Literaturseminar / Literature Seminar
Datum ↑ ↓ | Sprecher | Titel | Referenz | |
2025-01-29 WS2024/25 Ed 2025 | Ye Jiang (invited) | Characterizing the Magnetic Interfacial Coupling of the Fe/FeGe Heterostructure by Ferromagnetic Resonance | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 41, 4690846913 (2020) | |
2025-01-22 WS2024/25 Ed 2025 | Emmanouil Kasotakis | Amorphization in extreme deformation of the CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy | Sci. Adv. 7, eabb3108 (2021) | |
2025-01-15 WS2024/25 Ed 2025 | Young brilliant | tba | - | |
2025-01-08 WS2024/25 Ed 2025 | Esra Uz | Harmonic response of Gd-doped Mn-ferrite nanoparticles under AC magnetic field and optimization of Gd doping for MPI applications | AIP Advances 14, 015241 (2024) | |
2024-12-18 WS2024/25 Ed 2024 | Patrick Steinkraus | Nanoscale imaging and control of altermagnetism in MnTe | Nature 636, 348-353 (2024) | |
2024-12-11 WS2024/25 Ed 2024 | Tatiana Smoliarova | Tomography-based digital twin of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets | npj Computational Materials 10, 34 (2024) | |
2024-12-04 WS2024/25 Ed 2024 | Elisavet Papadopoulou | Continuous synthesis of high-entropy alloy nanoparticles by in-flight alloying of elemental metals | Nature Communications 15, 1450 (2024) | |
2024-11-27 WS2024/25 Ed 2024 | (invited) Mehmet Acet | Antiferromagnetism and Phase Stability of CrMnFeCoNi High-Entropy Alloy | Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 126701 (2024) | |
2024-11-20 WS2024/25 Ed 2024 | Moritz Kster | Interfacial engineering of ferromagnetism in wafer-scale van der Waals Fe4GeTe2 far above room temperature | Nature Communications 14, 2483 (2023) | |
2024-11-13 WS2024/25 Ed 2024 | Nicolas Josten | Single-Shot Laser-Induced Switching of an Exchange Biased Antiferromagnet | Advanced Materials 36, 2311643 (2024) | |
2024-11-06 WS2024/25 Ed 2024 | Niels van de Sand | Observation of magnetic islands in tokamak plasmas during the suppression of edge-localized modes | Nature Physics (2024) | |
2024-10-30 WS2024/25 Ed 2024 | Ivan Tarasov | Correlation between spin transport signal and Heusler/semiconductor interface quality in lateral spin-valve devices | Phys. Rev. B 98, 115304 (2018) | |
2024-10-23 WS2024/25 Ed 2024 | Jonas Wiemeler | Bath-Induced Spin Inertia | Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 136701 (2024) | |
2024-10-16 WS2024/25 Ed 2024 | Moritz Vanselow | Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Artificial Neural Networks for Detection of MXene Flakes Surface Terminations | J. Phys. Chem. C 128(16), 67806787 (2024) | |
2024-10-09 WS2024/25 Ed 2024 | cancelled | - | ||
2024-07-17 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Natalia Shkodich *shifted from July 10 | Single-Phase L10-Ordered High Entropy Thin Films with High Magnetic Anisotropy | Advanced Science 2308574 (2024) | |
2024-07-17 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Elisavet Papadopoulou | Structural, Mssbauer and magnetic study of (Mn0.2Co0.2Ni0.2Cu0.2X0.2)Fe2O4 (X=Fe, Mg) spinel high-entropy oxides fabricated via reactive flash sintering | J. Eur. Cer. Soc. 44, 116686 (2024) | |
2024-07-03 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Esra Uz | cancelled | - | |
2024-06-26 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Moritz Kster | Thickness-dependent and strain-tunable magnetism in two-dimensional van der Waals VSe2 | Nano Res. 15, 7597-7603 (2022) | |
2024-06-19 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Niels van de Sand | Magnetic-field tuning of the Casimir force | Nature Physics 20, 1282-1287 (2024) | |
2024-06-12 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Moritz Vanselow | Simultaneously tuning interlayer spacing and termination of MXenes by Lewis-basic halides | Nature Communications 13, 6731 (2022) | |
2024-06-05 SS2024 Ed 2024 | cancelled | - | ||
2024-05-29 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Anna Semisalova | Spin-orbit torque manipulation of sub-terahertz magnons in antiferromagnetic α-Fe2O3 | Nature Communications 15, 4046 (2024) | |
