Vorträge & Konferenzbeiträge

Angebot an Vorträgen für interessierte Unternehmen

Prof. Dr. Geldermann und die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls für ABWL und Produktionsmanagement bieten Vorträge zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen an:

Wiemer, I.; Geldermann, J. (2024), (Vortrag):
Modeling Emergency Medical Service Locations under Consideration of Uncertainty and Fairness – Case Study for the City of Duisburg, Germany, Forschungsaufenthalt am Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, 2024.

Zacharopoulos, L.; Thonemann, N.; Steubing, B.; Guinée, J.; Geldermann, J. (2024), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Handling Multifunctionality in Prospective Life Cycle Assessment, Science-Based Solutions in Times of Crisis: Integrating Science and Policy for Environmental Challenges, SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, Seville, Spain, 2024.

Wiemer, I.; Geldermann, J. (2024), (Vortrag):
Modeling Fairness in Covering Problems of Emergency Medical Service Location Planning, 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, 2024.

Wiemer, I.; Geldermann, J. (2024), (Vortrag):
Analyse der Standortplanung des Rettungsdienstes in Duisburg mit Hilfe von Methoden des Operations Research, 16. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, 2024.

Wiemer, I.; Geldermann, J. (2024), (Vortrag):
A Bi-Objective Covering Location Model for Improving Fairness in Emergency Medical Service Systems, International Conference on Operations Research, 2024.

Wiemer, I. (2024), (Vortrag):
Planificación de la localización de ambulancias en problemas de cobertura: Modelización equitativa, Gastvortrag im Kurs: Programación Matemática, Grado de Matemáticas, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco, Duisburg/Bilbao, 2024.

Zacharopoulos, L.; Thonemann, N.; Dumeier, M.; Geldermann, J. (2023), (Vortrag):
Mixed-integer model to optimize electric vehicle charging pattern’s environmental impacts, OR 2023, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research 2023, Hamburg, 2023.

Zacharopoulos, L.; Geldermann, J. (2023), (Vortrag):
Substitution in prospective life cycle assessment of resource recovery from waste incineration slag, LCM 2023, International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Lille, 2023.

Wiemer, I.; Pohl, E.; Geldermann, J. (2023), (Vortrag):
Open Educational Resources for Teaching Operations Research for Sustainability, International Conference on Operations Research - OR, Hamburg, 2023.

Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2023), (Vortrag):
Prospective multi-criteria analysis in the water-energy nexus, International Conference on Economics and Business Road to Sustainability - ICEBRS, Coimbra, Portugal, 29.06. - 01.07. 2023.

Wiemer, I.; Geldermann, J. (2023), (Vortrag):
Analyse der geografischen Herausforderungen der Stadt Duisburg für die Standortplanung des Rettungsdienstes, 15. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, Duisburg, 2023.

Wiemer, I.; Geldermann, J. (2023), (Vortrag):
Analyzing the Challenges of Planning the Emergency Medical Service Locations for the Metropolitan Region Ruhr, International Symposium on Locational Decisions (ISOLDE) XVI, Kaiserslautern und Baden-Baden, 2023.

Schär, S.; Huang, H.; Pohl, E.; Macharis, C.; Geldermann, J. (2023), (Vortrag):
Resolving ambiguous preference information in group decision-making: A novel optimization model for consensual decision-making, International Conference on Operations Research - OR, Hamburg, Germany, 29.08. - 01.09. 2023.

Schär, S.; Rusteberg, B.; Bensabat, J.; Scheday, M.; Zarzar, G.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Vortrag):
Techno-Economic Assessment of Integrated Water Resources Management Infrastructure Projects, International Conference on Water Resources Management and Sustainability: Solutions for Arid Regions, Dubai, 22.03. - 24.03. 2022.

Schär, S.; Pohl, E.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Vortrag):
Eliciting and quantifying stakeholder preferences with the robust revised Simos method: Robustness analysis and consensus building, 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, Finland, 03.07. - 06.07. 2022.

Pohl, E.; Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Vortrag):
Multi-criteria multi-actor analysis of emission abatement and energy efficiency measures in container terminals, 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, Finland, 03.07. - 06.07. 2022.

Pohl, E.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Vortrag):
Multi-criteria portfolio selection for environmental decision-making using PROMETHEE – The case of the container terminal Tollerort, 26th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Portsmouth, 2022.

Wiemer, I.; Grot, M.; Werners, B. (2022), (Vortrag):
Evaluation of Emergency Medical Service Location Models using different Performance Criteria, EURO Summer Institute on Location Science, Edinburgh, 2022.

Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Vortrag):
Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis for Transboundary Integrated Water Resources Management Infrastructure Projects in the Middle East, International Conference on Operations Research - OR, Karlsruhe, Germany, 06.09. - 09.09. 2022.

Wiemer, I.; Grot, M.; Werners, B. (2022), (Vortrag):
Evaluation of EMS Location Models using Response Time Distribution Functions and (Conditional) Value at Risk, OR 2022 Annual Conference of the Operations Research Society of Germany, Karlsruhe, 2022.

Zacharopoulos, L.; Geldermann, J. (2022), (Vortrag):
Prospective life cycle assessment of mineral and metal recycling from waste incineration slag, EcoBalance 2022, Fukuoka, Japan, 30.10.2022 - 02.11.2022 2022.

Pohl, E.; Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
Bewertung von Kostensenkungspotenzialen in elektrisch betriebenen Containerterminals durch Einsatz von Demand Response, Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, Duisburg, 17.06. 2021.

Pohl, E.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
Environmental project portfolio selection using multi criteria analysis, 743. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Process Integration, Chemical and Thermal Energy Storage for the Energy Transformation, 22.03. - 24.03. 2021.

Pohl, E.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
PROMETHEE-Cloud: A Web-based implementation of the outranking method PROMETHEE offering a wide range of sensitivity analysis and reporting options, 91st online meeting of the EURO Working Group in Multi Criteria Decision Aiding (EWG-MCDA), 29.04. - 30.04 2021.

Pohl, E.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
PROMETHEE-Cloud: A web-based implementation of the outranking method PROMETHEE, 31th European Conference on Operational Research, Athens, 11.07. - 14.07. 2021.

Pohl, Erik; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
Multi-criteria portfolio construction based on PROMETHEE ranking for environmental decision-making, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research 2021, Bern, 31.08. - 03.09. 2021.

Zacharopoulos, L.; Geldermann, J.; Thonemann, N.; Dumeier, M. (2021), (Vortrag):
Ecological optimization of the charge of battery electric vehicles, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research 2021, Bern, 31.08. - 03.09. 2021.

Dumeier, M.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
A combined electric vehicle charging station location and charging model, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research 2021, Bern, 31.08. - 03.09. 2021.

Dumeier, M.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
Strategic placement of electric vehicle charging stations based on geographically resolved driving patterns and energy system related factors, 31th European Conference on Operational Research, Athens, 11.07 - 14.07. 2021.

Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
Prospective multi-criteria analysis in the water-energy nexus, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research, Bern, 31.08. - 03.09. 2021.

Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2021), (Vortrag):
Option Comparison, Decision Support and Cost Efficiency in Integrated Water Resources Management, SALAM Regional Conference Jordan, Sweimeh, Dead Sea, 09.10. - 11.10. 2021.

Schär, S. (2021), (Vortrag):
Introduction to SALAM and PROMETHEE, Guest Presentation, Eawag, Department ESS, Decision Analysis Cluster, 22.11. 2021.

Schär, S.; Pohl, E.; Geldermann, J. (2020), (Vortrag):
Evaluating cost-reduction potentials in electrically powered container terminals by using Energy Demand Side Management, GOR Workshop Oktober 2020, Bochum, 08.10. - 09.10. 2020.

Schär, S.; Geldermann, J. (2020), (Vortrag):
Adopting multi-actor multi-criteria analysis for the evaluation of energy scenarios, Workshop "Prospektive multidimensionale Bewertung von Energietechnologien und -szenarien", Oldenburg, 20.02. - 21.02. 2020.

Pohl, E.; Scharpenberg, C.; Geldermann, J. (2020), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Assessment of Energy and Emission Reduction Measures in Container Terminals using PROMETHEE for Portfolio Selection, : Neufeld J.S., Buscher U., Lasch R., Möst D., Schönberger J. (eds) Operations Research Proceedings 2019. Operations Research Proceedings 2019, 2020.
[DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-48439-2_17]

Dumeier, M.; Geldermann, J. (2019), (Vortrag):
Simulation and optimization model for the evaluation of the contribution of electric mobility to a regenerative power supply, 30th European Conference on Operational Research EURO, Dublin, Ireland, 2019.

Scharpenberg, C.; Geldermann, J. (2019), (Vortrag):
Using a cooperative game theory approach to organize regional food distribution sustainable, Conference on Operational Research (OR), Dresden, 03.09. - 06.09. 2019.

Pohl, E.; Geldermann, J. (2019), (Vortrag):
Assessment of Energy and Emission Reducing Measures in Container Terminals Using PROMETHEE, MCDM XXV 2019 Istanbul: The 25th international conference on multiple criteria decision making, 16.06. - 21.06. 2019.

Scharpenberg, C.; Pohl, E.; Geldermann, J. (2019), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Strategien zur Bewältigung der letzten Meile bei der Regionalvermarktung von Lebensmitteln, in: Proff, H. Neue Dimensionen der Mobilität , pp. 641-652 2019.
[DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-29746-6_51]

Pohl, E.; Lauven, L.; Geldermann, J. (2019), (Konferenzbeitrag):
An Exact Method for Cost-Minimal Deployment of a Rail Crane Using Demand Response, in: Fortz B.;  Labbé M. Operations Research Proceedings (2018), Springer, Cham, 2019.
[DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-18500-8_24]

Dumeier, M.; Geldermann, J. (2018), (Vortrag):
The potentials and uncertainties associated with the coordinated charging of electric vehicles, : 29th European Conference on Operational Research EURO EURO Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chains 2018, Valencia, Spain, 2018.

Scharpenberg, C.; Geldermann, J. (2018), (Vortrag):
Sustainable vehicle routing of daily goods from small, regional producers, European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), Valencia, Spain, 08.07. - 11.07. 2018.

Scharpenberg, C.; Geldermann, J. (2018), (Vortrag):
Bündelungsstrategien zur regionalen Tourenplanung, Bundestreffen der Regionalbewegung, Frankfurt, 04.05. - 05.05. 2018.

Dumeier, M.; Witt T.; Geldermann, J. (2018), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Multi-criteria evaluation of the transition of power generation systems, Multikriterielle Optimierung und Entscheidungsunterstützung, GOR Entscheidungstheorie und ‑praxis 2018, Kaiserslautern, 2018.
[DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-27041-4_9]

Dumeier, M.; Witt T.; Geldermann, J. (2018), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Multikriterielle Bewertung mehrperiodiger Entscheidungssituationen am Beispiel der langfristigen Planung der Stromversorgung, Tagung GOR-AG „OR im Umweltschutz“ & GOR-AG „Supply Chain Management“, Ulm, 2018.

Scharpenberg, C.; Pohl, E.; Lauven, L.; Geldermann, J. (2018), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Ecological Assessment of Port Equipment for Container Terminals, Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Hamburg, 13.09. - 14.09. 2018.
[DOI: https://doi.org/10.15480/882.1810]

Scharpenberg, C.; Geldermann, J. (2017), (Vortrag):
Reducing transport emissions for deliveries of local daily goods through bundling of transport processes, Hamburg, 11.10. - 13.10. 2017.

Scharpenberg, C.; Geldermann, J. (2017), (Vortrag):
Optimizing deliveries of daily goods from small producers by minimization of transport emissions, Berlin, 05.09. - 08.09. 2017.

Beyer, B.; Lauven, L.-P.; Geldermann J. (2017), (Vortrag):
Agent-based Simulation of a Heating Market – the case of Lower-Saxony, 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Society (IFORS 2017), Québec, Canada, 16.07. - 21.07. 2017.

Beyer, B.; Lauven, L.-P.; Geldermann J. (2017), (Vortrag):
Agent-based Model of the German Heating Market: Simulations concerning the Use of Wood Pellets, 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM 2017), Dresden, 06.06. - 09.06. 2017.

Beyer, B.; Lauven, L.-P.; Geldermann J. (2017), (Vortrag):
Eine agenten-basierte Simulation des deutschen Wärmemarktes, Doktoranden Workshop Nord-Ost, Breklum, 11.05. - 13.05. 2017.

Scharpenberg, C.; Geldermann, J. (2017), (Vortrag):
Emissionsminderung durch Routenoptimierung lokaler Transporte kleiner Produzenten, Doktoranden Workshop Nord-Ost, Breklum, 11.05. - 13.05. 2017.

Lühn, T.; Geldermann, J. (2017), (Vortrag):
Operating Strategies for Battery Storage Systems in Low-Voltage Grids to Limit the Feed-in Power of Solar Power Systems using Fuzzy Control, 3rd Energy for Sustainability International Conference - Designing Cities & Communities for the Future, Funchal, Portugal, 08.02. - 10.02. 2017.

Schmehl, M.; Lerche, N.; Wilkens, I.; Eigner-Thiel, S.; Geldermann, J. (2017), (Vortrag):
Sustainbability assessment of concepts for energetic usw of biomass - decision support within local bioenergy projects, 3rd Energy for Sustainability International Conference - Designing Cities & Communities for the Future, Funchal, Portugal, 08.02. - 10.02. 2017.

Beyer, B.; Lauven, L.-P.; Geldermann J. (2017), (Vortrag):
Multi-Agent-Simulation of a Biomass-to-Energy Market. German Pellet Market, 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Polen, 03.07. - 06.07. 2017.

