Unprejudiced Thinking

Internationally Active & Visible

The science conducted at a university is only conceivable in an international context. The University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) as a place of teaching and research is internationally active and visible. Only as an internationally positioned university can the UDE fulfill its mission in teaching and research, educate students well and offer scientists attractive working conditions.

Guidelines of Internationalization

Unity and quality of research and teaching, taking into account educational equity and social inclusion, are central goals of the UDE. The internationalization of research and teaching is intended to promote these goals. Internationalization serves to assert and raise the profile of the UDE in national and international comparison.

The promotion of international dialogue and exchange in research, teaching and studies is of central importance for internationalization, which is taken into account by considering the international perspective in the appointment policy, in diversity management and in personnel development.

Internationalization: Not an End in Itself

The UDE does not view internationalization as an end in itself, but rather asks, with a view to general university development, how international activities can support the central goals of university development at the UDE. For each international project, it is fundamental to consider who benefits from its realization and to what extent this will ensure the achievement of the UDE's general strategic goals.

The motto "Open in Thinking" serves as a binding standard for teaching and research and calls for open-minded thinking across national borders and cultures. As an active member of the European and global knowledge society, the UDE considers cross-border communication indispensable for the advancement of scientific knowledge and the improvement of the quality of scientific commerce.

The UDE wants to educate its students in the best possible way and prepare them for an increasingly international and globalized job market. It wants to systematically develop the international competence of its students by means of different instruments and, in doing so, integrate the already existing intercultural resources of the students in an appreciative way.

Contacts are the Basis

International cooperation is fundamentally based on close scientific, academic and personal contacts and results from the work of scientists in research and teaching at the UDE. Only on the basis of this work and contacts can there be further development and profiling of geographical focus regions and international networking throughout the university.

The UDE welcomes all international researchers and teachers and all international students on its campuses and in the entire university environment. The UDE therefore does everything in its power to live an appropriate welcoming culture.

International Office First Contact

The central service office for international contacts of the University of Duisburg-Essen.