2024-05-22 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Ivan Tarasov | Complex magnetic order in nickelate slabs | Nature Physics 14, 1097-1102 (2018) | |
2024-05-15 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Davit Hambardzumyan | Report on investigation of Fe-containing/Carbon nanocomposite materials during stay at AG Farle | - | |
2024-05-08 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Jonas Wiemeler | Inductive detection of fieldlike and dampinglike ac inverse spin-orbit torques in ferromagnet/normal-metal bilayers | Phys. Rev. B 97, 094407 (2018) | |
2024-04-24 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Davit Hambardzumyan | One-step solution combustion synthesis of nanostructured transition metal antiperovskite nitride and alloy | Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 28, 100796 (2021) | |
2024-04-17 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Emmanouil Kasotakis | Ideal plasticity and shape memory of nanolamellar high-entropy alloys | Science Advances 9 (41), eadi5817 (2023) | |
2024-04-10 SS2024 Ed 2024 | Tatiana Smoliarova | Toward controllable and predictable synthesis of high-entropy alloy nanocrystals | Science Advances 9, eadf9931 (2023) | |
2024-01-24 WS2023/24 Ed 2024 | (invited) Michael Farle | Three-dimensional atomic structure and local chemical order of medium- and high-entropy nanoalloys | Nature 624, 564-569 (2023) | |
2024-01-17 WS2023/24 Ed 2024 | Tatiana Smoliarova | Hopfion rings in a cubic chiral magnet | Nature 623, 718-723 (2023) | |
2024-01-10 WS2023/24 Ed 2024 | Elisavet Papadopoulou | Liquid metal for high-entropy alloy nanoparticles synthesis | Nature 619, 73-77 (2023) | |
2023-12-20 WS2023/24 Ed 2023 | Patrick Steinkraus | Weakly coupled synthetic antiferromagnetic nanodisks with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy for lab-on-chip devices | Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 102401 (2021) | |
2023-12-13 WS2023/24 Ed 2023 | (invited) Ivan Tarasov | Quantification of Stacking Faults in ANiy (A = Rare Earth or Mg, y = 3.5 and 3.67) Hydrogen Storage Materials | Chem. Mater. 34 (10), 4568-4576 (2022) | |
2023-12-06 WS2023/24 Ed 2023 | Esra Uz | Heizverhalten von Fe/Fe3C-Nanopartikeln in der magnetischen Hyperthermie | Report on F-Praktikum | |
2023-11-29 WS2023/24 Ed 2023 | Ali Can Aktas | Reading and writing single-atom magnets | Nature 543, 226-228 (2017) | |
2023-11-22 WS2023/24 Ed 2023 | Moritz Vanselow | Electronic structure of the putative room-temperature superconductor Pb9Cu(PO4)6O | Phys. Rev. B 108, L121110 (2023) | |
2023-11-15 WS2023/24 Ed 2023 | Felix Dreist | Giant Vertical Magnetization Shift Caused by Field-Induced Ferromagnetic Spin Reconfiguration in Ni50Mn36Ga14 Alloy | Materials 13, 4701 (2020) | |
2023-11-08 WS2023/24 Ed 2023 | Nicolas Josten | Large exchange bias effect and complex magnetism in a tetragonal high entropy spinel oxide | Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 161901 (2023) | |
2023-10-25 WS2023/24 Ed 2023 | Jonas Wiemeler | Cavity-mediated thermal control of metal-to-insulator transition in 1T-TaS2 | Nature 622, 487-492 (2023) | |
2023-10-18 WS2023/24 Ed 2023 | Tim Salzmann | Chemical scissormediated structural editing of layered transition metal carbides | Science 379 (6637), 1130-1135 (2023) | |
2023-10-11 WS2023/24 Ed 2023 | special | CRC/TRR 270 retreat | - | |
2023-07-12 SS2023 Ed 2023 | Tim Salzmann | A general Lewis acidic etching route for preparing MXenes with enhanced electrochemical performance in non-aqueous electrolyte | Nature Materials 19, 894899 (2020) | |
2023-07-05 SS2023 Ed 2023 | Ali Can Aktas | Self-assembly epitaxial lithium ferrite nanostructures with tunable magnetic properties | Ceramics International 49(4), 6222 (2023) | |
2023-06-28 SS2023 Ed 2023 | Tatiana Smoliarova | Skyrmionic spin structures in layered Fe5GeTe2 up to room temperature | Communications Physics 5, 254 (2022) | |
2023-06-21 SS2023 Ed 2023 | Aydan Akyildiz | Magnetic and structural properties of biogenic magnetic nanoparticles along their production process for use in magnetic hyperthermia | JMMM 575, 170726 (2023) | |
2023-06-14 SS2023 Ed 2023 | Elisavet Papadopoulou | cancelled | - | |
