E-Mail and Groupware on iPhone / iPad
Setup of an E-Mail Account on iPhone/iPad
For Mailbox Accounts
Automatic Configuration:
Click on E-Mail für mailbox Konten. The installation starts in another window. Now you only need to follow the instructions.
Please enter your university e-mail address as your e-mail and your user-ID/Unikennung as your username.
Manual Configuration:
Under Add account > Others please use the following settings:
- Name: <First Name & Family Name>
- Adress: <firstname.lastname@uni-due.de> or <firstname.lastname@stud.uni-due.de>
- Password<Your password>
- Description: ZIM-Mailbox
Confirm the settings with “Save” and choose <IMAP> as server for incoming e-mails.
- Hostname: mailbox.uni-due.de
- Username: <UserID/Unikennung>
- Password: <your password>
Server for outgoing e-mails
- Hostname: mailout.uni-due.de
- Username: <UserID/Unikennung>
- Password: <your password>
Confirm with <Save> and accept the certificate with <Continue>.