ZMB About Us
About Us
About us
The Center of Medical Biotechnology (ZMB) is an interdisciplinary scientific center of the University of Duisburg-Essen and provides the framework for research in the field of biomedical science. The ZMB integrates basic scientific research on the UDE campus with application-oriented medical research at the University Hospital Essen. The mission of the ZMB is to elucidate molecular mechanisms of disease and to turn this knowledge into medical progress. To this end, the ZMB is active in key areas of basic biomedical research, and the translation of scientific knowledge into novel drugs and diagnostic tools.
Accordingly, approx. 80 workgroups of the ZMB combine basic and applied biomedical sciences. The interdisciplinary research approach is also reflected in joint research and collaborative projects between the three participating faculties, which focus on three research areas: i) oncology, ii) immunology, infectious diseases and transplantation and iii) molecular and chemical cell biology.
A dynamic, stimulating and collaborative research environment includes state of the art facilities and more than 600 highly educated personnel. Our interdisciplinary research crosses traditional boundaries and involves joint projects with the biotechnical and pharmaceutical industry, nanotechnology, physics and engineering.
ZMB members actively participate in our educational and research-oriented Bachelor- and Master Schemes in Medical Biology and Molecular Biology that prepare for a scientific career in the biomedical field. Doctoral students benefit from established measures for the promotion of young scientists, such as structured (inter)national doctoral programs initiated under the auspices or with the participation of ZMB members.
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ZMB corporate video
© ZMB 2016
By Carola Schubert and Christian Denkhaus
Featuring ZMB members Matthias Gunzer, Shirley Knauer and Alexander Roesch.