und Bewertung von Maßnahmen im Wasser-Energie Nexus : Das Wasserdefizitproblem im Nahen Osten, DuEPublico, 2024.
Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2023), (Vortrag):
Prospective multi-criteria analysis in the water-energy nexus, International Conference on Economics and Business Road to Sustainability - ICEBRS, Coimbra, Portugal, 29.06. - 01.07. 2023.
Prospective multi-criteria analysis in the water-energy nexus, International Conference on Economics and Business Road to Sustainability - ICEBRS, Coimbra, Portugal, 29.06. - 01.07. 2023.
Schär, S.; Bischi, A.; Baccioli, A.; Desideri, U.; Geldermann, J. (2023), (Paper):
Optimization of sustainable seawater desalination : Modeling renewable energy integration and energy storage concepts, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 293, Elsevier, 2023.
[DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117447]
Optimization of sustainable seawater desalination : Modeling renewable energy integration and energy storage concepts, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 293, Elsevier, 2023.
[DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117447]
Schär, S.; Huang, H.; Pohl, E.; Macharis, C.; Geldermann, J. (2023), (Vortrag):
Resolving ambiguous preference information in group decision-making: A novel optimization model for consensual decision-making, International Conference on Operations Research - OR, Hamburg, Germany, 29.08. - 01.09. 2023.
Resolving ambiguous preference information in group decision-making: A novel optimization model for consensual decision-making, International Conference on Operations Research - OR, Hamburg, Germany, 29.08. - 01.09. 2023.
Schär, S.; Rusteberg, B.; Bensabat, J.; Scheday, M.; Zarzar, G.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Vortrag):
Techno-Economic Assessment of Integrated Water Resources Management Infrastructure Projects, International Conference on Water Resources Management and Sustainability: Solutions for Arid Regions, Dubai, 22.03. - 24.03. 2022.
Techno-Economic Assessment of Integrated Water Resources Management Infrastructure Projects, International Conference on Water Resources Management and Sustainability: Solutions for Arid Regions, Dubai, 22.03. - 24.03. 2022.
Schär, S.; Pohl, E.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Vortrag):
Eliciting and quantifying stakeholder preferences with the robust revised Simos method: Robustness analysis and consensus building, 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, Finland, 03.07. - 06.07. 2022.
Eliciting and quantifying stakeholder preferences with the robust revised Simos method: Robustness analysis and consensus building, 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, Finland, 03.07. - 06.07. 2022.
Pohl, E.; Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Vortrag):
Multi-criteria multi-actor analysis of emission abatement and energy efficiency measures in container terminals, 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, Finland, 03.07. - 06.07. 2022.
Multi-criteria multi-actor analysis of emission abatement and energy efficiency measures in container terminals, 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, Finland, 03.07. - 06.07. 2022.
Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Paper):
Techno-ökonomische Analyse integrierter Wasserinfrastrukturprojekte, WASSERWIRTSCHAFT, Volume 7, Wiesbaden, 2022.
Techno-ökonomische Analyse integrierter Wasserinfrastrukturprojekte, WASSERWIRTSCHAFT, Volume 7, Wiesbaden, 2022.
Bensabat, J.; Rusteberg, B.; de Bourgoing, P.; Schär, S. (2022), (Forschungsbericht):
Regional Macro-Model for Transboundary Water Resources Planning, in: de Bourgoing, P.; Nußbaum, P.; Rusteberg, B.; Sauter, M. : Policy Briefs The SALAM Initiative - Transboundary Strategies for the Resolution of the Water Deficit Problem in the Middle East, Göttingen, 2022.
Regional Macro-Model for Transboundary Water Resources Planning, in: de Bourgoing, P.; Nußbaum, P.; Rusteberg, B.; Sauter, M. : Policy Briefs The SALAM Initiative - Transboundary Strategies for the Resolution of the Water Deficit Problem in the Middle East, Göttingen, 2022.
Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Forschungsbericht):
Multi-Criteria Analysis of Water Resources Planning Options, in: de Bourgoing, P.; Nußbaum, P.; Rusteberg, B.; Sauter, M. : Policy Briefs The SALAM Initiative - Transboundary Strategies for the Resolution of the Water Deficit Problem in the Middle East, Göttingen, 2022.
Multi-Criteria Analysis of Water Resources Planning Options, in: de Bourgoing, P.; Nußbaum, P.; Rusteberg, B.; Sauter, M. : Policy Briefs The SALAM Initiative - Transboundary Strategies for the Resolution of the Water Deficit Problem in the Middle East, Göttingen, 2022.
Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Forschungsbericht):
Techno-Economic Assessment of Water Infrastructure Projects, in: de Bourgoing, P.; Nußbaum, P.; Rusteberg, B.; Sauter, M. : Policy Briefs The SALAM Initiative - Transboundary Strategies for the Resolution of the Water Deficit Problem in the Middle East, Göttingen, 2022.
Techno-Economic Assessment of Water Infrastructure Projects, in: de Bourgoing, P.; Nußbaum, P.; Rusteberg, B.; Sauter, M. : Policy Briefs The SALAM Initiative - Transboundary Strategies for the Resolution of the Water Deficit Problem in the Middle East, Göttingen, 2022.
Pohl, E.; Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Buchbeitrag):
Bewertung von Kostensenkungspotenzialen in elektrisch betriebenen Containerterminals durch Einsatz von Demand Response, in: Proff, H. (eds) Transforming Mobility – What Next?, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2022.
Bewertung von Kostensenkungspotenzialen in elektrisch betriebenen Containerterminals durch Einsatz von Demand Response, in: Proff, H. (eds) Transforming Mobility – What Next?, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2022.
Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Vortrag):
Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis for Transboundary Integrated Water Resources Management Infrastructure Projects in the Middle East, International Conference on Operations Research - OR, Karlsruhe, Germany, 06.09. - 09.09. 2022.
Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis for Transboundary Integrated Water Resources Management Infrastructure Projects in the Middle East, International Conference on Operations Research - OR, Karlsruhe, Germany, 06.09. - 09.09. 2022.
Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Paper):
Adopting Multiactor Multicriteria Analysis for the Evaluation of Energy Scenarios, Sustainability, Volume 13, Auflage 5, pp. 1-19 2021.
[DOI: 10.3390/su13052594]
Adopting Multiactor Multicriteria Analysis for the Evaluation of Energy Scenarios, Sustainability, Volume 13, Auflage 5, pp. 1-19 2021.
[DOI: 10.3390/su13052594]
Pohl, E.; Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
Bewertung von Kostensenkungspotenzialen in elektrisch betriebenen Containerterminals durch Einsatz von Demand Response, Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, Duisburg, 17.06. 2021.
Bewertung von Kostensenkungspotenzialen in elektrisch betriebenen Containerterminals durch Einsatz von Demand Response, Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, Duisburg, 17.06. 2021.
Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
Prospective multi-criteria analysis in the water-energy nexus, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research, Bern, 31.08. - 03.09. 2021.
Prospective multi-criteria analysis in the water-energy nexus, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research, Bern, 31.08. - 03.09. 2021.
Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
Option Comparison, Decision Support and Cost Efficiency in Integrated Water Resources Management, SALAM Regional Conference Jordan, Sweimeh, Dead Sea, 09.10. - 11.10. 2021.
Option Comparison, Decision Support and Cost Efficiency in Integrated Water Resources Management, SALAM Regional Conference Jordan, Sweimeh, Dead Sea, 09.10. - 11.10. 2021.
Schär, S. (2021), (Vortrag):
Introduction to SALAM and PROMETHEE, Guest Presentation, Eawag, Department ESS, Decision Analysis Cluster, 22.11. 2021.
Introduction to SALAM and PROMETHEE, Guest Presentation, Eawag, Department ESS, Decision Analysis Cluster, 22.11. 2021.
Schär, S.; Pohl, E.; Geldermann, J. (2020), (Vortrag):
Evaluating cost-reduction potentials in electrically powered container terminals by using Energy Demand Side Management, GOR Workshop Oktober 2020, Bochum, 08.10. - 09.10. 2020.
Evaluating cost-reduction potentials in electrically powered container terminals by using Energy Demand Side Management, GOR Workshop Oktober 2020, Bochum, 08.10. - 09.10. 2020.
Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2020), (Vortrag):
Adopting multi-actor multi-criteria analysis for the evaluation of energy scenarios, Workshop "Prospektive multidimensionale Bewertung von Energietechnologien und -szenarien", Oldenburg, 20.02. - 21.02. 2020.
Adopting multi-actor multi-criteria analysis for the evaluation of energy scenarios, Workshop "Prospektive multidimensionale Bewertung von Energietechnologien und -szenarien", Oldenburg, 20.02. - 21.02. 2020.
Schär, S. (2018), (Paper):
State-of-the-Art dynamischer Methoden zur multikriteriellen Entscheidungsunterstützung, : 3 Junior Management Science, Volume 3, pp. 146-165 2018.
State-of-the-Art dynamischer Methoden zur multikriteriellen Entscheidungsunterstützung, : 3 Junior Management Science, Volume 3, pp. 146-165 2018.