
WiFi Password – Why?
To heighten security, we created the option to use a separate WiFi password. This ensures that in case your WiFi password got spied upon, other university services are not affected by this (e.g. your e-mail account). That is why we recommend to all our customers to set up a separate WiFi password. The new password servers your security!
How Do I Get a WiFi Password?
The function “WLAN-Passwort setzen” or “Set WiFi password” is available for all login IDs in the Selfcare-Portal of the university.
Whenever you visit the Selfcare-Portal, always check if you are connected to the correct server (benutzerverwaltung.uni-due.de) and that you are communicating via a secured https connection. Should you see a certificate warning in your browser, always cancel the process and notify the hotline about the incident!
In the Selfcare-Portal you can find the feature “Set WiFi-Password”. As long as you do not use this feature, your WiFi password is identical to your normal password.
Setting the New Password on Your Device
As soon as you have set a separate WiFi password in the user account portal, you need to set the new password on all of your devices. A device that does not have the new password, can - by trying to access the network with a wrong password - lead to your ID being locked.
You can find instructions for this under eduroam configuration instructions.
Should you need support with these settings, please contact one of our e-Points.