Publications of the CRC 1242

Kevin Eltrudis, Amran Al-Ashouri, Andreas Beckel, Arne Ludwig, Andreas Dirk Wieck, Martin Paul Geller and Axel Lorke
All-Electrical Measurement of the Triplet-Singlet Spin Relaxation Time in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 092103 (2017)
Annika Kurzmann, Benjamin Merkel, Bastian Marquardt, Andreas Beckel, Arne Ludwig, Andreas D. Wieck, Axel Lorke and Martin Paul Geller
Electron Dynamics in Transport and Optical Measurements of Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
phys. stat. sol. (b) 254, 1600625 (2017)
Benjamin Merkel, Annika Kurzmann, Jan Hindrik Schulze, André Strittmatter, Martin Paul Geller and Axel Lorke
Charge-Driven Feedback Loop in the Resonance Fluorescence of a Single Quantum Dot
Phys. Rev. B 95, 115305 (2017)
A1, B7
Jens Sonntag, Annika Kurzmann, Martin Paul Geller, Friedemann Queisser, Axel Lorke and Ralf Schützhold
Giant Magneto-Photoelectric Effect in Suspended Graphene
New J. Phys. 19, 063028 (2017)
Philipp Stegmann and Jürgen König
Violation of Detailed Balance for Charge-Transfer Statistics in Coulomb-Blockade Systems
phys. stat. sol. (B) 254, 1600507 (2017)
Philipp Stegmann and Jürgen König
Inverse Counting Statistics Based on Generalized Factorial Cumulants
New J. Phys. 19, 023018 (2017)
Paul Graf, Meike Flebbe, Detlef Utzat, Hermann Nienhaus and Rolf Möller
Electrometer with Sub-Attoampere Current Load
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 084702 (2017)
Ebru Ekici, Philip Kapitza, Christian A. Bobisch and Rolf Möller
Electron-Induced Photon Emission above the Quantum Cutoff Due to Time-Energy Uncertainty
Opt. Lett. 42, 4585 (2017)
B1, B3
Nicolai ten Brinke, Manuel Ligges, Uwe Bovensiepen and Ralf Schützhold
Multiple Particle-Hole Pair Creation in the Harmonically Driven Fermi-Hubbard Model
Phys. Rev. B 95, 195123 (2017)
B1, C1
Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten, Xiaozhe Shen, Q. Zheng, Tyler F. Chase, Ryan N. Coffee, Martin Jerman, Renkai Li, Manuel Ligges, Igor V. Makasyuk, M. Mo, Alexander Hume Reid, Bärbel Rethfeld, Theodore Vecchione, Stephen P. Weathersby, Hermann A. Dürr and Xijie Wang
Electron-Lattice Energy Relaxation in Laser-Excited Thin-Film Au-Insulator Heterostructures Studied by Ultrafast MeV Electron Diffraction
Struct. Dyn. 4, 054501 (2017)
B1, C3
Tim Frigge, Bernd Hafke, Tobias Witte, Boris Krenzer, Carla Streubühr, Abdul Samad Syed, Vesna Mikšić Trontl, Isabella Avigo, Ping Zhou, Manuel Ligges, Dietrich von der Linde, Uwe Bovensiepen, Michael Horn-von Hoegen, Stefan Wippermann, Andreas Lücke, Simone Sanna, Uwe Gerstmann and Wolf Gerp Schmidt
Optically Excited Structural Transition in Atomic Wires on Surfaces at the Quantum Limit
Nature 544, 207 (2017)
Juliana M. Morbec and Peter Kratzer
The Role of van der Waals Interactions in the Adsorption of Anthracene and Pentacene on the Ag(111) Surface
J. Chem. Phys. 146, 034702 (2017)
Takayuki Suzuki, J. Lawrence, M. Walker, Juliana Maria Morbec, P. Blowey, K. Yagyu, Peter Kratzer and Giovanni Costantini
Indium Coverage of the Si(111)-√7 x √3–In Surface
Phys. Rev. B 96, 035412 (2017)
Maedeh Zahedifar and Peter Kratzer
Coupling of Quantum Well States and Phonons in Thin Multilayer Pb Films on Si(111)
Phys. Rev. B 96, 115442 (2017)
B3, B7
Andreas Osterloh and Ralf Schützhold
Four-Concurrence in the Transverse XY Spin-½ Chain
Phys. Rev. A 96, 012331 (2017)
Konstantin Krutitsky, Andreas Osterloh and Ralf Schützhold
Avalanche of Entanglement and Correlations at Quantum Phase Transitions
Sci. Rep. 7, 3634 (2017)
Tobias Witte, Tim Frigge, Bernd Hafke, Boris Krenzer and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
Nanoscale Interfacial Heat Transport of Ultrathin Epitaxial Hetero Films: Few Monolayer Pb(111) on Si(111)
Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 243103 (2017)
G. Spektor, D. Kilban, A. K. Mahro, B. Frank, S. Ristok, L. Gal, P. Kahl, D. Podbiel, S. Mathias, H. Giessen, F.-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, M. Orenstein and M. Aeschlimann
Revealing the Subfemtosecond Dynamics of Orbital Angular Momentum in Nanoplasmonic Vortices
Science 355, 1187 (2017)
Daniel Podbiel, Philip Kahl, Andreas Makris, Bettina Frank, Simon Sindermann, Timothy J. Davis, Harald Giessen, Michael Horn-von Hoegen and Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf
Imaging the Nonlinear Plasmoemission Dynamics of Electrons from Strong Plasmonic Fields
Nano Lett. 17, 6569 (2017)
Timothy J. Davis, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf, Bettina Frank, Philip Kahl, Harald Giessen and Daniel Podbiel
Subfemtosecond and Nanometer Plasmon Dynamics with Photoelectron Microscopy: Theory and Efficient Simulations
ACS Photonics 4, 246 (2017)
Bettina Frank, Philip Kahl, Daniel Podbiel, Grisha Spektor, Meir Orenstein, Liwei Fu, Thomas Weiss, Michael Horn-von Hoegen, Timothy J Davis, Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf and Harald Giessen
Short-Range Surface Plasmonics: Localized Electron Emission Dynamics from a 60-nm Spot on an Atomically Flat Single-Crystalline Gold Surface
Science Adv. 3, e1700721 (2017)
Richard A. Wilhelm, Elisabeth Gruber, Janine Schwestka, Roland Kozubek, Teresa I. Madeira, José P. Marques, Jacek Kobus, Arkady V. Krasheninnikov, Marika Schleberger and Friedrich Aumayr
Interatomic Coulombic Decay: The Mechanism for Rapid Deexcitation of Hollow Atoms
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 103401 (2017)
H. Vázquez, E. Harriet Åhlgren, Oliver Ochedowski, Aleksi A. Leino, Rasim Mirzayev, Roland Kozubek, Henning Lebius, Marko Karlušic, Milko Jakšic, Arkady V. Krasheninnikov, Jani Kotakoski, Marika Schleberger, Kai Nordlund and Flyura G. Djurabekova
Creating Nanoporous Graphene with Swift Heavy Ions
Carbon 114, 511 (2017)
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