Lühn, T.; Geldermann, J. (2016), (Vortrag):
Identification of Sustainable Expansion Alternatives for Heterogeneous Grid Topologies, Optimization Days 2016: PROMETHEE Days, Montréal, Kanada, 02.05. - 04.05. 2016.

Geldermann, J.; Lerche, N. (2016), (Konferenzbeitrag):
The application of , INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 13.11. - 16.11. 2016.

Stahlecker, K.; Geldermann, J. (2016), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Multi-criteria evaluation of transition pathways towards a sustainable energy system, 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Polen, 03.07. - 06.07. 2016.

Beyer, B.; Geldermann, J. (2015), (Vortrag):
Schwierigkeiten bei der Erstellung und Bewertung von Treibhausgasbilanzen von Transportdienstleistern in der Praxis, Logistikmanagement, Braunschweig, 16.09.  - 18.09. 2015.

Beyer, B.; Geldermann, J. (2015), (Vortrag):
Multi-Agent-Simulation of the Biomass-to-Energy Market - Pellet Market, OR, Wien, Österreich, 01.09. - 04.09. 2015.

Lerche, N.; Geldermann, J. (2015), (Vortrag):
The consideration of uncertainty in PT-PROMETHEE by integrating scenarios, International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Hamburg,  02.08. - 07.08. 2015.

Lerche, N.; Wilkens, I.; Schmehl, M.; Eigner-Thiel, S.; Geldermann, J. (2015), (Vortrag):
About the potential of MCDA-methods to foster stakeholders' participation in local energy projects,  European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, Schottland, 12.07. - 15.07. 2015.

Lühn, T.; Geldermann, J. (2015), (Vortrag):
Greenhouse Gas Accounting of Private Households with Modern Generation and Load Technologies, The Asian Conference on Energy, Sustainability and Environment 2015 (ACSEE 2015), Kobe, Japan, 11.06. - 14.06. 2015.

Castellani, F.; Geldermann, J. (2015), (Vortrag):
Biodegradability and Sustainability of Agricultural Biopolymers and Composted Organic Waste, PhD Winter School 'Research on Sustainable Development - Interdisciplinarity in PhD research' at University of Basel, Basel, Schweiz, 09.02. - 13.02. 2015.

Lerche, N.; Geldermann, J. (2015), (Vortrag):
The application of PROMETHEE with Prospect Theory - Opportunities and Challenges, 2nd International MCDA Workshop on PROMETHEE: Research and Case Studies, Brüssel, Belgien, 23.01. 2015.

Geldermann, J.; Hesse, M.; Garbs, M.; Schmehl, M. (2015), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Auswirkung der Biogastechnologie aus ökologischer Sicht, Biogas in der Landwirtschaft - Stand und Perspektive, Potsdam, 22.09. - 23.09. 2015.

Schmehl, M.; Lühn, T.; Geldermann, J. (2014), (Vortrag):
Corporate Carbon Footprint of a Public Utility Company - Characteristics and Benefit, SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium, Novi Sad, Serbien, 24.11. - 26.11. 2014.

Lühn, T.; Geldermann, J. (2014), (Vortrag):
Operational Strategies for Battery Storage Systems in Low-Voltage Grids to Limit the Feed-In Power of Solar Power Systems Using Fuzzy Control,  International Conference on Operations Research 2014, Aachen, 02.09. - 05.09. 2014.

Lerche, N.; Geldermann, J. (2014), (Vortrag):
Integration of Prospect Theory into the outranking approach PROMETHEE - Business Analytics and Optimization,  International Conference on Operations Research 2015, Aachen, 02.09. - 05.09. 2014.

Lühn, T.; Schmidtmann, G.; Geldermann, J. (2014), (Vortrag):
Multi-Criteria Analysis of Low Voltage Grid Expansions, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, , Barcelona, Spanien, 13.07. - 18.07. 2014.

Lerche, N.; Geldermann, J. (2014), (Vortrag):
Integration of Elements from Prospect Theory into PROMETHEE, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, , Barcelona, Spanien, 13.07. - 18.07. 2014.

Schröder, T.; Geldermann, J. (2014), (Vortrag):
Product Carbon Footprint for the GROHE BLUE® kitchen tap, International Sustainable Built Environment (ISBE), Doha, Katar, 28.01. - 30.01. 2014.

Lerche, N.; Geldermann, J. (2014), (Vortrag):
Integration of Prospect Theory into PROMETHEE - A case study concerning sustainable bioenergy concepts, International MCDA Workshop on PROMETHEE: Research and Case Studies, Brüssel, Belgien, 22.01. 2014.

Schmehl, M.; Geldermann, J. (2014), (Vortrag):
Multicriteria Assessment of the Use of Renewable Resources, International MCDA Workshop on PROMETHEE: Research and Case Studies, Brüssel, Belgien, 22.01. 2014.

Schmidtmann, G.; Lühn, T.; Geldermann, J. (2014), (Vortrag):
Using PROMETHEE for decision support in the extension of low voltage grid systems in Germany, International MCDA Workshop on PROMETHEE: Research and Case Studies, Brüssel, Belgien, 22.01. 2014.

Wiedenmann, S.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Supply Planning for Processors of Agricultural Raw Materials, International Conference on Resource Efficiency in Interorganizational Networks, Göttingen, 13.11. - 14.11. 2013.

Renatus, F.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Multi-Criteria Decision Support for Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems, International Conference on Resource Efficiency in Interorganizational Networks, Göttingen, 13.11. - 14.11. 2013.

Schröder, T.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Product Carbon Footprint for the GROHE BLUE® kitchen tap, Umberto User Workshop, Essen, 11.09. - 12.09. 2013.

Lühn, T.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Multi Criteria Analysis of Low Voltage Grid Expansions,  Energy for Sustainability 2013 - Sustainable Cities: Designing for People and the Planet, Coimbra, Portugal, 08.09. - 10.09. 2013.

Renatus, F.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Interactive Multi-Criteria Decision Support for Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems, International Conference on Operations Research, Rotterdam, Niederlande, 03.09. - 06.09. 2013.

Wiedenmann, S.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Supply Planning for the Material Use of Renewable Resources, International Conference on Stochastic Programming, Bergamo, Italien, 08.07. 2013.

Mulyati, H.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Multiple Criteria Decision Support For Mitigating Seaweed Supply Chain Risks in Indonesia,  International Conference on Operation Research Development / The Euro Working Group on Operation Research for Development, Rom, Italien, 27.06. - 28.06. 2013.

Taskhiri, M. S.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Cascade based logistic network for renewable resources,  7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, Ulsan, Südkorea, 25.06. - 28.06. 2013.

Lerche, N.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Using methods of Multi-Criteria Decision Making to evaluate the sustainability of bioenergy concepts by integrating adequate reference points, 22nd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Málaga, Spanien, 17.06. - 21.06. 2013.

Renatus, F.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Interactive Decision Support within Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems, 4th Conference on "Tools for Group Decision" (OPDE), Montréal, Kanada, 06.05. - 08.05. 2013.