2023-06-07 SS2023 Ed 2023 | M. Farle/N. Josten | Nutzung des ELN | - | |
2023-05-31 SS2023 Ed 2023 | Nicolas Josten | Imaging Topological Defects in a Noncollinear Antiferromagnet | Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 187201 (2022) | |
2023-05-24 SS2023 Ed 2023 | (invited) Anna Semisalova | Frequency multiplication by collective nanoscalespin-wave dynamics | Science 375, 11651169 (2022) | |
2023-05-17 SS2023 Ed 2023 | (invited) Ivan Tarasov | Epitaxy, exfoliation, and strain-induced magnetism in rippled Heusler membranes | Nature Commun. 12, 2494 (2021) | |
2023-05-10 SS2023 Ed 2023 | Moritz Vanselow | Reactive magnetron sputtering of thin films: present status and trends | Thin Solid Films 475, 208 (2005) | |
2023-05-03 SS2023 Ed 2023 | Emmanouil Kasotakis | Magnetic soft robotic bladder for assisted urination | Sci. Adv. 8 (34), eabq1456 (2022) | |
2023-04-26 SS2023 Ed 2023 | Felix Dreist | Large exchange bias in Mn-Ni-Sn Heusler alloys: Role of cluster spin glass state | Phys. Rev. B 107, 054405 (2023) | |
2023-04-19 SS2023 Ed 2023 | Jonas Wiemeler | Observation of orbital pumping | arXiv:2304.05266v1 (2023) | |
2023-04-12 SS2023 Ed 2023 | Inci Nur Sahin | The magnetic field strength and the force distance dependency of the magnetically controlled growing rods used for early onset scoliosis | Sci. Rep. 13, 3045 (2023) | |
2023-01-25 WS22/23 Ed 2023 | Tatiana Smoliarova | A magnetic antibody-conjugated nano-system for selective delivery of Ca(OH)2 and taxotere in ovarian cancer cells | Communications Biology 5, 995 (2022) | |
2023-01-18 WS22/23 Ed 2023 | Ali Can Aktas | A review: Crispness in dry foods and quality measurements based on acousticmechanical destructive techniques | Journal of Food Engineering 105 (3), 387-399 (2011) | |
2023-01-11 WS22/23 Ed 2023 | Tim Salzmann | Macroscopic Magnetic Monopoles in a 3D-Printed Mechano-Magnet | arXiv:2112.06058 (2021) | |
2022-12-21 WS22/23 Ed 2022 | Kbra Aktas | cancelled | - | |
2022-12-14 WS22/23 Ed 2022 | Inci Nur Sahin | Paper 1: What Makes for a Merry Christmas? | Paper 2: How many calories did Santa Claus consume on Christmas Eve? | Journal of Happiness Studies 3, 313329 (2002); Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 130, 7375 (2018) | |
2022-12-07 WS22/23 Ed 2022 | (invited) Ulf Wiedwald | Evaporation of water and urea solution in a magnetic field; the role of nuclear isomers | J. Coll. Interf. Sc. 629, part B, 814 (2023) | |
2022-11-30 WS22/23 Ed 2022 | Elisavet Papadopoulou | Nanoparticle-modified microrobots for in vivo antibiotic delivery to treat acute bacterial pneumonia | Nature Materials 21, 1324 (2022) | |
2022-11-23 WS22/23 Ed 2022 | (invited) Ivan Tarasov | 1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility | Reproducibility vs. Replicability: A Brief History of a Confused Terminology | Nature 533, 452 (2016) | |
2022-11-16 WS22/23 Ed 2022 | Moritz Vanselow | The misuse of colour in science communication | Nat. Commun. 11, 54 (2020) | |
2022-11-09 WS22/23 Ed 2022 | Moritz Snner | Structural features and magnetocaloric properties in nanocrystalline MnFeNiGeSi high entropy alloys by high energy ball milling | BSc thesis presentation | |
2022-11-02 WS22/23 Ed 2022 | Jonas Wiemeler | Direct Formation of Hard-Magnetic Tetrataenite in Bulk Alloy Castings | Advanced Science 2204315 (2022) | |
2022-10-26 WS22/23 Ed 2022 | Inci Nur Sahin | Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder: People who think they are drunk also think they are attractive | British Journal of Psychology 104 (2), 225 (2013) | |
2022-10-19 WS22/23 Ed 2022 | Nicolas Josten | London Underground air pollution particles are finer than you think | ResearchSquare preprint | |
2022-10-12 WS22/23 Ed 2022 | cancelled | SFB TRR 270 Retreat | - | |
2022-07-06 SS2022 Ed 2022 | Tim Salzmann | Termination-Property Coupling via Reversible Oxygen Functionalization of MXenes | ACS Nanosci. Au 2022 (just accepted) | |
2022-06-29 SS2022 Ed 2022 | Kbra Yildiz Aktas | Development and magnetocaloric properties of Ni(Co)-Mn-Sn printing ink | Journal of Alloys and Compounds 917, 165521 (2022) | |
2022-06-22 SS2022 Ed 2022 | cancelled | - | ||
2022-06-15 SS2022 Ed 2022 | Ali Can Aktas, Inci Nur Sahin | NMR Spectrometers as Magnetic Tongues: Prediction of Sensory Descriptors in Canned Tomatoes | Remote and precise control over morphology and motion of organic crystals by using magnetic field | J. Agric. Food Chem. 59, 10831-10838 (2011) | Nature Commun. 13, 2322 (2022); | |
2022-06-08 SS2022 Ed 2022 | Tanja Strusch | Electrical control of magnetism through proton migration in Fe3O4/Graphen heterostructure | Nano Lett. 22, 11, 4392-4399 (2022) | |
2022-06-01 SS2022 Ed 2022 | shifted | to 15.06.2022 | - | |
2022-05-25 SS2022 Ed 2022 | cancelled | - | ||
2022-05-18 SS2022 Ed 2022 | Zitao Wang | Blood, sweat, and tears: extraterrestrial regolith biocomposites with in vivo binders | Materials Today Bio 12, 100136 (2021) | |
2022-05-11 SS2022 Ed 2022 | Nikolaos Tetos | Real-Time Observation and Analysis of Magnetomechanical Actuation of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Cells | Nano Letters 22 (5), 1986-1991 (2022) | |
2022-05-04 SS2022 Ed 2022 | Nicolas Josten, Jonas Wiemeler | Paper 1 - Real-space visualization of intrinsic magnetic fields of an antiferromagnetic. Paper 2 - Light-Induced Magnetization at the Nanoscale | Nature 602, 234-239 (2022); Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 157205 (2022) | |
2022-04-27 SS2022 Ed 2022 | cancelled | SFB TRR 270 Summer School | - | |
2022-04-20 SS2022 Ed 2022 | Sakia Noorzayee | Martensitic Transformation and Magnetic-Field-Induced Strain in High-Entropy Magnetic Memory Alloy Ni20Mn20Ga20Gd20Co20 by Hot-Magnetic Drawing | Materials 15(8), 2785 (2022) | |
2022-04-13 SS2022 Ed 2022 | Moritz Snner | MnFeNiGeSi high-entropy alloy with large magnetocaloric effect | Journal of Alloys and Compounds 855, 157424 (2021) | |
2022-04-06 SS2022 Ed 2022 | Moritz Vanselow | Instant tough bioadhesive with triggerable benign detachment | PNAS 117 (27), 15497-15503 (2020) | |
2022-02-02 WS2021/22 Ed 2022 | Konstantin Bomm | Ultrahard magnetism from mixed-valence dilanthanide complexes with metal-metal bonding | Science 375, 198-202 (2022) | |
2022-01-26 WS2021/22 Ed 2022 | Elisavet Papadopoulou | Magnetic Colloid Antibodies Accelerate Small Extracellular Vesicles Isolation for Point-of-Care Diagnostics | Nano Letters 21 (5), 2001-2009 (2021) | |
2022-01-19 WS2021/22 Ed 2022 | Tim Salzmann | Macroscopic Magnetic Monopoles in a 3D-Printed Mechano-Magnet | arXiv:2112.06058 | |
2022-01-12 WS2021/22 Ed 2022 | Kbra Yildiz Aktas | Size-controlled synthesis of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles via an alternating magnetic field and ultrasonic-assisted chemical co-precipitation | Materials Science and Engineering: B 266, 115050 (2021) | |
2021-12-22 WS2021/22 Ed 2021 | Inci Nur Sahin | Magnetic domains oscillation in the brain with neurodegenerative disease | Scientific Reports 11, 714 (2021) | |
2021-12-15 WS2021/22 Ed 2021 | Ali Can Aktas | Photoablation of Human Vitreous Opacities by Light-Induced Vapor Nanobubbles | ACS Nano 13 (7), 8401-8416 (2019) | |
2021-12-08 WS2021/22 Ed 2021 | Sakia Noorzayee | Navigation of a magnetic micro-robot through a cerebral aneurysm phantom with magnetic particle imaging | Scientific Reports 11, 14082 (2021) | |
2021-11-24 WS2021/22 Ed 2021 | Nicolaos Tetos | Single-Domain Multiferroic Array-Addressable Terfenol-D (SMArT) Micromagnets for Programmable Single-Cell Capture and Release | Advanced Materials 33 (20), 2006651 (2021) | |
2021-11-17 WS2021/22 Ed 2021 | Tanja Strusch | Current-induced manipulation of exchange bias in IrMn/NiFe bilayer structures | Nature Communications 12, 6420 (2021) | |
2021-11-10 WS2021/22 Ed 2021 | Zitao Wang | 3D-printed silica with nanoscale resolution | Nature Materials 20, 1506-1511 (2021) | |
2021-11-03 WS2021/22 Ed 2021 | Nicolas Josten | Evidence for linear dependence of exchange bias on pinned uncompensated spins in an Fe/FeO bilayer | Phys. Rev. B 103, 054413 (2021) | |
2021-10-27 WS2021/22 Ed 2021 | Merve Felek | Controlled Assembly of MXene Nanosheets as an Electrode and Active Layer for High-Performance Electronic Skin | Advanced Functional Materials 31 (17), 2010533 (2021) | |
