Students 37,137

Study Programmes 305

Including Teacher Training Courses 179

Students in total
- Total: 37,137
- Women: 50 %
- International Students: 20 %

First-year Students
- Total: 9,474
- Women: 52 %
- International students: 19 %

- Total: 5,195
- Women: 53 %
- International Students: 20 %

Doctoral Candidates
- Total: 2,600
- Woman: 49 %
- International students: 23 %

International Students
- Total: 7,428
- Europe (share): 23.3 %
- Asia (share): 60.8 %
- Africa (share): 14.0 %
- America (share): 1.8 %
- Australia (share): 0.1 %

Academic Degrees
- Bachelor (excl. TTC): 1,773
- Master (excl. TTC): 1,478
- Teacher Training Courses (BA/MA): 1,391
- State Examina Medicine: 280
- Promotions: 491
- Habilitations: 40
Budget aid from the State of North Rhine-Westphalia:
In the Faculty of Medicine:
Third-party Funding:
In the Faculty of Medicine:
Total number of employees:
Of which Women:
Of which Women:
Scientific Employees:
Of which Women:
Employees in Technical Support & Administration (excluding Faculty of Medicine):
Of which Women: