Fakultät für Biologie


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Fakultät Biologie, ZMB, Bionanotechnologie

Universitätsstraße 2
45117 Essen
T03 R01 D36


  • Professorinnen/Professoren, Bionanotechnologie

  • Professorinnen/Professoren, Bionanotechnologie

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Huang, Jing; Jaekel, Andreas; van den Boom, Johannes; Podlesainski, David; Elnaggar, M.; Heuer-Jungemann, A.; Kaiser, Markus; Meyer, Hemmo; Saccà, Barbara
    A modular DNA origami nanocompartment for engineering a cell-free, protein unfolding and degradation pathway
    In: Nature Nanotechnology (2024) in press
  • Stenke, Lena; Sacca, Barbara
    Design, Mechanical Properties, and Dynamics of Synthetic DNA Filaments
    In: Bioconjugate Chemistry Jg. 34 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 37 - 50
  • Huang, Jing; Gambietz, Sabrina; Sacca, Barbara
    Self-Assembled Artificial DNA Nanocompartments and Their Bioapplications
    In: Small Jg. 19 (2023) Nr. 13: Special Issue: Synthetic Biology and Biomimicry, 2202253
  • Gambietz, Sabrina; Stenke, Lena J.; Saccà, Barbara
    Sequence-dependent folding of monolayered DNA origami domains
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 31 (2023) Nr. 15, S. 13120 - 13132
  • Erkelenz, Michael; Kosinski, Richard; Giesler, Helene; Sritharan, Oliver; Jose, Jesil; Saccà, Barbara; Schlücker, Sebastian
    A switchable DNA origami/plasmonic hybrid device with a precisely tuneable DNA-free interparticle gap
    In: Chemical Communications: ChemComm Jg. 58 (2022) Nr. 97, S. 13479 - 13482
  • Stenke, Lena J.; Saccà, Barbara
    Growth Rate and Thermal Properties of DNA Origami Filaments
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 22 (2022) Nr. 22, S. 8818 - 8826
  • Kosinski, Richard; Perez, Joel Mieres; Schöneweiß, Elisa-C.; Ruiz-Blanco, Yasser B.; Ponzo, Irene; Bravo-Rodriguez, Kenny; Erkelenz, Michael; Schlücker, Sebastian; Uhlenbrock, Guido; Sánchez-García, Elsa; Sacca, Barbara
    The role of DNA nanostructures in the catalytic properties of an allosterically regulated protease
    In: Science Advances Jg. 8 (2022) Nr. 1, abk0425
  • Ochmann, Sarah E.; Joshi, Himanshu; Büber, Ece; Franquelim, Henri G.; Stegemann, Pierre; Sacca, Barbara; Keyser, Ulrich F.; Aksimentiev, Aleksei; Tinnefeld, Philip
    DNA Origami Voltage Sensors for Transmembrane Potentials with Single-Molecule Sensitivity
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 21 (2021) Nr. 20, S. 8634 - 8641
  • Dey, Swarup; Fan, Chunhai; Gothelf, Kurt V.; Li, Jiang; Lin, Chenxiang; Liu, Longfei; Liu, Na; Nijenhuis, Minke A. D.; Sacca, Barbara; Simmel, Friedrich C.; Yan, Hao; Zhan, Pengfei
    DNA origami
    In: Nature Reviews Methods Primers Jg. 1 (2021) Nr. 1, 13
  • Schieweck, Rico; Schöneweiß, Elisa-Charlott; Harner, Max; Rieger, Daniela; Illig, Christin; Sacca, Barbara; Popper, Bastian; Kiebler, Michael A.
    Pumilio2 promotes growth of mature neurons
    In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. 16, 8998
  • Erkelenz, Michael; Kosinski, Richard; Sritharan, Oliver; Giesler, Helene; Sacca, Barbara; Schlücker, Sebastian
    Site-specific facet protection of gold nanoparticles inside a 3D DNA origami box : A tool for molecular plasmonics
    In: Chemical Communications: ChemComm Jg. 57 (2021) Nr. 25, S. 3151 - 3153
  • Jaekel, Andreas; Lill, Pascal; Whitelam, Stephen; Sacca, Barbara
    Insights into the Structure and Energy of DNA Nanoassemblies
    In: Molecules: A Journal of Synthetic Chemistry and Natural Product Chemistry Jg. 25 (2020) Nr. 23, 5466
  • Winat, Lena; Sacca, Barbara
    The primordial life of DNA dynamic networks
    In: Nature Catalysis Jg. 3 (2020) Nr. 11, S. 865 - 866
  • Jaekel, Andreas; Stegemann, Pierre; Saccà, Barbara
    Manipulating Enzymes Properties with DNA Nanostructures.
