Publications of the CRC 1242

Pascal Dreher, David Janoschka, Bettina Frank, Harald Giessen and Frank-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf
Focused Surface Plasmon Polaritons Coherently Couple to Electronic States in Above-Threshold Electron Emission
Commun. Phys. 6, 15 (2023)
Marko A. Kriegel, Karim Omambac, Steffen Franzka, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
Incommensurability and Negative Thermal Expansion of Single Layer Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Appl. Surf. Sci. 624, 157156 (2023)
Alexander Neuhaus, Pascal Dreher, Florian Schütz, Helder Marchetto, Torsten Franz and Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf
Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy in a Low Energy Electron Microscope
Struct. Dyn. 10, 064304 (2023)
Thomas Bauer, Timothy J. Davis, Bettina Frank, Pascal Dreher, David Janoschka, Tim C. Meiler, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf, L. Kuipers and Harald Giessen
Ultrafast Time Dynamics of Plasmonic Fractional Orbital Angular Momentum
ACS Photonics 10, 4252 (2023)
Timothy J. Davis, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf and Harald Giessen
Topology of Surface Plasmon Polaritons with Integer and Fractional Orbital Angular Momentum
ACS Photonics 10, 3772 (2023)
Karim Omambac, Marko A. Kriegel, Marin Petrović, Birk Finke, Christian Brand, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
Interplay of Kinetic Limitations and Disintegration: Selective Growth of Hexagonal Boron Nitride and Borophene Monolayers on Metal Substrates
ACS Nano 17, 17946 (2023)
Pascal Dreher, David Janoschka, Alexander Neuhaus, Bettina Frank, Harald Giessen, Michael Horn-von Hoegen and Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf
Quantitative Determination of the Electric Field Strength in a Plasmon Focus from Ponderomotive Energy Shifts
Nanophotonics 11, 3687 (2022)
David Janoschka, Pascal Dreher, A. Rödl, Torsten Franz, Oliver Schaff, Michael Horn-von Hoegen and Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf
Implementation and Operation of a Fiber-Coupled CMOS Detector in a Low Energy Electron Microscope
Ultramicroscopy 221, 113180 (2020)
Karim Omambac, Marin Petrović, Pantelis Bampoulis, Christian Brand, Marko A. Kriegel, Pascal Dreher, David Janoschka, Ulrich Hagemann, Nils Hartmann, Philipp Valerius, Thomas Michely, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
Segregation-Enhanced Epitaxy of Borophene on Ir(111) by Thermal Decomposition of Borazine
ACS Nano 15, 7421 (2021)
Karim Omambac, Marko Kriegel, Christian Brand, B. Finke, Laurenz Kremeyer, H. Hattab, David Janoschka, Pascal Dreher, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf, Davood Momeni Pakdehi, Klaus Pierz, H.W. Schumacher, Marin Petrović, Arie van Houselt, B. Poelsema, M.C. Tringides and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
Non-Conventional Bell-Shaped Diffuse Scattering in Low-Energy Electron Diffraction from High-Quality Epitaxial 2D-Materials
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 241902 (2021)
Giriraj Jnawali, Davide Boschetto, Leandro M. Malard, Tony Heinz, Germán Sciaini, F. Thiemann, Thomas Payer, Laurenz Kremeyer, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
Hot Carrier Transport Limits the Displacive Excitation of Coherent Phonons in Bismuth
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 091601 (2021)
Zhongwei Jin, David Janoschka, Junhong Deng, Lin Ge, Pascal Dreher, Bettina Frank, Guangwei Hu, Jincheng Ni, Yuanjie Yang, Jing Li, Changyuan Yu, Dangyuan Lei, Guixin Li, Shumin Xiao, Shengtao Mei, Harald Giessen, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf and Cheng-Wei Qiu
Phyllotaxis-Inspired Nanosieves with Multiplexed Orbital Angular Momentum
eLight 1, 5 (2021)
Timothy J. Davis, David Janoschka, Pascal Dreher, Bettina Frank, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf and Harald Giessen
Ultrafast Vector Imaging of Plasmonic Skyrmion Dynamics with Deep Subwavelength Resolution
