The AStA (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss, students committee) serves as mouthpiece for the students of the University of Duisburg-Essen and takes part in projects realized by students for students. The Department of Ecology & Mobility takes care of environment and sustainability related topics on the campus. > More ...

BUNDjugend is the independent youth association of the BUND (Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz e.V., German environment and nature protection agency). Children and young adults aged younger than 27 commit themselves to campaigns and projects related to ecologic and social topics like climate justice or sustainable consumption. > More ...

The evangelical centre for students Die Brücke, with a residence hall and a cafe, offers the possibility to live close to the lecture halls and to relax drinking a fair trade organic coffee. > More ...

Fahrrad UDE is an initiative that aims at promoting bicycle mobility at the university. Coordinators inform about all bicycle relevant developments on the campus and offer joint campaigns with Velocity Ruhr and the IfN. > More ...


The GHG (Grüne Hoschschulgruppe, green university group) takes part in the elections for the students´ parliament and the senate of the University of Duisburg-Essen. In addition to showing movies, organizing meetings and campaigns, the GHG speaks out in favour of a sustainable development of the University. > More ...

The IfN (Initiative für Nachhaltigkeit, Initiative for Sustainability) offers students, employees and the interested public a platform with various networks, projects and events related to sustainable development. > More ...

The KKC (Kunst und Kultur Café, art and cultur café) is a meeting point for all students between and during lectures. With its diverse campaigns and events like Science Slams as well as cool drinks from the region, it offers a diverse programme in university-life. > More ...


In the region Ruhr, RUHRAUTOe offers a unique, innovative and environment friendly mobility alternative. More than 50 electronic vehicles can be rented and used by everybody via CarSharing. > More ...


The SSC (Science Support Centre) supports scientists in cooperation with the according organizations, on a central level, with the strategic planning and carrying out of research activities. > More ...

Slow Food Youth is the independent youth association of the worldwide Slow Food network, a movement that wants to promote a culture of taste, food and drink. Students, farmers, cooks and many more speak up for a clean, conscious and fair food system. > More ...


Smergy, a Europe-wide energy saving campaign, is directed at young adults that want to reduce their energy costs. Whether in the kitchen, in the bathroom or the living area, everywhere it is possible to save energy and the online check SMERGYmeter helps with it! Through individual inputs every user can find out his or her saving potential. > More ...


The Studierendenwerk Essen-Duisburg (student services provider) is responsible for the students´ social and economic support. In addition to the canteens it offers a full service concerning questions related to living, financing, and much more. > More ...


As one of the main research fields of the University, Urban Systems tackles the field of strategic and sustainable urban development. Fields like logistics, infrastructure, environment, regional planning, and culture and social sciences are combined. > More ...


Veganz ist he first supermarket in Europe with a purely vegan range of goods. With its diverse and high quality products it shows how it is possible to live a healthy and responsible life without any animal products. > More ...

Since 2010, VeloCityRuhr is a platform for every bike enthusiastic person in the Ruhr Region. Its aim is to collect and provide any information related to cycling and animate people to cycle more. > More ...

The Verbraucherzentrale (consumer advice center) is an independent provider of consultation in the field of consumer protection. Due to its broad network of experts it is port of call for about one million people looking for help and advice in North Rhine-Westphalia. > More ...

The Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität (forum for research on mobility) is a platform for discussions of research papers in the fields of mobility and logistics. > More ...


The ZfH (Zentrum für Hochschul- und Qualitätsentwicklung, center for university and quality development) supports the qualitative development of studies and teaching and provides more than 100 services. > More ...

The ZLV (Zentrum für Logistik & Verkehr, center for logistics and traffic) unites several different chairs of the UDE for an interdisciplinary conception of innovations and the transfer of knowledge related to logistics, mobility and transport. > More ...


The ZWU (Zentrum für Wasser- und Umweltforschung, center for water and environmental research) with its fields of interest water, man, and environment is closely related to Urban Systems. It concentrates experience and ressources of regional scientists and experts working in the field of water and environmental research. > More ...