Development and Governance (M.A.)

Place of study

Campus Duisburg

Start of study

Winter semester; start date: October

Period of study

1 year fulltime


The Master of Development and Governance is a one-year full-time degree programme taught in English. The programme combines teaching in several political science sub-disciplines (development studies, international relations, peace and conflict studies, administration and policy studies, comparative politics of European Union, Sub-Saharan Africa or East Asia) with a practice-oriented methodology and an optional internship with a German (development) organisation. The main emphasis is on acquiring knowledge of the relevance of different tiers and forms of governance processes, both within industrialised societies and in the Global South, and on training students’ analytical skills. The programme is thus providing students with both policy- and region-specific expertise.

Course of study (+)

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Course of study and modules


The curriculum consists of four modules (Development, Governance, Research Practice, and Area Studies), and the Master’s thesis.

Module 1 (Development) is dedicated to developmental problems from a governance perspective. It comprises two courses: Global Governance and Development discusses basic theories and concepts of global governance, with a special emphasis on developing regions and their participation in global governance processes. Alternatively, students can choose the course Theories and Practices of Development, which focuses on historical and contemporary understandings and applications of the concept „development“. The seminar on Causes and Dynamics of Violent Conflict reflects current debates in peace and conflict studies, based on national, regional and global conflict resolution strategies.

Within the three courses of Module 2 (Governance) students gain knowledge of governance processes in industrialised and developing countries. An introduction on basic concepts and approaches in comparative Policy Analysis is complemented by a seminar on management and juridical aspects of administrative processes and reforms (Public Administration). The third course is focused on Democracy and Governance outside the OECD highlighting the applicability of democratisation and governance concepts in the developing areas. 

Module 3 (Area Studies) complements the first two modules with an in-depth study of region-specific governance structures. Students select two out of the three courses on African Politics, European Politics and Asian Politics, and are thus able to specialise on regional issues even within a one-year Master programme. Students shall learn to critically assess the relevance of general theoretical models and problem solving strategies for governance problems in their home countries.


60 Credits 

More information on curriculum

Admission to study programme (+)

Admission requirements

  • Higher education entrance qualification
  • Bachelor’s degree requiring four years of full time study in political science, social science, law, economics, geography or related discipline
  • Strong academic record
  • Minimum of one year full-time professional relevant work experience at time of application
  • Very good English language proficiency: Applicants whose native language is not English must provide a recent language certificate (TOEFL, IELTS) giving evidence of their level of proficiency in English

           - TOEFL:

               Paper based test: minimum score of 550

               Computer based test: minimum score of 213

               Internet based test: minimum score of 80

          - IELTS: minimum score of 6.0

(Applicants can be exempted from this requirement only if they hold a bachelor’s or higher degree from an English-language college or university. Instead they are required to provide proof that English was the language of instruction and of all examinations of their degree course.)       

DAAD Scholarships

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers a limited number of scholarships to highly qualified applicants from Africa, Latin America, South Asia, Southeast Asia as well as from countries in the Middle East, within the Good Governance and Public Policy Programme (PPGG).

Applicants that wish to be considered for a scholarship have to submit their application directly to the University of Duisburg-Essen. An additional application to the DAAD is not necessary. More details are published on our website, where there is also further information available.

Application for candidates not applying for a DAAD scholarship

Please follow the instructions on our website and use our new online portal.

More information about application and application deadlines

Language requirements

All classes are taught in English. 

Professional work experiences (+)


An internship with a German (development) organisation is optional (during the spring break or after completing the Study Program).



Network and Careers (+) (+)

The programme provides students with both policy- and region-specific expertise and serves as a building block for professional careers within the administrations, governments or development organisations of their home countries or for a career in international organisations whether governmental or not. To meet the requirements of the professional world and in order to be able to offer interesting internships and contacts, the institute continuously extends its network. The Institute of Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen has partnership programmes with the INEF (Institute for Development and Peace), the Institute of East Asian Studies, and the Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research and the Institute of Development Research and Development Policy at Ruhr-University Bochum. Researchers from the policy-oriented think tank German Development Institute contribute to the teaching. The ‘International Development Network’ at UDE brings together alumni from MA Development and Governance and a related German MA program and serves as an ideal platform for networking after the completion of the programme.

General course guidance for prospective and current students (+)

We offer a variety of consulting formats. Please see our contact page for how and when you can get in touch with us.

Contact to the faculty and advisory service (+)


Faculty of Social Sciences Campus Duisburg

[Website of the Faculty]

Institute of Political Science
Forsthausweg 2
47057 Duisburg

Departmental advisory services

Assistant Coordinator M.A. Development and Governance

Programme-specific advisors (teaching staff)

Georg Lammich

LF 326

Tel.: +49 203 379 3182


Office hours and appointments only by arrangement.

Departmental student representatives

Fachschaft Sowi
room nr LF 112, phone: +49 (0) 203 379 2037
Response times: to be arranged by E-Mail

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