Veröffentlichungen / Publications

  • Liebeton, J.; Söffker, D.: Damage detection in CFRP using Acoustic Emission . XX INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DYNAMIC PROBLEMS OF MECHANICS, Águas De Lindóia, SP, Brazil, March 9-14, 2025, accepted.
  • Liebeton, J.; Söffker, D.: Analysis of multiple reflected ultrasonic waves generated during a drilling process. 10th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Sendai, Japan, December 8-10, 2024, accepted.
  • Liebeton, J.; Soon, S.; Söffker, D.: Improving the diagnostic reliability of AE-based failure mode detection and distinction in CFRP. European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), Southampton, United Kingdom, September 4-8, 2023.
  • , [PDF], [Link]
  • Liebeton, J.; Söffker, D.: Experimental analysis of ultrasonic wave's reflection behavior at material boundaries. Latam-SHM 2023, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, December 5-8, 2023.
  • , [PDF], [Link]
  • Liebeton, J.; Söffker, D.: Practical experiences to know making Acoustic Emission-based SHM successful. European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, (EWSHM) Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Palermo, Italy, Vol. 3, 2022, pp. 812 - 819.
  • , [PDF], [Link]