2021-10-20 WS2021/22 Ed 2021 | Jonas Wiemeler | Influence of epitaxial strain on the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of Fe/MgO systems | Phys. Rev. B 104, L140406 (2021) | |
2021-10-13 WS2021/22 Ed 2021 | Zitao Wang | *cancelled* | - | |
2021-07-14 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Ali Can Aktas | Magnetic Reconnection in the Space Sciences: Past, Present, and Future | Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125, e2018JA025935 (2019) | |
2021-07-07 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Inci Nur Sahin | Localization atomic force microscopy | Nature 594, 385-390 (2021) | |
2021-06-30 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Mena-Alexander Krenbring | Electric current and field control of vortex structures in cylindrical magnetic nanowires | Phys. Rev. B 102, 024421 (2020) | |
2021-06-23 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Tim Salzmann | Adiabatic quantum state transfer in a semiconductor quantum-dot spin chain | Nature Communications 12, 2156 (2021) | |
2021-06-16 SS2021 Ed 2021 | shifted | due to MaNaCa workshop | - | |
2021-06-09 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Kbra Yildiz Aktas | Effect of particle size distribution on obtaining novel MnAlC-based permanent magnet composites and flexible filaments for 3D-printing | Additive Manufacturing 33, 101179 (2020) | |
2021-06-02 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Elisavet Papadopoulou | Fe3C nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia application | Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 481, 251-256 (2019) | |
2021-05-26 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Jonas Wiemeler | Electrically connected spin-torque oscillators array for 2.4 GHz WiFi band transmission and energy harvesting | Nature Communications 12, 2924 (2021) | |
2021-05-19 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Tanja Strusch | Magnetoelastic interactions and magnetic damping in Co2Fe0.4Mn0.6Si and Co2FeGa0.5Ge0.5 Heusler alloys thin films for spintronic applications | Scientific Reports 11, 7608 (2021) | |
2021-05-12 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Nikolaos Tetos | Bad neighbour, good neighbour: how magnetic dipole interactions between soft and hard ferrimagnetic nanoparticles affect macroscopic magnetic properties in ferrofluids | Nanoscale 12, 11222-11231 (2020) | |
2021-05-05 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Mikhail Cherkasskii | Ultrafast control of magnetic interactions via light-driven phonons | Nature Materials 20, 607-611(2021) | |
2021-04-28 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Thomas Feggeler | Short overview of current activity on STXM-FMR at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | - | |
2021-04-21 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Hanna Pazniak | Covalent surface modifications and superconductivity of two-dimensional metal carbide MXenes | Science 369 (6506), 979-983 (2020) | |
2021-04-14 SS2021 Ed 2021 | Nicolas Josten | Depth-Resolved Magnetization Dynamics Revealed by X-Ray Reflectometry Ferromagnetic Resonance | Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 137201 (2020) | |
2021-02-11 WS2020/21 Ed 2021 | Recommendation for reading | Observation of Magnon Polarization | Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 027201 (2020) | |
2021-02-10 WS2020/21 Ed 2021 | Chunguang Li | Detection of Spin Transfer from Metal to Molecule by Magnetoresistance Measurement | Nano Lett. 20, 75-80 (2020) | |
2021-02-03 WS2020/21 Ed 2021 | Elisavet Papadopoulou | Smart magnetic nanopowder based on the manganite perovskite for local hyperthermia | RSC Adv. 10, 30907 (2020) | |
2021-01-27 WS2020/21 Ed 2021 | Tanja Strusch | 4D Printing of Magnetoactive Soft Materials for On-Demand Magnetic Actuation Transformation | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 (3), 41744184 (2021) | |
2021-01-20 WS2020/21 Ed 2021 | Marc Stevens | Dynamic thermal trapping enables cross-species smart nanoparticle swarms | Science Advances 7, eabe3184 (2021) | |
2021-01-13 WS2020/21 Ed 2021 | Inci Nur Sahin | Aerosol Synthesis of High Entropy Alloy Nanoparticles | Langmuir 36, 1985 (2020) | |