    In: Molecules: A Journal of Synthetic Chemistry and Natural Product Chemistry Jg. 24 (2019) Nr. 20, S. 3694
  • Kosinski, Richard; Mukhortava, Ann; Pfeifer, Wolfgang; Candelli, Andrea; Rauch, Philipp; Sacca, Barbara
    Sites of high local frustration in DNA origami
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 10 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 1061
  • Pfeifer, Wolfgang; Lill, Pascal; Gatsogiannis, Christos; Sacca, Barbara
    Hierarchical Assembly of DNA Filaments with Designer Elastic Properties
    In: ACS Nano Jg. 12 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 44 - 55
  • Pfeifer, Wolfgang; Sacca, Barbara
    Synthetic DNA filaments : from design to applications
    In: Biological Chemistry Jg. 399 (2018) Nr. 7, S. 773 - 785
  • Daems, Devin; Pfeifer, Wolfgang; Rutten, Iene; Sacca, Barbara; Spasic, Dragana; Lammertyn, Jeroen
    Three-Dimensional DNA Origami as Programmable Anchoring Points for Bioreceptors in Fiber Optic Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensing
    In: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Jg. 10 (2018) Nr. 28, S. 23539 - 23547
  • Grossi, Guido; Jaekel, Andreas; Andersen, Ebbe Sloth; Sacca, Barbara
    Enzyme-functionalized DNA nanostructures as tools for organizing and controlling enzymatic reactions
    In: MRS Bulletin Jg. 42 (2017) Nr. 12, S. 920 - 924
  • Preisler, Zdeněk; Sacca, Barbara; Whitelam, Stephen
    Irregular model DNA particles self-assemble into a regular structure
    In: Soft Matter Jg. 13 (2017) Nr. 47, S. 8894 - 8902
  • Sprengel, Andreas; Lill, Pascal; Stegemann, Pierre; Bravo-Rodriguez, Kenny; Schöneweiß, Elisa-Charlott; Merdanovic, Melisa; Gudnason, Daniel; Aznauryan, Mikayel; Gamrad, Lisa; Barcikowski, Stephan; Sánchez-García, Elsa; Birkedal, Victoria; Gatsogiannis, Christos; Ehrmann, Michael; Sacca, Barbara
    Tailored protein encapsulation into a DNA host using geometrically organized supramolecular interactions
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 8 (2017) S. 14472
  • Schöneweiß, Elisa-Charlott; Sacca, Barbara
    The collective behavior of spring-like motifs tethered to a DNA origami nanostructure
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 9 (2017) Nr. 13, S. 4486 - 4496
  • Streich, Carmen; Akkari, Laura; Decker, Christina; Bormann, Jenny; Rehbock, Christoph; Müller-Schiffmann, Andreas; Niemeyer, Felix; Nagel-Steger, Luitgard; Willbold, Dieter; Sacca, Barbara; Kor, Carsten
    Characterizing the Effect of Multivalent Conjugates Composed of Aβ-Specific Ligands and Metal Nanoparticles on Neurotoxic Fibrillar Aggregation
    In: ACS Nano (2016) S. 7582 - 7597
  • Pfeifer, Wolfgang; Sacca, Barbara
    From Nano to Macro through Hierarchical Self-Assembly : The DNA Paradigm
    In: ChemBioChem Jg. 17 (2016) Nr. 12, S. 1063 - 1080
  • Poepsel, Simon; Sprengel, Andreas; Sacca, Barbara; Kaschani, Farnusch; Kaiser, Markus; Gatsogiannis, Christos; Raunser, Stefan; Clausen, Tim; Ehrmann, Michael
    Determinants of amyloid fibril degradation by the PDZ protease HTRA1
    In: Nature Chemical Biology Jg. 11 (2015) Nr. 11, S. 862 - 869
  • Sacca, Barbara; Ishitsuka, Yuji; Meyer, Rebecca; Sprengel, Andreas; Schöneweiß, Elisa-Charlott; Nienhaus, G. Ulrich; Niemeyer, Christof M.
