Welcome to Farle Research Group

Farle research group

Structure and Magnetism on the Nanoscale

Welcome !
We welcome you very warmly on the web pages of the Farle research group.
The understanding of magnetic properties of nanostructured materials is our challenge!


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2024-07-16: Group excursion of AG Farle - summer 2024 edition
We had fun!
Our group visited Zoo Duisburg near University.
2024-07-10: Public lecture by Prof. M. Farle in the framework of "Die Kleine Form"
Public lecture "Magnete als Klimaretter (Materialien für eine emissionsfreie Zukunft)" (German only) by Prof. M. Farle in the framework of "Die Kleine Form" on June 19, 2024. The lecture can be seen and heard here: https://www.uni-due.de/kleine-form/farle.php.
2024-06-16: Congratulations on the excellent PhD defense, Nicolas!
We congratulate Nicolas Josten on his excellent PhD defense on June 4, 2024 and the highest grade! He investigated the cellular decomposition of Ni-Mn-Sn into Ni2MnSn and NiMn. In this material, a magnetic hysteresis curve with a coercive field above 5 T can be obtained by optimizing the annealing parameters. Such materials are useful for efficient energy conversion in generators and electric motors.
Published thesis "Magnetic properties of NiMn, PdMn, and Ni-Mn-Sn after annealing in a magnetic field" is available HERE.
2024-06-27: Herzlichen Glückwunsch Tim!
Wir gratulieren Tim Salzmann zur erfolgreichen Verteidigung seiner Doktorarbeit! Tim beschäftigte sich in seiner Promotion "Towards ferromagnetic 2D MXenes: Thermal activation of Ti3C2Tx and Fe intercalation in ultrahigh vacuum" mit der Eisen-Diffusion zwischen ultradünne Titancarbid-Blättchen. Tim hat dies unter Ultrahochvakuum-Bedingungen (UHV) bei variablen Temperaturen gründlich untersucht, wobei eine Vielzahl hochmoderner Techniken zur Bestimmung der strukturellen, elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften eingesetzt wurden. Der experimentelle Ansatz erscheint vielversprechend, um ferromagnetische 2D- oder quasi-2D-Materialien mit anpassbarer Wechselwirkung zwischen den durch Diffusion gebildeten ultradünnen magnetischen Schichten zu generieren.
2024-06-12: Tatiana Smoliarova received UDE Postdoc Seed Funding
Dr. Tatiana Smoliarova's first-time proposal on "3D electron diffraction for high-resolution structural analysis of 2D materials" has been granted by the University of Duisburg-Essen Postdoc Seed Funding. Congratulations!
The funding provides the financial resources for one year and aims to support the successful preparation of an independent application for third-party funding.
The project aims to implement 3D electron diffraction for high-resolution structural analysis of transition metal (TM)-based van der Waals (vdW) Fe, Mn, Ni-cation-mixed phosphorous trisulfides (TMPS3) produced by chemical vapor transport (collaboration with NTU Singapore), which recently received particular attention due to tuneable magnetic properties arising from unpaired magnetic moments from the partially filled d-shells of the TM ions. As a result of the project, the correlation between atomically resolved structure and magnetic response, measured by para-/ferromagnetic resonance, will reveal the precise arrangement of TM ions important for understanding TM ions site preferences, their potential clustering or segregation effects, and the overall stability of the compound.
2024-06-07: Open position of a lab engineer (the application deadline, July 18th 2024, has passed)
We have an open position (EG 10 TV-L) for a lab Engineer to support the research in our group.
Job Offer (permanent): Lab Engineer, Laboringenieur:in (w/m/d, Nr. 306-24), EG 10 TV-L
Contact: Prof. Michael Farle

Some impressions ...