2020-12-16 WS2020/21 Ed 2020 | Babli Bhagat | Giant voltage-induced modification of magnetism in micron-scale ferromagnetic metals by hydrogen charging | Nature Commun. 11, 4849 (2020) | |
2020-12-09 WS2020/21 Ed 2020 | Nikolaos Tetos | Plasma-based synthesis of iron carbide nanoparticles | Plasma Process. Polym. 17, 2000105 (2020) | |
2020-12-02 WS2020/21 Ed 2020 | Mikhail Cherkasskii | Giant Anisotropy of Gilbert Damping in Epitaxial CoFe Films | Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 117203 (2019) | |
2020-11-25 WS2020/21 Ed 2020 | Kiril Sobolev | Overview of the research project, Baltic Federal University | - | |
2020-11-18 WS2020/21 Ed 2020 | Jonas Wiemeler | Driving the polar spin reorientation transition of ultrathin ferromagnets with antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition of nearby FeRh alloy film | Sci. Rep. 10, 14901 (2020) | |
2020-11-11 WS2020/21 Ed 2020 | Nicolas Josten | Room-temperature superconductivity in a carbonaceous sulfur hydride | Nature 586, 373377 (2020) | |
2020-07-15 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Paul Wendtland | Freestanding Positionable Microwave-Antenna Device for Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy Experiments | Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 054009 (2020) | |
2020-07-08 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Tristan Schlagregen | A fast and sensitive room-temperature graphene nanomechanical bolometer | Nature Communications 10, 4726 (2019) | |
2020-07-01 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Inci Nur Sahin | Ultrathin Quantum Dot Display Integrated with Wearable Electronics | Advanced Materials 29 (38), 100217 (2017) | |
2020-06-24 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Marc Stevens | Microstructure of the retinal pigment epithelium near-infrared autofluorescence in healthy young eyes and in patients with AMD | Sci. Rep. 10, 9561 (2020) | |
2020-06-17 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Benjamin Zingsem | Overview of own results in simulation of nutation frequency depending on the anisotropy | - | |
2020-06-10 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Nikolaos Tetos | High-content analysis for mitophagy response to nanoparticles: A potential sensitive biomarker for nanosafety assessment | Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 15 (1), 59 (2019) | |
2020-06-03 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Babli Bhagat | Enabling room temperature ferromagnetism in monolayer MoS2 via in situ iron-doping | Nature Communications 11, 2034 (2020) | |
2020-05-27 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Tanja Strusch | Mechanism of collective interstitial ordering in FeC alloys | Nature Mater. 19, 849854 (2020) | |
2020-05-20 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Thomas Feggeler | Overview of recent ALS updates (Berkeley) | - | |
2020-05-20 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Konstantin Bomm | Absorption processes of gases in liquids: New perspectives from ferrofluids? | JMMM 497 (2020)166049 | |
2020-05-13 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Konstantin Bomm | Inductive Magnetic Nanoparticle Sensor Based on Microfluidic Chip Oil Detection Technology. | Micromachines 11, 183 (2020) | |
2020-05-06 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Elisavet Papadopoulou | Report on the internship in a company | - | |
2020-04-29 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Nicolas Josten | Tuning the Exchange Bias on a Single Atom from 1 mT to 10 T | PRL 122, 227203 (2019) | |
2020-04-22 SS2020 Ed 2020 | Anna Semisaolva | Experimental evidence of inertial dynamics in ferromagnets | arXiv:1910.11284 (2020); Nature Physics 17, 245-250 (2021) | |
2020-01-29 WS2019/20 Ed 2020 | Tanja Strusch | Time-resolved imaging of three-dimensional nanoscale magnetization dynamics | Nature Nanotechnology 15, 356360 (2020) | |
2020-01-22 WS2019/20 Ed 2020 | Babli Bhagat | Spin pumping during the antiferromagneticferromagnetic phase transition of ironrhodium | Nature Communications 11, 275 (2020) | |
