School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tonji University, Shanghai, China
Veröffentlichungen / Publications
Xu, G.; Liu, M.; Jiang, Z.; Söffker, D.; Shen, W.: Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest Ensemble Learning. Sensors, Vol. 19, No. 5, 2019, pp. 1088.
Liu, Y.; Marx, M.; Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Experiment-based simulation and optimization of wind powertrain systems based on electric power flow emulation. Proc. of the first Conference for Wind Power Drives (CWD 2013), Aachen, March 19-20, 2013.
Liu, Y.; Susilo, M.; Söffker, D.: Advanced control design for wind turbines. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 11, Issue 1, December, 2011, pp. 823-824.