Fire safety comprises all means intended to prevent fires breaking out and fire and smoke spreading (fire propagation) and to enable the rescue of people and animals, as well as firefighting measures.

On these pages, you will find all the measures that UDE has implemented in order to prevent fires. You can also find guidance on what to do in case a fire does occur.

To ensure things work out in an emergency Annual fire safety briefings

To prepare staff for potential fires, fire safety briefings must be held on an annual basis within the individual organisational units. As part of these briefings, the content of the Fire Safety Regulations – Part B is to be communicated. To ensure things are carried out properly, the briefings also include a practical part. In the practical part, the location of the self-help equipment is shown and its use explained. Subsequently, the participants leave the building via the marked escape routes and go to the assembly point.

The following support material is available for the annual fire safety briefings:

Please send a copy of the record of instruction to the Staff Unit for Occupational Safety & Envionment Protection.

To complement the briefings Fire safety training

Participation in a fire safety instruction session that includes practice using a fire extinguisher is regularly offered to members of the University. This complements the annual fire safety briefings within the organisational units as building-specific information cannot be covered in this training session.

You can register via the University’s further training portal (platform in German).

If you are interested in having a separate session for your organisational unit, please contact the Staff Unit for Occupational Safety & Environment Protection.


Essen Campus Fire Safety Officer

Staff Unit for Occupational Safety & Health and Environmental Protection
– Fire Safety

Thomas Purschke

Duisburg Campus Fire Safety Officer

Staff Unit for Occupational Safety & Health and Environmental Protection
– Fire Safety

Mark Esser

Information & contacts Administrator

Staff Unit for Occupational Safety & Health and Environmental Protection
– Fire Safety

Agnes Werner