Mulyati, H.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Managing Seaweed Supply Chain Risk from Indonesian Source to Global Market, 21st International Seaweed Symposium: Seaweed Science for Sustainable Prosperity, Bali, Indonesien, 21.04. - 26.04. 2013.

Mulyati, H.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Vortrag):
Managing Seaweed Supply Chain Risk from Indonesian Source to Global Market, Sustainable Aquatic Food Supply: A European Workshop Generating Interdisciplinary Research Projects, Berlin, 11.03. - 12.03. 2013.

Lerche, N.; Geldermann, J.; Eigner-Thiel, S. (2013), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Multikriterielle Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der Auswahl von Biomassenutzungskonzepten, Fachtagung "Energie, Ernährung und Gesellschaft - Die Rolle der Biomasse im Kontext einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung", Göttingen, 15.10. - 17.10. 2013.

Lauven, L.-P.; Liu, B.; Geldermann, J. (2013), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Investigation of the Influence of Plant Capacity on the Economic and Ecological Performance of Cassava-based Bioethanol, 16th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Rhodos, Griechenland, 29.09. - 02.10. 2013.

Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
Unternehmerische Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zur klimaneutralen Region 2050, Masterplan 100% Klimaschutz in Göttingen. 1. Workshop "Wirtschaft", Göttingen, 03.12. 2012.

Hesse, M.; Schmehl, M.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas Plants in Consideration of the Local Conditions in Lower Saxony, Umberto User Workshop, Hamburg, 17.09. - 18.09. 2012.

Lerche, N. ; Schmehl, M.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
Sustainability Assessment of Concepts for Energetic Use of Biomass - A Multi-Criteria Decision Support Approach, International Annual Conference of the German OR Society 2012, OR 2012 - Energy, Markets and Mobility, Hannover, 04.09. - 07.09. 2012.

Wiedenmann, S.; Krumke, S. O.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
Supply Planning under Uncertainty for the Industrial Use of Renewable Resources, OptALI Summer School, Göttingen, 27.08. - 31.08. 2012.

Wiedenmann, S.; Krumke, S. O.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
Supply Planning under Uncertainty for the Industrial Use of Renewable Resources, 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Litauen, 08.07. - 11.07. 2012.

Amann, K.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
An Approach of Implementing the Kalman Filter in the Calculation of Lot Size, 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Litauen, 08.07. - 11.07. 2012.

Amann, K.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
An Approach of Forecasting Customer Demand with the Discrete Kalman Filter for the Calculation of Lot Sizes, International Symposium on Forecasting, Boston, USA, 24.06. - 27.06. 2012.

Hesse, M.; Schmehl, M.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
Ökobilanzielle Bewertung von Biogasanlagen an fünf niedersächsischen Standorten,  Plenarsitzung Biogasforum Niedersachsen, Hannover, 02.05. 2012.

Amann, K.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
Determination of Optimal Plant Sizes for Complex Bio-Syntheses, BTI’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Bioenergy, Xi'an, China, 24.04. - 28.04. 2012.

Hesse, M.; Schmehl, M.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
Ökobilanzielle Bewertung von Biogasanlagen an fünf niedersächsischen Standorten, 4th International Energy Farming Congress, Papenburg, 13.03. - 15.03. 2012.

Renatus, F.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
It-for-Green "Effizient informieren, effektiv steuern, nachhaltig handeln", Workshop der GOR-Arbeitsgruppen" OR im Umweltschutz" und "Entscheidungstheorie und -praxis", Goslar, 01.03. - 02.03. 2012.

Wiedenmann, S.; Krumke, S. O.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Vortrag):
Supply Planning for the Material Use of Renewable Resources, Business Research (BuR) Conference “Operations Management and Operations Research”, VHB, Magdeburg, 26.02. - 28.02. 2012.

Friedrich, J.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Potentielle Auswirkungen von Straßenverkehrstransporten auf die Biodiversität, Interdisziplinäre Expertentagung im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die Biologische Vielfalt, Insel Vilm, 20.08. - 24.08. 2012.

Friedrich, J.; Geldermann, J. (2012), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Corporate environmental management: Integrating the ecological impacts of land use change and fragmentation caused by road transport activities,  Internationale IENE Konferenz, Potsdam, 21.10. - 24.10. 2012.

Friedrich, J.; Geldermann, J. (2011), (Vortrag):
Rechtliche internationale und intergenerationale Aspekte des menschlichen Umgangs mit der Natur, Workshop Umweltrecht in der Umweltforschung, Göttingen, 17.10. - 20.10. 2011.

Uhlemair, H.; Geldermann, J. (2011), (Vortrag):
Optimizing the production and distribution system of bioenergy villages, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Production Research (ICPR21), Stuttgart, 31.07. - 04.08. 2011.

Wiedenmann, S.; Krumke, S. O.; Geldermann, J. (2011), (Vortrag):
Stochastic and Robust Multi-Criteria Decision Support for Supply Planning of Renewable Resources, IFORS 2011, Melbourne, Australien, 10.07. 2011.

Wiedenmann, S.; Krumke, S. O.; Geldermann, J. (2011), (Vortrag):
Multi-Criteria supply planning of agricultural renewable resources to be refined for industrial production processes under consideration of varying qualities and quantities, MCDM 2011, Jyväskyla, Finnland, 15.06. 2011.

Friedrich, J.; Geldermann, J. (2011), (Vortrag):
Biopiraterie und Biopatente - Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven im Fall Neem, Workshop Biodiversität und Geistiges Eigentum, Göttingen, 19.05. 2011.

Uskova, G.; Geldermann, J. (2011), (Vortrag):
Entwicklung eines multikriteriellen Analysemodells für Mobilitätskonzepte, Workshop der GOR-Arbeitsgruppen "Entscheidungstheorie und Praxis" & "Wirtschaftsinformatik", Hamburg, 30.03. - 01.04. 2011.

Uhlemair, H. ; Geldermann, J. (2011), (Vortrag):
Optimierung des Produktions- und Distributionssystems von Bioenergiedörfern, Workshop "Ressourcenmanagement im Operations Research" der Arbeitsgruppe "OR im Umweltschutz" der GOR, Augsburg, 24.03. - 25.03. 2011.

Wiedenmann, S.; Krumke, S.; Geldermann, J. (2011), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Multicriteria supply planning of agricultural renewable resources to be refined for industrial production processes under consideration of varying qualities and quantities, MCDM 2011, Jyväskylä, Finnland, 15.06. 2011.

Hesse, M.; Geldermann, J. (2011), (Konferenzbeitrag):
A Cascading System for Extending the Carbon Storage Effect of Wood and Derived Timber Products,  International Society for Iindustrial Ecology 2011 Conference, Berkeley, USA, 06.06. - 10.06. 2011.

Schmehl, M.; Hesse, M.; Geldermann, J. (2011), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas Plants in Consideration of Regional Specifics within Lower Saxony (Germany), 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Berlin, 06.06. - 10.06. 2011.