2020-01-15 WS2019/20 Ed 2020 | Benjamin Zingsem | A Mechatronics view at nerve conduction | arXiv:1909.06313 (2019) | |
2020-01-08 WS2019/20 Ed 2020 | Konstantin Bomm | Electromagnetic energy harvesting using magneitc levitation architectures: A review | Applied Energy 260, 114191 (2020) | |
2019-12-11 WS2019/20 Ed 2019 | Thomas Feggeler | Imaging and writing magnetic domains in the non-collinear antiferromagnet Mn3Sn | Nature Communications 10, 5459 (2019) | |
2019-12-04 WS2019/20 Ed 2019 | Ralf Meckenstock | Magnetization nutation induced by surface effects in nanomagnets | Phys. Rev. B 98, 165444 (2018) | |
2019-11-20 WS2019/20 Ed 2019 | Zitao Wang | Growing drops of strange matter | Nature 337, 436-439 (1989) | |
2019-11-13 WS2019/20 Ed 2019 | Marc Stevens | Nanomagnetic encoding of shape-morphing micromachines | Nature 575, 164168 (2019) | |
2019-10-30 WS2019/20 Ed 2019 | Paul Wendtland | A fast and sensitive room-temperature graphene nanomechanical bolometer | Nature Communications 10, 4726 (2019) | |
2019-10-23 WS2019/20 Ed 2019 | Nicolas Josten | Mediterranean winter rainfall in phase with African monsoons during the past 1.36 million years | Nature 573, 256260 (2019) | |
2019-07-10 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Babli Bhagat | Spin pumping from nuclear spin waves | Nature Physics 15, 22 (2019) | |
2019-07-03 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Merivan Sasmaz | Electrically-responsive graphene-based shape-memory composites | Appl. Mater. Today 15, 185 (2019) | |
2019-06-26 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Nicolas Josten | Ferromagnetic resonance in thin films studied via cross-validation of numerical solutions of the Smit-Beljers equation: Application to (Ga,Mn)As | Phys. Rev. B 98, 144415 (2018) | |
2019-06-19 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Benjamin Zingsem | A new class of signals for magnetobiology research | Scientific Reports 9, 7478 (2019) | |
2019-06-12 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Jonas Wiemeler | Freestanding crystalline oxide perovskites down to the monolayer limit | Nature 570, 22 (2019) | |
2019-06-05 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Tanja Strusch | Tunable self-healing of magnetically propelling colloidal carpets | Nature Communications 10, 2444 (2019) | |
2019-05-29 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Alexander Jemiola | Modification of Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Fe3O4 Epitaxial Thin Films by Nitrogen Substitution for Oxygen | ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 1, 595 (2019) | |
2019-05-22 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Thomas Feggeler | Magneto-Seebeck tunneling on the atomic scale | Science 363, 10651067 (2019) | |
2019-05-15 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Irene Iglesias | Catalytic Locomotion of Core-Shell Nanowire Motors | ACS Nano 10, 9983 (2016) | |
2019-05-08 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Sarah Thieme | The fabrication and magnetic properties of acicular magnetic nano-elements | IEEE Trans. Magn. 32 (5), 4452 (1996) | |
2019-04-29 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Paul Wendtland | All-optical detection of interfacial spin transparency from spin pumping in b-Ta/CoFeB thin films | Science Advances 5, eaav7200 (2019) | |
2019-04-24 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Anna Semisalova | Inducing skyrmions in ultrathin Fe films by hydrogen exposure | Nature Communications 9, 1571 (2018) | |
2019-04-17 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Marc Stevens | Engineering of Shallow Layers of Nitrogen Vacancy Colour Centres in Diamond Using Plasma Immersion I | Scientific Reports 9, 5870 (2019) | |
2019-04-10 SS2019 Ed 2019 | Iuliia Novoselova | An artificially engineered tumor bio-magnet for collecting blood-circulating nanoparticles and mag | Biomaterials Science 7, 1815-1824 (2019) | |
2018-12-31 WS2018/19 Ed 2018 | Recommendation for reading | The world strongest MRI machines are pushing human imaging to new limits | Nature 563, 244-26 (2018) | |
