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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Sander, Mandy; Beermann, Arne; Buchner, Dominik; Madge Pimentel, Iris; Sinclair, James S.; Weiss, Martina; Haase, Peter; Leese, Florian
    Environmental DNA time series analysis of a temperate stream reveals distinct seasonal community and functional shifts
    In: River Research and Applications Jg. 40 (2024) Nr. 5, S. 850 - 862
  • Hupało, Kamil; Copilaș-Ciocianu, Denis; Leese, Florian; Weiss, Martina
    Morphology, nuclear SNPs and mate selection reveal that COI barcoding overestimates species diversity in a Mediterranean freshwater amphipod by an order of magnitude
    In: Cladistics Jg. 39 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 129 - 143
  • Vos, Matthijs; Hering, Daniel; Gessner, Mark O.; Leese, Florian; Schäfer, Ralf B.; Tollrian, Ralph; Boenigk, Jens; Haase, Peter; Meckenstock, Rainer; Baikova, Daria; Bayat, Helena; Beermann, Arne; Beißer, Daniela; Beszteri, Bánk; Birk, Sebastian; Boden, Lisa; Brauer, Verena; Brauns, Mario; Buchner, Dominik; Burfeid-Castellanos, Andrea; David, Gwendoline; Deep, Aman; Doliwa, Annemie; Dunthorn, Micah; Enß, Julian; Escobar-Sierra, Camilo; Feld, Christian K.; Fohrer, Nicola; Grabner, Daniel; Hadziomerovic, Una; Jähnig, Sonja C.; Jochmann, Maik; Khaliq, Shaista; Kiesel, Jens; Kuppels, Annabel; Lampert, Kathrin P.; Le, T.T. Yen; Lorenz, Armin W.; Madariaga, Graciela Medina; Meyer, Benjamin; Pantel, Jelena H.; Pimentel, Iris Madge; Mayombo, Ntambwe Serge; Nguyen, Hong Hanh; Peters, Kristin; Pfeifer, Svenja M.; Prati, Sebastian; Probst, Alexander J.; Reiner, Dominik; Rolauffs, Peter; Schlenker, Alexandra; Schmidt, Torsten C.; Shah, Mana; Sieber, Guido; Stach, Tom Lennard; Tielke, Ann-Kathrin; Vermiert, Anna-Maria; Weiss, Martina; Weitere, Markus; Sures, Bernd
    The Asymmetric Response Concept explains ecological consequences of multiple stressor exposure and release
    In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 872 (2023) 162196
  • Hupało, Kamil; Schmidt, Saskia; Macher, Till-Hendrik; Weiss, Martina; Leese, Florian
    Fresh insights into Mediterranean biodiversity : Environmental DNA reveals spatio-temporal patterns of stream invertebrate communities on Sicily
    In: Hydrobiologia Jg. 849 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 155 - 173
  • Brasseur, Marie V.; Beermann, Arne; Elbrecht, Vasco; Grabner, Daniel; Peinert-Voss, Bianca; Salis, Romana; Weiss, Martina; Mayer, Christoph; Leese, Florian
    Impacts of multiple anthropogenic stressors on the transcriptional response of Gammarus fossarum in a mesocosm field experiment
    In: BMC Genomics Jg. 23 (2022) Nr. 1, 816
  • Weiss, Martina; Weigand, Hannah; Leese, Florian
    Individual small in-stream barriers contribute little to strong local population genetic structure five strictly aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa
    In: Ecology and Evolution Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 4, e8807
  • Buchner, Dominik; Beermann, Arne J.; Leese, Florian; Weiss, Martina
    Cooking small and large portions of “biodiversity-soup” : Miniaturized DNA metabarcoding PCRs perform as good as large-volume PCRs
    In: Ecology and Evolution Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 13, S. 9092 - 9099
  • Wolf, Klara K. E.; Hoppe, Clara J. M.; Leese, Florian; Weiss, Martina; Rost, Björn; Neuhaus, Stefan; Gross, Thilo; Kühne, Nancy; John, Uwe