Schmehl, M.; Hesse, M.; Geldermann, J. (2011), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Ökobilanzierung von Biogasanlagen unter Berücksichtigung der besonderen niedersächsischen Verhältnisse, KTBL/FNR-Kongress 'Biogas in der Landwirtschaft - Stand und Perspektiven', Göttingen, 20.09. - 21.09. 2011.

Uhlemair, H. ; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Vortrag):
Optimizing the production and distribution system of bioenergy villages, Renewable Energy Research Conference 2010, Trondheim, Norwegen, 08.06. - 09.06. 2010.

Lauven, L.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Vortrag):
Economic Modeling of Biomass-to-Liquids(BtL)-Concepts, Renewable Energy Research Conference 2010, Trondheim, Norwegen, 08.06. - 09.06. 2010.

Uhlemair, H.; Körner, M.-Ch.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Vortrag):
ptimization of local heat networks for bioenergy villages, Third IASTED African Conference 2010, Power and Energy Systems, Botswana, 06.09. - 08.09. 2010.

Lauven, L.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Vortrag):
Economic Modeling of Fischer-Tropsch Upgrading Facilities, World Applied Modelling and Simulation Conference 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, 05.05. - 07.05. 2010.

Amann, K.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Vortrag):
Data Assimilation in Production Planning, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, 05.05. - 07.05. 2010.

Schmehl, M.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Vortrag):
Bioenergy Villages in Germany, Alternativas de Obtencion de Biogas y Abono Organico a Traves de Digestion Anaerobica a Partir de Residues Agropecuarios: Conceptos Fundamentals y Aplicaciones (Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Ambientales mencion Sistemas Acuáticos Contintales ), Concepción, Chile, 11.01. - 20.01. 2010.

Schmehl, M.; Eigner-Thiel, S.; Ibendorf, J.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Sustainability Assessment of Concepts for Energetic Use of Biomass – Decision Support for Rural Areas, International Society for Industrial Ecology - MFA-ConAccount Meeting , Tokio, Japan, 07.11. - 09.11. 2010.

Uhlemair, H.; Körner, M.-Ch.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Optimization of local heat networks for bioenergy villages, Third IASTED African Conference 2010, Power and Energy Systems , Botswana, 06.09. - 08.09. 2010.

Amann, K.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Kalman Filter in Production Planning, International Conference on Operations Research 2010, München, Germany, 01.09. - 03.09. 2010.

Lauven, L.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Economic Modeling of Biomass-to-Liquids(BtL), ConceptsRenewable Energy Research Conference , Trondheim, Norway, 08.06. - 09.06. 2010.

Uhlemair, H.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Optimizing the production and distribution system of bioenergy villages, Renewable Energy Research Conference , Trondheim, Norway, 08.06. - 09.06. 2010.

Lauven, L.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Economic Modeling of Fischer-Tropsch Upgrading Facilities, World Applied Modelling and Simulation Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 05.05. - 07.05. 2010.

Amann, K.; Geldermann, J. (2010), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Data Assimilation in Producing Planning , World Applied Modelling and Simulation Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 05.05. - 07.05. 2010.

Lauven, L.; Geldermann, J. (2009), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Application of Linear Optimization to Assess the Economic Viability of Biomass-to-Liquids Concepets, Workshop der GOR-Arbeitsgruppen "OR im Umweltschutz" & "Entscheidungstheorie und Praxis", Göttingen, Germany, 11.03. - 13.03. 2009.

Lauven, L.-P.; Geldermann, J. (2009), (Vortrag):
Application of Linear Optimization to Assess the Economic Viability of Biomass-to-Liquids Concepts,  Workshop der GOR-Arbeitsgruppen "OR im Umweltschutz" & "Entscheidungstheorie und Praxis", Göttingen, 11.03. - 13.03. 2009.

Schmehl, M.; Geldermann, J. (2009), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Techno-Economic Assessment of Industrial and Energy Crops, 5th SETAC World Congress, Sydney, Australien, 03.08. - 07.08. 2009.

Geldermann, J.; Joas, R. (2008), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Chemical Leasing as a model for sustainable development, 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (PRES) , Prague, Czech Republic , 24.08. - 27.08. 2008.

Lauven, L.; Geldermann, J. (2008), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Influence of FeedstockChoice on the Economics of Oxo-Synthesis Gas Generation, 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (PRES), Prague, Czech Republic , 24.08. - 27.08. 2008.

Geldermann, J.; Oberschmidt, J.; Ludwig, J. (2008), (Konferenzbeitrag):
A modified PROMETHEE approach for product life cycle management, 67th Meeting of the European Working Group "Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding", Rovaniemi (Finnland), 03.04. - 05.04. 2008.

Petermann, J.; Geldermann, J.; Bloech, J. (2008), (Vortrag):
Unternehmensplanspiel ComPAQ (Computersimulation Produktion, Absatz und Qualität),  International Conference on Operations Research 2007, Augsburg, 03.09. - 05.09. 2008.

Uhlemair, H.; Geldermann, J. (2008), (Vortrag):
Bioenergie - Entscheidungsmodell und Unsicherheiten,  International Conference on Operations Research 2008, Augsburg, 03.09. - 05.09. 2008.

Lauven, L.-P.; Geldermann, J. (2008), (Vortrag):
Influence of Feedstock Choice on the Economics of Oxo-Synthesis Gas Generation, 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (PRES), Prag, Tschechien, 24.08. - 27.08. 2008.

Geldermann, J.; Joas, R. (2008), (Vortrag):
Chemical Leasing as a model for sustainable development, 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (PRES), Prag, Tschechien, 24.08. - 27.08. 2008.

Geldermann, J.; Ludwig, J. (2007), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Process Integration for Sustainable Production Planning in an Agricultural Cooperative, ISIE Conference , University of Toronto, Canada, 17.06. - 20.06. 2007.

Geldermann, J. (2007), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Techno-economic assessment of regional biomass use, 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (PRES), Ischia, Italy , 24.06. - 27.06. 2007.

Uhlemair, H.; Geldermann, J. (2007), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Production Planning by Pinch Analysis in Dynamic and Seasonal Markets, 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (PRES), Ischia, Italy , 24.06. - 27.06. 2007.

Geldermann, J. (2007), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Multikriterielle Entscheidungsunterstützung für Automatisierungsprojekte, in: Westkämper, E. ; Verl, A. Effiziente Planung und Entwicklung von Automatisierungslösungen / Tagungsband Fraunhofer IPA Workshop, Stuttgart, 27.02. 2007.

Geldermann, J. (2007), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Die Pinch Analyse als Ansatz zur betriebswirtschaftlichen Prozessoptimierung , Wissenschaftliche Kommission OR Operations Research des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. (VHB), Duisburg, 09.02. - 10.02. 2007.

Geldermann, J.; Merz, M.; Bertsch, V.; Rentz, O. (2007), (Konferenzbeitrag):
Combining Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) with Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) for Decision Support in Crisis Management, MUC (Multi User Conference), GOR-AG Entscheidungstheorie und –praxis, München-Neubiberg, 05.03. - 07.03. 2007.

