Publications of the CRC 1242
Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy at Surfaces
Surf. Sci. 753, 122631 (2025)
Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in Au/Fe/MgO(001) Analyzed by Au- and Fe-Selective Pumping in Time-Resolved Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy: Separation of Excitations in Adjacent Metallic Layers
Phys. Rev. B 107, 085412 (2023)
Hydration at Highly Crowded Interfaces
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 106202 (2023)
Spatio-Temporal Electron Propagation Dynamics in Au/Fe/MgO(001) in Nonequilibrium: Revealing Single Scattering Events and the Ballistic Limit
PRX Energy 2, 043009 (2023)
Femtosecond Electron-Transfer Dynamics Across the D₂O/Cs⁺/Cu(111) Interface: The Impact of Hydrogen Bonding
127, 23467 (2023)
Relaxation of Photoexcited Hot Carriers Beyond Multitemperature Models: General Theory Description Verified by Experiments on Pb/Si(111)
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033218 (2022)
Electronic Energy Transport in Nanoscale Au/Fe Hetero-Structures in the Perspective of Ultrafast Lattice Dynamics
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 092401 (2022)
Ultrafast Transport and Energy Relaxation of Hot Electrons in Au/Fe/MgO(001) Heterostructures Analyzed by Linear Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 033239 (2022)
Transient Spin Injection Efficiencies at Ferromagnet–Metal Interfaces
Adv. Mater. Interf. 9, 2201233 (2022)
Competition Between Coulomb and van der Waals Interactions in Xe−Cs+ Aggregates on Cu(111) Surfaces
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 266802 (2021)
Doublon Bottleneck in the Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics of Hot Electrons in 1T−TaS2
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 022046(R) (2020)
Local and Nonlocal Electron Dynamics of Au/Fe/MgO(001) Heterostructures Analyzed by Time-Resolved Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 076803 (2020)
Optical Perturbation of the Hole Pockets in the Underdoped High-Tc Superconducting Cuprates
Phys. Rev. B 99, 081116(R) (2019)
Ultrafast Electron Diffraction from a Bi(111) Surface: Impulsive Lattice Excitation and Debye Waller Analysis at Large Momentum Transfer
Struct. Dyn. 6, 035101 (2019)
Precision Plasmonics with Monomers and Dimers of Spherical Gold Nanoparticles: Non-Equilibrium Dynamics at the Time and Space Limit
J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 13181 (2019)
Decelerated Lattice Excitation and Absence of Bulk Phonon Modes at Surfaces: Ultra-fast Electron Diffraction from Bi(111) Surface upon fs-Laser Excitation
Struct. Dyn. 6, 065101 (2019)
Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung von Graphen unter keV-Argon-Ionen-Beschuss
6, (2019)
Ultrafast Doublon Dynamics in Photoexcited 1T - TaS2
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 166401 (2018)
Nonequilibrium Electron and Lattice Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ Single Crystals
Science Adv. 4, 7427 (2018)
Excitation and Relaxation Dynamics of the Photo-Perturbed Correlated Electron System 1T-TaS2
Appl. Sci. 9, 44 (2018)
Multiple Particle-Hole Pair Creation in the Harmonically Driven Fermi-Hubbard Model
Phys. Rev. B 95, 195123 (2017)
Electron-Lattice Energy Relaxation in Laser-Excited Thin-Film Au-Insulator Heterostructures Studied by Ultrafast MeV Electron Diffraction
Struct. Dyn. 4, 054501 (2017)
Optically Excited Structural Transition in Atomic Wires on Surfaces at the Quantum Limit
Nature 544, 207 (2017)
Accessing and Probing of the Photo-Induced Hidden State in 1T -TaS2 with Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
Proc. SPIE 9931, Spintronics IX, 99313V (2016)
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