Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Lydia Harbarth, M.Sc.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Forschung und Lehre)
Mitarbeiterin im BMBF-Projekt (Teilprojekt Psychologie) "Humanzentrierte KI in der chemischen Industrie"
Mitarbeiterin im Projekt "Datenverarbeitung und lernrelevante Funktionen von kognitiven Group Awareness Tools"






LE 616

+49 203 379 / 1410

Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung


Fachgebiet Psychologische Forschungsmethoden
Medienbasierte Wissenskonstruktion

Abteilung für Human-centered Computing and Cognitive Science
Fakultät für Informatik

Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Duisburg
Lotharstraße 65
D-47057 Duisburg


  • AI in education and work
  • Human-AI collaboration: trust and understanding
  • Human-centred AI, explainable AI (xAI)
  • Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
  • Grounding and Partner Modelling


Publikationen (peer-reviewed)

Harbarth, L., Gößwein, E., Bodemer, D., & Schnaubert, L. (2024). (Over)Trusting AI recommendations: How system and person variables affect dimensions of complacency. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 41(1), 391–410. https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2023.2301250

Harbarth, L., Bodemer, D., & Schnaubert, L. (2023). Elaborateness of explanations to understand AI recommendations. In Blikstein, P., Van Aalst, J., Kizito, R., & Brennan, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023 (pp. 1827-1828). International Society of the Learning Sciences. ​https://doi.org/10.22318/icls2023.373839

Schnaubert, L., Harbarth, L., & Bodemer, D. (2020). A psychological perspective on data processing in cognitive Group Awareness Tools. In M. Gresalfi & I. S. Horn (Eds.), The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, Volume 2 (pp. 951-958). Nashville, TN: International Society of the Learning Sciences. https://repository.isls.org/handle/1/6839

Schnaubert, L., Harbarth, L., & Bodemer, D. (2020). A psychological perspective on data processing in cognitive Group Awareness Tools. In M. Gresalfi & I. S. Horn (Eds.), The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, Volume 2 (pp. 951-958). Nashville, TN: International Society of the Learning Sciences. https://repository.isls.org/handle/1/6839

Steins-Loeber, S., Reiter, T., Averbeck, H., Harbarth, L. & Brand, M. (2020). Binge-watching behaviour: The role of impulsivity and depressive symptoms. European Addiction Research, 26(3), 141-150. https://doi.org/doi:%2010.1159/000506307

Harbarth, L., Erkens, M., & Bodemer, D. (2019). Grounding support for effective collaborative learning. In M. Chang, H.-J. So, L.-H. Wong, F.-Y. Yu, & J. L. Shih (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, Volume II (pp. 700-702). Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337858171_Grounding_Support_for_Effective_Collaborative_Learning

Harbarth, L., Delsing, S., Richtscheid, F., Yücepur, V., Feldmann, F., Akhavanfarm, M., Manske, S., Othlinghaus, J., & Hoppe, H. U. (2018). Learning by tagging – supporting constructive learning in video-based environments. In D. Krömker & U. Schroeder (Hrsg.), DeLFI 2018 - Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (S. 105-116). Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Retrieved from https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/21028


Harbarth, L., Weisenberger, C., Bodemer, D., & Schnaubert, L. (2023, August). Designing for human-AI collaboration: the effects of elaborateness and adaptability of explanations. Paper presented at the 20th biennial Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 22. - 26.08.2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Harbarth, L., Bodemer, D., & Schnaubert, L. (2023, June). Elaborateness of Explanations to Understand AI Recommendations. Poster presented at the ISLS Annual Meeting, 10. - 15.06.2023, Montréal, Canada.

Harbarth, L., Erkens, M., & Bodemer, D. (2019, December). Grounding support for effective collaborative learning. Poster presented at the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), 02. – 06.12.2019, Kenting, Taiwan.

Harbarth, L., Delsing, S., Richtscheid, F., Yücepur, V., Feldmann, F., Akhavanfarm, M., Manske, S., Othlinghaus, J. & Hoppe, H. U. (2018). Learning by tagging – supporting constructive learning in video-based environments. Paper presented at DeLFI – Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 10. – 12.09.2018, Frankfurt, Germany.

Harbarth, L., Erkens, M., & Bodemer, D. (2019, December). Grounding support for effective collaborative learning. Poster presented at the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), 02. – 06.12.2019, Kenting, Taiwan.

Harbarth, L., Delsing, S., Richtscheid, F., Yücepur, V., Feldmann, F., Akhavanfarm, M., Manske, S., Othlinghaus, J. & Hoppe, H. U. (2018). Learning by tagging – supporting constructive learning in video-based environments. Paper presented at DeLFI – Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 10. – 12.09.2018, Frankfurt, Germany.

Vorträge & Veranstaltungen

Harbarth, L. (2024, March 6). Diskussionsbeitrag. In N. Malanowski & S. Beesch (Organiser), Künstliche Intelligenz in der chemischen Industrie - Menschengerechte Gestaltung durch einen sozialpartnerschaftlichen Ansatz? Workshop session auf dem 70. GfA-Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V., GfA2024, „Arbeitswissenschaft-in-the-loop” - Mensch-Technik-Integration und ihre Auswirkung auf Mensch, Arbeit und Arbeitsgestaltung., 06. - 08.03.2024, Stuttgart, Deutschland.