Bertsch, V.; Geldermann, J.; Hiete, M.; Rentz, O. (2007), (Vortrag):
Characterisation of vulnerability and recovery parameters in natural hazard risk management, Symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction and Response, Kobe University and University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA, 2007.

Merz, M.; Bertsch, V.; Rentz, O. ; Geldermann, J. (2007), (Vortrag):
Assessment of Industrial Asset Values at Risk, in: Van de Walle, B.; Burghardt, P.; Nieuwenhuis, K. ISCRAM 2007 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Delft, The Netherlands, VUBPRESS, Brüssel, Belgien, pp. 235-244 2007.

Merz, M.; Geldermann, J.; Bertsch, V.; Läpke, D.; Rentz, O. (2007), (Vortrag):
Decision Support for Crisis Management by Large-Scale Exercises, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference 2007 of the International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS, pp. 147-157 2007.

Bertsch, V.; Rentz, O. ; Geldermann, J. (2007), (Vortrag):
Preference Elicitation and Sensitivity Analysis in Multi-Criteria Group Decision Support for Nuclear Remediation Management, in: Van de Walle, B.; Burghardt, P.; Nieuwenhuis, K. ISCRAM 2007 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Delft, The Netherlands, VUBPRESS, Brüssel, Belgien, pp. 395-404 2007.

Geldermann, J. (2007), (Vortrag):
Techno-economic assessment of regional biomass use, 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (PRES), Ischia, Italien, 24.06. - 27.06. 2007.

Uhlemair, H.; Geldermann, J. (2007), (Vortrag):
Production Planning by Pinch Analysis in Dynamic and Seasonal Markets, 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (PRES), Ischia, Italien, 24.06. - 27.06. 2007.

Geldermann, J.; Ludwig, J. (2007), (Vortrag):
Process Integration for Sustainable Production Planning in an Agricultural Cooperative,  ISIE Conference 2007 (International Society of Industrial Ecology), Toronto, Kanada, 17.06. - 20.06. 2007.

Geldermann, J. (2007), (Vortrag):
Multikriterielle Entscheidungsunterstützung für Automatisierungsprojekte - Effiziente Planung und Entwicklung von Automatisierungslösungen, Fraunhofer IPA Workshop, Stuttgart, 27.02. 2007.

Geldermann, J.; Ludwig, J.; Treitz, M.; Rentz, O. (2007), (Vortrag):
Production Planning By Pinch Analysis For Biomass Use In Dynamic And Seasonal Markets, 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (PRES), Ischia, Italien , 24.06. - 27.06. 2007.

Geldermann, J.; Ludwig, J.; Treitz, M.; Rentz, O. (2007), (Vortrag):
Production Planning By Pinch Analysis For Biomass Use In Dynamic And Seasonal Markets, 19th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR), Valparaiso, Chile , 29.07. - 02.08. 2007.

Ludwig, J.; Treitz, M.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2007), (Vortrag):
Production Planning By Pinch Analysis For Biomass Use In Dynamic And Seasonal Markets, 15th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition - From Research to Market Deployment, Berlin, 07.05. - 11.05. 2007.

Bertsch, V.; Rentz, O. ; Geldermann, J. (2006), (Vortrag):
Multidimensional Monte Carlo Sensitivity Analysis in Multi-Criteria Decision Support, 9th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill and Knowledge, Nancy, Frankreich , 2006.

Geldermann, J.; Treitz, M.; Schollenberger, H.; Rentz, O. (2006), (Vortrag):
Multi Objective Pinch Analysis (MOPA) for Production Networks, 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (PRES), Prag, Tschechien, 27.08. - 31.08. 2006.

Ludwig, J.; Geldermann, J.; Treitz, M.; Rentz, O. (2006), (Vortrag):
Resource Optimization of Industry Parks: Case Studies from Chile, 13th Latin-Iberoamerican Operations Research Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2006.

Geldermann, J.; Treitz, M.; Rentz, O. (2006), (Vortrag):
Comparison of Eco-Efficiency with Multi-Criteria Analysis to Evaluate Resource Efficiency, 2nd International Conference on Quantified Eco-Efficiency Analysis for Sustainability, Egmond aan Zee, Niederlande, 2006.

Raskob, W.; Bertsch, V.; Geldermann, J.; Baig, S.; Gering, F. (2005), (Vortrag):
Demands to and experience with the Decision Support System RODOS for off-site emergency management in the decision making process in Germany, in: Van de Walle, B.; Carlé, B. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Brüssel, Belgien, pp. 269-278 2005.

Bertsch, V.; Gering, F.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2005), (Vortrag):
Modelling, Propagation and Visualisation of Uncertainties in the Real-time On-line Decision Support System RODOS, International Conference on Monitoring, Assessments and Uncertainties for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, 2005.

Bertsch, V.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2005), (Vortrag):
Multi-Criteria Decision Support and Moderation Techniques for off-site Emergency Management, in: Free, N.; Jones, A. The International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS): 12th Annual Conference Proceedings, Färöer, pp. 60-70 2005.

Geldermann, J.; Bertsch, V.; Rentz, O. (2005), (Vortrag):
Multi-criteria Decision Support for Emergency and Remediation Management - Preference Elicitation and Evaluation of Strategies, 61st Meeting of the EURO Working Group "Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding", Luxemburg, 2005.

Raskob, W.; Bertsch, V.; Geldermann, J.; Baig, S.; Gering, F. (2005), (Vortrag):
Demands to and experience with the Decision Support System RODOS for off-site emergency management in the decision making process in Germany, in: Carlé, B.; Van de Walle, B. Proceedings of the Second International ISCRAM Conference, Brüssel, Belgien, 2005.

Botturi , L.; Dimitrova, V.; Matravers, J.; Tebb, C.; Withworth, D.; Geldermann, J.; Hubert, I. (2005), (Vortrag):
Development-oriented eLearning Tool Evaluation: the Edukalibre Approach, ED-MEDIA 2005. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2005.

Botturi , L.; Dimitrova, V.; Matravers, J.; Tebb, C.; Withworth, D.; Geldermann, J.; Hubert, I. (2005), (Vortrag):
elearning Tool Evaluation with development feedback, The First International Conference on Open Source Systems, Genova, Italien, 2005.

Schollenberger, H.; Treitz, M.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2005), (Vortrag):
Plant Layout Planning based on Multi Objective Pinch Analysis, 17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Honolulu, US, 2005.

Schollenberger, H.; Treitz, M.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2005), (Vortrag):
Best Available Techniques for Industrializing Countries: The Example of Chile and China, Proceedings of the First Conference of Environmental Science and Technology, American Academy of Sciences, New Orleans, USA, 2005.

Geldermann, J.; Treitz, M.; Schollenberger, H.; Rentz, O. (2005), (Vortrag):
Resource Efficiency in the Context of Plant Layout Planning, 3rd International Conference of the International Society of Industrial Ecology (ISIE), Stockholm, Schweden, pp. 96-98 2005.