Science 368, 6415 (2020)
David Janoschka, Pascal Dreher, Tim Davis, Bettina Frank, Harald Gießen and Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf
Vector Microscopy: Nonlinear Photoemission Microscopy Reveals Plasmonic Fields
Imaging & Microscopy 4, 34 (2020)
Daniel Podbiel, Philip Kahl, Bettina Frank, Timothy J. Davis, Harald Giessen, Michael Horn-von Hoegen and Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of an Efficient Fresnel Grating Coupler for Focussing Surface Plasmon Polaritons
ACS Photonics 6, 600 (2019)
Ludmilla Schumacher, Jesil Jose, David Janoschka, Pascal Dreher, Timothy J. Davis, Manuel Ligges, Renkai Li, Mianzhen Mo, Suji Park, Xiaozhe Shen, Stephen Weathersby, Jie Yang, Xijie Wang, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf, Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten and Sebastian Schlücker
Precision Plasmonics with Monomers and Dimers of Spherical Gold Nanoparticles: Non-Equilibrium Dynamics at the Time and Space Limit
J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 13181 (2019)
Bernd Hafke, Tobias Witte, David Janoschka, Pascal Dreher, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
Condensation of Ground State from a Supercooled Phase in the Si(111)-(4×1) → (8×2)-Indium Atomic Wire System
Struct. Dyn. 6, 045101 (2019)
Philip Kahl, Daniel Podbiel, Christian Schneider, Andreas Makris,Simon Sindermann, Christian Witt, Deirdre Kilbane, Michael Horn-von Hoegen, Martin Aeschlimann and Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf
Direct Observation of Surface Plasmon Polariton Propagation and Interference by Time-Resolved Imaging in Normal-Incidence Two Photon Photoemission Microscopy
Plasmonics 13, 239 (2018)
Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf, David Janoschka and Pascal Dreher
A Space-Time Analysis of Electron Emission from a Focusing Structure for Surface Plasmon Polaritons using Photoemission Microscopy
Proc. SPIE 10530, Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXII, 105300C (2018)
Pascal Dreher, David Janoschka and Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf
Observing the Sub-Femtosecond Dynamics of Plasmonic Bragg Reflectors by Time-Resolved Photoemission Electron Microscopy
Proc. SPIE 10530, Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXII, 105301A (2018)
G. Spektor, D. Kilban, A. K. Mahro, B. Frank, S. Ristok, L. Gal, P. Kahl, D. Podbiel, S. Mathias, H. Giessen, F.-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, M. Orenstein and M. Aeschlimann
Revealing the Subfemtosecond Dynamics of Orbital Angular Momentum in Nanoplasmonic Vortices
Science 355, 1187 (2017)
Daniel Podbiel, Philip Kahl, Andreas Makris, Bettina Frank, Simon Sindermann, Timothy J. Davis, Harald Giessen, Michael Horn-von Hoegen and Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf
Imaging the Nonlinear Plasmoemission Dynamics of Electrons from Strong Plasmonic Fields
Nano Lett. 17, 6569 (2017)
Timothy J. Davis, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf, Bettina Frank, Philip Kahl, Harald Giessen and Daniel Podbiel
Subfemtosecond and Nanometer Plasmon Dynamics with Photoelectron Microscopy: Theory and Efficient Simulations
ACS Photonics 4, 246 (2017)
Bettina Frank, Philip Kahl, Daniel Podbiel, Grisha Spektor, Meir Orenstein, Liwei Fu, Thomas Weiss, Michael Horn-von Hoegen, Timothy J Davis, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf and Harald Giessen
Short-Range Surface Plasmonics: Localized Electron Emission Dynamics from a 60-nm Spot on an Atomically Flat Single-Crystalline Gold Surface
Science Adv. 3, e1700721 (2017)
Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf, Daniel Podbiel, Nicolai Raß, Andreas Makris and Philip Kahl
Spatio-Temporal Imaging of Surface Plasmon Polaritons in Two Photon Photoemission Microscopy
Proc. SPIE 9921, Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization and Applications XIV, 992110 (2016)
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