Kurzvita / CV

Veröffentlichungen / Publications

  • Bejaoui, A.; Söffker, D.: Behavior planning and prediction based on action spaces applied to human-guided vehicle systems. IEEE Access, 2024, submitted.
  • Söffker, D.; Bejaoui, A.; Shyshova, O.: Progress towards multidimensionally scalable assisted and/or automated ship navigation and control - part II: human in the interaction loop. Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology, Taylor & Francis Group, special issue title "Advances on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships", 2024, submitted.
  • Ameyaw, D. A.; Bejaoui, A.; Boschmann, W.; Donandt, K.; Shyshova, O.; Thind, N. S.; Söffker, D.: _Automation approaches making new generations of inland vessels safe: What is _(really) needed for realizing safe remote and autonomous operating ships?. Ship Technology Research Journal, Taylor & Francis Group, special issue title "Automation in Inland and Short Sea Shipping", 2024, submitted.
  • Bejaoui, A.; Gadhavi, P.; Shyshova, O.; Söffker, D.: Integration of human factors-related knowledge into decision support systems applied to assisted and automated operating vehicles using examples for inland vessels . European Conference on Safety and Reliability (ESREL), Southampton, United Kingdom, 2023.
  • , [PDF], [Link]
  • Bejaoui, A., Boschmann, W., Donandt, K., Shyshova, O., Thind, N. S., Söffker, D. : Addressing safety and reliability in autonomous inland shipping. Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping Conference (AISS), Duisburg, Germany, Sep, 5-6, 2023.
  • , [Link]
  • Bejaoui, A.; Söffker, D.: Situated and sequential planning and prediction of human driving behavior as decision making support system. 13th Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management COGSIMA, Philadelphia, 2023, 10.
  • , [Link]
  • Bejaoui, A..; Söffker, D.: Situated and event discrete decision making support system applied to remotely operated vehicles. 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference, Southampton, 2023, 8.
  • , [PDF], [Link]
  • He, C.; Bejaoui, A. ; Söffker, D.: Situated and personalized monitoring of human operators during complex situations. European Conference on Safety and Reliability (ESREL), Dublin, Ireland, 2022.
  • , [PDF], [Link]
  • Bejaoui, A.; F; Söffker, D.: Supervision concept for situated human driving applied to inland shipping. IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Macau, China, 2022, pp. 244-249.
  • , [PDF], [Link]
  • Bejaoui, A.; He, C.; Söffker, D.: Novel model-based decision support system for reliable human machine systems in complex situations. Annual Conference of the PHM Society 2022, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 2022.
  • , [PDF], [Link]
  • Bejaoui, A.; Bakhshande, F; Söffker, D.: Modeling and formalization of Human operator behavior for mobile systems and inland vessels using the Situation-Operator-Modeling approach. Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping, Duisburg, 2021.
  • , [Link]