Saetta, S.; Geldermann, J.; Leonardi, D. (2005), (Vortrag):
Multi-Criteria Analysis for the Assessment of Environmentally Relevant Installations, The Twentieth International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), USA , 2005.

Treitz, M.; Schollenberger, H.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2005), (Vortrag):
Using the Technical Scope for Optimizing Resource Efficiency, 17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Honolulu, USA, 2005.

Treitz, M.; Schollenberger, H.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2005), (Vortrag):
Plant layout planning based on multi objective pinch analysis, 12th SETAC 12th SETAC Europe LCA Case Studies Symposium 2004/2005 - European Meeting of the International Society for Industrial Ecology Conference, Bologna, Italien, 11.01. 2005.

Schollenberger, H.; Hubert,I.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2004), (Vortrag):
The Future of Metal Coating, Proceedings of the Conference: Integrated Scenario Analysis and Decision Support for the Modern Factory, Karlsruhe, 2004.

Geldermann, J.; Treitz, M.; Schollenberger, H.; Rentz, O. (2004), (Vortrag):
Integrated Environmental Protection: Best Available Coating Techniques, International Coaters Congress: The Power of Surfaces, Vicentz Network, Hannover, pp. 329-338 2004.

Treitz, M.; Schollenberger, H.; Bertsch, V.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2004), (Vortrag):
Process Design based on Operations Research: A Metric for Resource Efficiency, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Concerns: Innovative Technologies and Management Options (Clean Environment for all), Xiamen, China , pp. 842-852 2004.

Schollenberger, H.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2003), (Vortrag):
Analysis of time and motion studies in the sector of vehicle refinishing, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR), Blacksburg (Virginia), USA, 2003.

Geldermann, J.; Avci, N.; Wenzel, S.; Rentz, O. (2003), (Vortrag):
Decision Support for the National Implementation of Emission Reduction Measures by the Dynamic Mass Flow Optimisation Model ARGUS, in: Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Rendl, F.; Wäscher, G. : Operations Research Proceedings 2002 Operations Research 2002, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 296-301 2003.

Schollenberger H.; Geldermann J.; Rentz O. (2003), (Vortrag):
Integrated Product Policy and its Consequences for Work Flow - A Case Study from Vehicle Refinishing, Proceedings of the Joint SETAC Europe, ISIE meeting and LCA Forum, Lausanne, Schweiz, pp. 150-153 2003.

Geldermann J.; Rentz O. (2003), (Vortrag):
Determination of Best Available Techniques (BAT), Eingeladener Vortrag, CLEANTOOL Conference, Hamburg, 10.11. - 11.11. 2003.

Geldermann, J.; Zhang, K.; Rentz, O. (2002), (Vortrag):
Multi-criteria group decision support for integrated technique assessment, Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of the European Working Group "Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding", Viterbo, Italien , 2002.

Avci, N.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2002), (Vortrag):
Stoffstrommanagement als Informationsgrundlage für die strategische Produktprogrammplanung in der Lackproduktion, DECHEMA - Workshop "Material- und Energieflussanalyse als Instrument zur ökonomischen und ökologischen Optimierung von Produktionsprozessen in der chemischen Industrie", Frankfurt, 2002.

Geldermann J.; Geldermann, J.; Avci, N.; Schollenberger, H.; Blümel F.; Rentz, O. (2002), (Vortrag):
Mass and Energy Flow Management in the Sector of Surface Treatment, in: Adler H.-J.P.; Potje-Kamloth, K. : Quo Vadis - Coatings? Proceedings of the XXVI Fatipec Congress XXVI Fatipec Congress, Dresden, Weinheim, pp. 801-811 2002.

Geldermann, J.; Schollenberger, H.; Rentz, O. (2002), (Vortrag):
Linking Mass and Energy Flow Analysis with Time Management, in: Pillmann, W.; Tochtermann, K. : Environmental Communication in the Information Society, Part 2, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Informatics for Environmental Protection 16th International Conference of Informatics for Environmental Protection, Wien, Österreich, pp. 424-432 2002.

Geldermann, J.; Zipperlen, H. (2002), (Vortrag):
Stoffstrommanagement zur Erfüllung der neuen Bilanzierungspflichten, Viertes Management Symposium "Produktion und Umwelt", Fraunhofer Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Produktion, Stuttgart, 2002.

Geldermann, J.; Nunge, S.; Rentz, O. (2002), (Vortrag):
Materialeinsparung und Möglichkeiten der Emissionsvermeidung und -verminderung in der Industrielackierung, Seminar "Umsetzung der Lösemittelverordnung, Lösemittelbilanz und Reduzierungsplan", IHK Südlicher Oberrhein, Freiburg, 2002.

Geldermann, J.; Schollenberger, H.; Wenzel, S.; Rentz, O. (2002), (Vortrag):
Integrated Scenario Analysis of Metal COATing (ISACOAT), SETAC Europe 12th Annual Meeting, Wien, Österreich, 2002.

Geldermann, J.; Avci, N.; Wenzel, S.; Nunge, S.; Rentz, O. (2002), (Vortrag):
Techno-economic assessment of VOC- and NOx-emission reduction techniques, The Fifth International Conference on EcoBalance - Practical tools and thoughtful principles for sustainability, Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 655-658 2002.

Geldermann, J.; Terazono, A.; Avci, N.; Rentz, O. (2002), (Vortrag):
Mass and energy flow management for small and medium sized enterprises in the sector of vehicle refinishing in Germany and Japan, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on EcoBalance - Practical Tools and thoughtful principles for sustainability, Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 591-594 2002.

Schollenberger H.; Geldermann J.; Rentz O. (2002), (Vortrag):
Materialflüsse und Arbeitsabläufe optimieren, VOC senken: Lackierprozesse wirtschaftlich optimieren, Vincentz Verlag, Hannover, 2002.

Avci, N.; Nunge, S.; Geldermann J.; Rentz O. (2001), (Vortrag):
Decision support for Countries for the transposition of the IPPC-Directive Using the Dynamic Mass Flow Optimisation Model ARGUS, Workshop on the Implementation of VOC Abatement Techniques in the Surface Coating and Surface Degreasing, UNECE, Bologna, Italien, 2001.

Avci, N.; Peters, N. H.; Geldermann J.; Rentz O. (2001), (Vortrag):
Dynamic Mass Flow Optimisation as Decision Support for Environmental Policy, Paper and Platform Presentation at the SETAC Europe 11th Annual Meeting, Madrid, Spanien, 2001.

Geldermann, J.; Fichtner, W.; Wietschel, M. (2001), (Vortrag):
Einsatz von UMBERTO beim Unternehmensplanspiel Umweltmanagement, 6. Umberto Anwender-Workshop, Hamburg, 2001.

Geldermann, J.; Zhang, K.; Avci, N.; Rentz, O. (2001), (Vortrag):
Decision support in the sector of surface treatment, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR), Prag, Tschechien , 2001.