    Revealing environmentally driven population dynamics of an Arctic diatom using a novel microsatellite PoolSeq barcoding approach
    In: Environmental Microbiology Jg. 23 (2021) Nr. 7: Special Issue on Ecophysiology of Extremophiles, S. 3809 - 3824
  • Zizka, Vera; Weiss, Martina; Leese, Florian
    Can metabarcoding resolve intraspecific genetic diversity changes to environmental stressors? : A test case using river macrozoobenthos
    In: Metabarcoding and Metagenomics (MBMG) Jg. 4 (2020) S. 23 - 34
  • Darschnik, Sonja; Leese, Florian; Weiss, Martina; Weigand, Hannah
    When barcoding fails: development of diagnostic nuclear markers for the sibling caddisfly species Sericostoma personatum (Spence in Kirby & Spence, 1826) and Sericostoma flavicorne Schneider, 1845
    In: ZooKeys Jg. 872 (2019) S. 57 - 68
  • Timm, Henning; Weigand, Hannah; Weiss, Martina; Leese, Florian; Rahmann, Sven
    DDRAGE : A data set generator to evaluate ddRADseq analysis software
    In: Molecular Ecology Resources Jg. 18 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 681 - 690
  • Weigand, Hannah; Weiss, Martina; Cai, Huimin; Li, Yongping; Yu, Lili; Zhang, Christine; Leese, Florian
    Fishing in troubled waters : revealing genomic signatures of local adaptation in response to freshwater pollutants in two macroinvertebrates
    In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 633 (2018) S. 875 - 891
  • Weiss, Martina; Weigand, Hannah; Weigand, Alexander M.; Leese, Florian
    Genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism data reveal cryptic species within cryptic freshwater snail species—The case of the Ancylus fluviatilis species complex
    In: Ecology and Evolution Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 1063 - 1072
  • Weigand, Hannah; Weiss, Martina; Cai, Huimin; Li, Yongping; Yu, Lili; Zhang, Christine; Leese, Florian
    Deciphering the origin of mito-nuclear discordance in two sibling caddisfly species
    In: Molecular Ecology Jg. 26 (2017) Nr. 20, S. 5705 - 5715
  • Vendrami, David L. J.; Telesca, Luca; Weigand, Hannah; Weiss, Martina; Fawcett, Katie; Lehman, Katrin; Clark, M.S.; Leese, Florian; McMinn, Carrie; Moore, Heather; Hoffman, Joseph I.
    RAD sequencing resolves fine-scale population structure in a benthic invertebrate : Implications for understanding phenotypic plasticity
    In: Royal Society Open Science Jg. 4 (2017) Nr. 2, 160548
  • Macher, Jan-Niklas; Weiss, Martina; Beermann, Arne J.; Leese, Florian
    Cryptic diversity and population structure at small scales : The freshwater snail Ancylus (Planorbidae, Pulmonata) in the Montseny mountain range
    In: Annales de Limnologie = International Journal of Limnology Jg. 52 (2016) S. 387 - 399
  • Katouzian, Ahmad-Reza; Weigand, Alexander M.; Leese, Florian; Saboori, Alireza; Weiss, Martina; Macher, Jan-Niklas; Sari, Alireza
    Drastic underestimation of amphipod biodiversity in the endangered Irano-Anatolian and Caucasus biodiversity hotspots
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 6 (2016) S. 22507
  • Weiss, Martina; Leese, Florian
    Widely distributed and regionally isolated! : Drivers of genetic structure in Gammarus fossarum in a human-impacted landscape
    In: BMC Evolutionary Biology Jg. 16 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 153
  • Dissertation

  • Weiss, Martina;
    Investigating patterns and processes underlying cryptic diversity and small-scale population structure in hololimnic freshwater species
    Duisburg ; Essen (2017) 192 Blätter