    Reversible reconfiguration of DNA origami nanochambers monitored by single-molecule FRET
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 54 (2015) Nr. 12, S. 3592 - 3597
  • Meyer, Rebecca; Sacca, Barbara; Niemeyer, Christof M.
    Site-Directed, on-surface assembly of DNA nanostructures
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 54 (2015) Nr. 41, S. 12039 - 12043
  • Erkelenz, Michael; Bauer, Dennis M.; Meyer, Rebecca; Gatsogiannis, Christos; Raunser, Stefan; Sacca, Barbara; Niemeyer, Christof M.
    A facile method for preparation of tailored scaffolds for DNA-origami
    In: Small Jg. 10 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 73 - 77
  • Sacca, Barbara
    Nucleic Acids Nanotechnology
    In: Methods: A Companion to Methods in Enzymology Jg. 67 (2014) Nr. 2, S. 103 - 104
  • Sacca, Barbara; Niemeyer, Christof M.
    DNA Origami : The Art of Folding DNA
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 51 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 58 - 66
  • Tennstaedt, Annette; Pöpsel, Simon; Trübestein, Linda; Hauske, Patrick; Brockmann, Anke; Schmidt, Nina; Irle, Inga; Sacca, Barbara; Niemeyer, Christof M.; Brandt, Roland; Ksiezak-Reding, Hanna; Tirniceriu, Anca Laura; Egensperger, Rupert; Baldi, Alfonso; Dehmelt, Leif; Kaiser, Markus; Huber, Robert; Clausen, Tim; Ehrmann, Michael
    Human high temperature requirement serine protease A1 (HTRA1) degrades tau protein aggregates
    In: The Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) Jg. 287 (2012) Nr. 25, S. 20931 - 20941
  • Sacca, Barbara; Siebers, Benjamin; Meyer, Rebecca; Bayer, Manfred; Niemeyer, Christof M.
    Nanolattices of Switchable DNA-Based Motors
    In: Small Jg. 8 (2012) Nr. 19, S. 3000 - 3008
  • Sacca, Barbara; Niemeyer, Christof M.
    Covalent Tethering of Protruding Arms for Addressable DNA Nanostructures
    In: Small Jg. 7 (2011) Nr. 20, S. 2887 - 2898
  • Sacca, Barbara; Niemeyer, Christof M.
    Functionalization of DNA nanostructures with proteins
    In: Chemical Society Reviews Jg. 40 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 5910 - 5921
  • Sacca, Barbara; Niemeyer, Christof M.; Rabe, Kersten; Schroeder, Hendrik; Arndt, Andreas; Kiko, Kathrin; Erkelenz, Michael; Meyer, Rebecca
    Orthogonal Protein Decoration of DNA Origami
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 49 (2010) Nr. 49, S. 9378 - 9383
  • Sacca, Barbara; Meyer, Rebecca; Niemeyer, Christof M.
    Analysis of the Self-Assembly of 4×4 DNA Tiles by Temperature-Dependent FRET Spectroscopy
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 18 (2009) Nr. 18, S. 3239 - 3248
  • Feldkamp, Udo; Niemeyer, Christof M.; Sacca, Barbara
    Dendritic DNA Building Blocks for Amplified Detection Assays and Biomaterials
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 48 (2009) Nr. 33, S. 5996 - 6000
  • Sacca, Barbara; Niemeyer, Christof M.; Meyer, Rebecca
    Temperature-dependent FRET spectroscopy for the high-throughput analysis of self-assembled DNA nanostructures in real time
    In: Nature Protocols Jg. 4 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 271 - 285
  • De Cian, Anne; Gros, Julien; Guédin, Aurore; Haddi, Meriem; Lyonnais, Sébastien; Guittat, Lionel; Riou, Jean-François; Trentesaux, Chantal; Sacca, Barbara; Lacroix, Laurent; Alberti, Patrizia; Mergny, Jean-Louis
    DNA and RNA quadruplex ligands
    In: Nucleic Acids Symposium Series Jg. 52 (2008) Nr. 1, S. 7 - 8
  • Sacca, Barbara; Niemeyer, Christof M.; Schroeder, Hendrik; Feldkamp, Udo; Meyer, Rebecca
    High-Throughput, Real-Time Monitoring of the Self-Assembly of DNA Nanostructures by FRET Spectroscopy
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 47 (2008) Nr. 11, S. 2135 - 2137
  • Rao, V. Ashutosh; Conti, Chiara; Guirouilh-Barbat, Josee; Nakamura, Asako; Miao, Ze-Hong; Davies, Sally L.; Sacca, Barbara; Hickson, Ian D.; Bensimon, Aaron; Pommier, Yves
    Endogenous γ-H2AX-ATM-Chk2 checkpoint activation in Bloom's syndrome helicase-deficient cells is related to DNA replication arrested forks
    In: Molecular Cancer Research Jg. 5 (2007) Nr. 7, S. 713 - 724
  • De Cian, Anne; Guittat, Lionel; Kaiser, Markus; Sacca, Barbara; Amrane, Samir; Bourdoncle, Anne; Alberti, Patrizia; Teulade-Fichou, Marie-Paule; Lacroix, Laurent; Mergny, Jean-Louis
    Fluorescence-based melting assays for studying quadruplex ligands
    In: Methods: A Companion to Methods in Enzymology Jg. 42 (2007) Nr. 2, S. 183 - 195
  • Conti, Chiara; Sacca, Barbara; Herrick, John; Lalou, Claude; Pommier, Yves; Bensimon, Aaron
    Replication fork velocities at adjacent replication origins are coordinately modified during DNA replication in human cells
    In: Molecular Biology of the Cell Jg. 18 (2007) Nr. 8, S. 3059 - 3067
  • Alberti, Patrizia; Bourdoncle, Anne; Sacca, Barbara; Lacroix, Laurent; Mergny, Jean-Louis
    DNA nanomachines and nanostructures involving quadruplexes
    In: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Jg. 4 (2006) Nr. 18, S. 3383 - 3391
  • Mergny, Jean-Louis; De Cian, Anne; Ghelab, Amar; Sacca, Barbara; Lacroix, Laurent
    Kinetics of tetramolecular quadruplexes
    In: Nucleic Acids Research Jg. 33 (2005) Nr. 1, S. 81 - 94
  • Amrane, Samir; Sacca, Barbara; Mills, Martin; Chauhan, Madhu; Klump, Horst H.; Mergny, Jean-Louis
    Length-dependent energetics of (CTG)n and (CAG)n trinucleotide repeats
    In: Nucleic Acids Research Jg. 33 (2005) Nr. 13, S. 4065 - 4077
  • Sacca, Barbara; Lacroix, Laurent; Mergny, Jean-Louis
    The effect of chemical modifications on the thermal stability of different G-quadruplex-forming oligonucleotides
    In: Nucleic Acids Research Jg. 33 (2005) Nr. 4, S. 1182 - 1192
  • Sinner, Eva-Kathrin; Reuning, Ute; Kök, Fatma Nese; Sacca, Barbara; Moroder, Luis; Knoll, Wolfgang; Oesterhelt, Dieter
    Incorporation of integrins into artificial planar lipid membranes: Characterization by plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy
    In: Analytical Biochemistry Jg. 333 (2004) Nr. 2, S. 216 - 224
  • Renner, Christian; Sacca, Barbara; Moroder, Luis
    Synthetic Heterotrimeric Collagen Peptides as Mimics of Cell Adhesion Sites of the Basement Membrane
    In: Biopolymers Jg. 76 (2004) Nr. 1, S. 34 - 47
  • Sacca, Barbara; Fiori, Stella; Moroder, Luis
    Studies of the local conformational properties of the cell-adhesion domain of collagen type IV in synthetic heterotrimeric peptides