Avci, N.; Geldermann, J.; Kersey, I. (2001), (Vortrag):
Implementation and Development of an Internet Based Information Exchange Network between EU-Member States, the European Commission and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME), PRA-Conference, Brüssel, Belgien, 2001.

Geldermann, J.; Avci, N.; Rentz, O. (2001), (Vortrag):
Mass and Energy flow management in the sector of surface treatment, 3rd International Conference of Intelligent Processing and Manufacturing of Materials (IPMM), Vancouver, Kanada, 2001.

Geldermann, J.; Zhang, K.; Avci, N.; Rentz, O. (2001), (Vortrag):
Decision support in the sector of surface treatment, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR-16), Prag, Tschechien, 2001.

Nunge, S.; Karl, U.; Geldermann J.; Rentz O. (2000), (Vortrag):
Requirements for Input Data to International Activities Supporting the Development of Emission Reduction Strategies in the Framework of Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, in: Grennfelt, P.; Lindau, L.; Sternhufvud, C. Workshop on future needs for regional air pollution strategies, Proceedings of a Workshop organised by The Swedish ASTA Programme and The Nordic Council of Ministers in collaboration with the UN/ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and, 2000.

Avci, N.; Geldermann J. (2000), (Vortrag):
Entwicklung eines praxisorientierten Leitfadens zum verbesserten Einsatz von Wasserlacken in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen der KFZ-Reparaturlackierung, Fachseminar „Autoreparatur-Lackierbetriebe im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wirtschaftlichkeit und Umweltschutz", Karlsruhe, 2000.

Geldermann, J.; Nunge, S.; Avci, N.; Rentz O. (2000), (Vortrag):
The reference installation approach, Proceedings of the SETAC Europe 10th Annual Meeting, Brighton, Großbritannien, 2000.

Geldermann, J.; Nunge, S.; Avci, N.; Rentz O. (2000), (Vortrag):
The Reference Installation Approach for the Techno-Economic Assessment of Emission Abatement Options and the Determination of BAT According to the IPPC-Directive, International Workshop on Economic Aspects of BAT, European Commission / VITO, Brüssel, Belgien, 2000.

Nunge, S.; Geldermann J.; Rentz O.; Andrusch, J.; Stoz, M. (2000), (Vortrag):
Einführung eines innerbetrieblichen Energie- und Stoffstrommanagements: Fallstudie Lohnlackierung, Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz, Proceedings zum Symposium „Betriebliches Energie- und Stoffstrommanagement - Ressourcenschonung und Kostensenkung beim Mittelstand", Karlsruhe, 2000.

Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2000), (Vortrag):
Bridging the gap between American and European MADM-approaches?, 51st Meeting of the European Working Group Multicriteria Aid for Decisions, 2000.

Nunge, S.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (2000), (Vortrag):
The determination of Best Available Techniques (BAT) in the surface coating sector, Conference on Advances in Coatings Technology, Katowice, Polen , 2000.

Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (1999), (Vortrag):
Fuzzy Outranking for Environmental Assessment as an Approach for the Identification of Best Available Techniques (BAT), Joint EUROFUSE-SIC '99 International Conference, Budapest, Ungarn, 25.05. - 28.05. 1999.

Geldermann, J.; Jahn, C.; Spengler, T.; Rentz, O. (1998), (Vortrag):
Proposal for an integrated approach for the assessment of cross-media aspects relevant for the determination of 'Best Available Techniques' BAT in the European Union, Workshop on the assessment of cross media aspects relevant for the determination of "Best Available Techniques" in the frame of the implementation of Article 16(2) of the IPPC Directive, European Commission / UBA, Berlin, 1998.

Geldermann, J.; Spengler, T.; Rentz, O. (1998), (Vortrag):
Ermittlung bester verfügbarer Techniken zum integrierten Umweltschutz mittels multikriterieller Entscheidungsunterstützung, Proceedings zum Workshop "Methodische Aspekte einer ressourcenorientierten Gesamtbetrachtung von Stoffströmen" des Sonderforschungsbereichs 525; Forschungszentrum Jülich, Programmgruppe Systemforschung und Technologische Entwicklung, Jüllich, 1998.

Spengler, T.; Geldermann, J.; Hähre, S.; Sieverdingbeck, A.; Rentz, O. (1997), (Vortrag):
KOSIMEUS - Softwaretool zur Stoff- und Energiebilanzierung und zur multikriteriellen Bewertung von prozessintegrierten Umweltschutztechniken, Proceedings of the 11. International Symposium of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) "Umweltinformatik '97", Straßburg, Frankreich, 1997.

Geldermann, J.; Spengler, T.; Rentz, O. (1997), (Vortrag):
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC-Directive 96/61/EC), International Workshop "Methods and Techniques of Decision Making in Public Participation Processes", Akademie für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Baden-Württemberg, Haigerloch, 1997.

Spengler, T.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (1997), (Vortrag):
Ganzheitliche Bewertung von Produktionsprozessen durch Multikriterielle Entscheidungsunterstützung, in: Zimmermann, U. : Operations Research Proceedings 1997 Operations Research 1997, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1997.

Spengler, T.; Geldermann, J.; Hähre, S.; Penkuhn, T.; Sieverdingbeck, A.; Rentz, O. (1996), (Vortrag):
KOSIMEUS - A Combination of a Flowsheeting Program and a Multicriteria Decision Support System, Vortrag und Softwarepräsentation auf dem SAMBA II Workshop (State of the Art Computer Programs for Material Balancing), Wuppertal, 1996.

Spengler, T.; Geldermann, J.; Hähre, S.; Penkuhn, T.; Sieverdingbeck, A.; Rentz, O. (1996), (Vortrag):
Multicriteria Decision Support System for Ecological Management, Proceedings of the Business Strategy and the Environment Conference, University of Leeds, Leeds, Großbritannien, 1996.

Spengler, T.; Geldermann, J.; Penkuhn, T.; Rentz, O. (1996), (Vortrag):
Development of a Multiple Criteria Based Decision Support System for LCA - Case Study: Tinplate Production, : Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO), Mol (Belgium) Proceedings of the International Conference on Application of Life Cycle Assessment in Agriculture, Food and Non-Food Agro-Industry and Forestry: Achievements and Prospects, Brüssel, Belgien, 04.04. - 05.04. 1996.

Spengler, T.; Sieverdingbeck, A.; Hähre, S.; Penkuhn, T.; Püchert, H.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. (1996), (Vortrag):
Flowsheet-based Simulation of By-product Management in an Integrated Steel Plant, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE) Working Party on Steel: Seminar on the Processing, Utilization and Disposal of Waste in the Steel Industry , 1996.

Geldermann, J.; Spengler, T.; Rentz, O. (1996), (Vortrag):
Multicriteria Decision Support for Environmental Assessment - Case Study: Iron and Steel Making Industry, Proceedings of the 44th Meeting of the European Working Group "Multicriteria Aid for Decisions", Brüssel, Belgien, 1996.