Matthias Gunzer

Prof. Dr. Matthias Gunzer
Fon: +49 (0)201 183-6640
Fax: +49 (0)201 183-6642
S05 V01 E29
- 2007
Best teacher in the PhD program (HZI) - 2001
Second Prize, Forschungförderpreis „Haut und Umwelt“, Fa. Grünenthal
Since Jun 2011
W3 Professor and founding director of the Institute of Experimental Immunology and Imaging and the Imaging Center Essen (IMCES), University of Duisburg/Essen, University Hospital Essen, Germany
Oct 2007 - May 2011
W3 Professor and founding director of the Institute of Experimental Immunology and Imaging and the Imaging Center Essen (IMCES), University of Duisburg/Essen, University Hospital Essen, Germany
W3 Professor and founding director of the Institute of Experimental Immunology and Imaging and the Imaging Center Essen (IMCES), University of Duisburg/Essen, University Hospital Essen, Germany
Jan 2003 - Sept 2007
W3 Professor and founding director of the Institute of Experimental Immunology and Imaging and the Imaging Center Essen (IMCES), University of Duisburg/Essen, University Hospital Essen, Germany
1999 - 2002
W3 Professor and founding director of the Institute of Experimental Immunology and Imaging and the Imaging Center Essen (IMCES), University of Duisburg/Essen, University Hospital Essen, Germany
1996 - 1999 | PhD, Institute of Immunology, University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany, Prof. Zänker |
1995 | Diploma, Institute of Immunology, University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany, Prof. Zänker |
1992 - 1994 | Biochemistry, University of Witten/Herdecke, Witten, Germany |
1990 - 1992 | Biology, Julius-Maximilians-University, Würzburg, Germany |