    In: Biochemistry Jg. 42 (2003) Nr. 12, S. 3429 - 3436
  • Sacca, Barbara; Sinner, Eva-Kathrin; Kaiser, Jens; Lübken, Christoph; Eble, Johannes A.; Moroder, Luis
    Binding and docking of synthetic heterotrimeric collagen type IV peptides with α1β1 integrin
    In: ChemBioChem Jg. 3 (2002) Nr. 9, S. 904 - 907
  • Sacca, Barbara; Barth, Dirk; Musiol, Hans-Jürgen; Moroder, Luis
    Conformation-dependent side reactions in interstrand-disulfide bridging of trimeric collagenous peptides by regioselective cysteine chemistry
    In: Journal of Peptide Science Jg. 8 (2002) Nr. 5, S. 205 - 210
  • Fiori, Stella; Sacca, Barbara; Moroder, Luis
    Structural properties of a collagenous heterotrimer that mimics the collagenase cleavage site of collagen type I
    In: Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB) Jg. 319 (2002) Nr. 5, S. 1235 - 1242
  • Sacca, Barbara; Moroder, Luis
    Synthesis of heterotrimeric collagen peptides containing the α 1 β 1 integrin recognition site of collagen type IV
    In: Journal of Peptide Science Jg. 8 (2002) Nr. 5, S. 192 - 204
  • Sacca, Barbara; Renner, Christian; Moroder, Luis
    The chain register in heterotrimeric collagen peptides affects triple helix stability and folding kinetics
    In: Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB) Jg. 324 (2002) Nr. 2, S. 309 - 318
  • Abstracts

  • Sacca, Barbara
    DNA-boundaries enhance the binding affinity and proteolytic activity of thrombin
    In: ACS National Meeting / American Chemical Society Jg. 256 (2018) S. 211 - INOR
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Daems, Devin; Rutten, Iene; Pfeifer, Wolfgang; Decrop, Deborah; Spasic, Dragana; Bath, Jonathan; Sacca, Barbara; Turberfield, Andrew; Lammertyn, Jeroen
    DNA origami nanostructured surfaces for enhanced detection of molecular interactions
    In: 22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2018): Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 11-15 November 2018 ; Vol. 1 / International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences ; MicroTAS ; 11-15 November 2018, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2019, S. 16 - 19
  • Schöneweiß, Elisa Charlott; Jaekel, Andreas; Sacca, Barbara
    Nanotechnology and the unique role of DNA
    In: DNA Nanotechnology for Bioanalysis: Chapter 1: Nanotechnology and the Unique Role of DNA 2017, S. 1 - 26
  • Sacca, Barbara; Sprengel, Andreas; Feldkamp, Udo
    De novo design of nucleic acid structures
    In: De novo Molecular Design / Schneider, Gisbert (Hrsg.) 2014, S. 495 - 517
  • Sacca, Barbara; Kaiser, Markus
    G-quadruplex ligands as tools for elucidating c-MYC transcriptional regulation
    In: Chemical Biology: learning through case studies / Waldmann, Herbert (Hrsg.) 2009, S. 247 - 259
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Jaekel, Andreas; Blüggel, Mike; Kracht, Matthias; van den Boom, Johannes; Hechler, Michelle; Bayer, Peter; Meyer, Hemmo; Sacca, Barbara;
    Rationally designed DNA-origami hosts for protein guest
    Nantech2019, Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology: from algorithmic design to biochemical applications, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland May 27-29, 2019,
  • Matossovich, Rosanna; Merlo, Rosa; Del Prete, Sonia; Carginale, Vincenzo; Capasso, Clemente; Valenti, Anna; Jaekel, Andreas; Sacca, Barbara; d’Ippolito, Giuliana; Fontana, Angelo; Ciaramella, Maria; Perugino, Giuseppe;
    AGTs from hot sources : from stability to applicability
    Extremophiles 2018, 12th International Congress of Extremophiles, September 16/20 2018, Ischia, Italy,
  • Jaekel, Andreas; Hechler, Michelle; Sacca, Barbara;
    Exploring the chemical toolbox for protein encapsulation in DNA-origami cages
    CRC student symposium 2018 in Billerbek, Germany,
  • Stegemann, Pierre; Jaekel, Andreas; Sprengel, Andreas; Sacca, Barbara;
    Understanding protein mechanisms using chemically-designed DNA cages
    CRC student symposium 2018 in Billerbek, Germany,