2018-12-31 WS2018/19 Ed 2018 | Recommendation for reading | A multicaloric cooling cycle that exploits thermal hysteresis | Nature Materials 17, 929-934 (2018) | |
2018-12-12 WS2018/19 Ed 2018 | Ulf Wiedwald | Printing ferromagnetic domains for untethered fast-transforming soft materials | Nature 558, 274-279 (2018) | |
2018-11-28 WS2018/19 Ed 2018 | Merve Felek | 1-Dimensional Heat Conduction; Paper - Data reduction in 3ω method for thin-film thermal conductivity determination | Review of Scientific Instruments 72, 2139 (2001) | |
2018-11-21 WS2018/19 Ed 2018 | Alexander Jemiola | On the interactions of Ti2AlC, Ti3AlC2, Ti3SiC2 and Cr2AlC with palladium at 900C | Journal of Alloys and Compounds 771, 1103-1110 (2019) | |
2018-11-07 WS2018/19 Ed 2018 | Iuliia Novoselova | Tuning magnetocrystalline anisotropy by cobalt alloying in hexagonal Fe3Ge1 | Scientific Reports 8, 14206 (2018) | |
2018-10-31 WS2018/19 Ed 2018 | Babli Bhagat | Enhanced spin pumping into superconductors provides evidence for superconducting pure spin currents | Nature Materials 17, 499-503 (2018) | |
2018-10-17 WS2018/19 Ed 2018 | Paul Wendtland | Spiral magnetic domain structure in cylindrically-shaped microwires | Scientific Reports 8, 15090 (2018) | |
2018-10-10 WS2018/19 Ed 2018 | Thomas Feggeler | Paper 1 - Room Temperature Magnetic Quantum Cellular Automata; Paper 2 - Magnetic soliton-based logic with fan-out and crossover functions | Science 287 (5457), 1466-1468 (2000); Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 2367 (2004) | |
2018-07-04 SS2018 Ed 2018 | Ulf Wiedwald | Paper 1 - Is magnetogenetics the new optogenetics? Paper 2 - Multifunctional ferrofluid-infused surfaces with reconfigurable multiscale topography | EMBO J 36, 1643-1646 (2017); Nature 559, 77-82 (2018) | |
2018-06-27 SS2018 Ed 2018 | Ralf Meckenstock | Optically coupled methods for microwave impedance microscopy | Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 043703 (2018) | |
2018-06-20 SS2018 Ed 2018 | Alexander Jemiola | Demonstration of Ru as the 4th ferromagnetic element at room temperature | Nature Communications 9, 2058 (2018) | |
2018-06-06 SS2018 Ed 2018 | Paul Wendtland | Large-scale additive manufacturing with bioinspired cellulosic materials | Scientific Reports 8, 8642 (2018) | |
2018-05-30 SS2018 Ed 2018 | Babli Bhagat | Emergence of anisotropic Gilbert damping in ultrathin Fe layers on GaAs(001) | Nature Physics 14, 490-494 (2018) | |
2018-05-16 SS2018 Ed 2018 | Iuliia Novoselova | Ultrafast giant magnetic cooling effect in ferromagnetic Co/Pt multilayers | Nature Communications 8, 796 (2017) | |
2018-05-02 SS2018 Ed 2018 | Thomas Feggeler | Creation of Single Chain of Nanoscale Skyrmion Bubbles with Record-High Temperature Stability in a Geometrically Confined Nanostripe | Nano Lett. 18 (2), 1274–1279 (2018) | |
2018-03-28 SS2018 Ed 2018 | Maria Efremova | Magnetite-gold nanoparticles: from physics to theranostics | - | |
2018-01-10 WS2017/18 Ed 2018 | Florian Rmer | Magnetic resonance force microscopy using ferromagnetic resonance of a magnetic tip excited by microwave transmission via a coaxial resonator | Nanotechnology 28 (48), 485709 (2017) | |
2017-12-13 WS2017/18 Ed 2017 | Paul Wendtland | Radiation damping in ferromagnetic resonance induced by a conducting spin sink | Phys. Rev. B 96, 184405 (2017) | |
2017-11-29 WS2017/18 Ed 2017 | Ruslan Salikhov | Nanoscale interface confinement of ultrafast spin transfer torque driving non-uniform spin dynamics | Nature Communications 8, 15007 (2017) | |
2017-11-22 WS2017/18 Ed 2017 | Anna Chlenova | Giant magnetoimpedance in multilayered films: from Ekaterinburg | Project presentation | |
2017-11-08 WS2017/18 Ed 2017 | Franziska Scheibel | Magnetic antiskyrmions above room temperature in tetragonal Heusler materials | Nature 548, 561-66 (2017) | |
2017-10-25 WS2017/18 Ed 2017 | Babli Bhagat | Spin pumping in magnetic trilayer structures with an MgO barrier | Scientific Reports 6, 35582 (2016) | |
2017-10-18 WS2017/18 Ed 2017 | Thomas Feggeler | Observation of nanoscale magnetic fields using twisted electron beams | Nature Communications 8, 689 (2017) | |
2017-10-11 WS2017/18 Ed 2017 | Ulf Wiedwald | Direct observation of transverse and vortex metastable magnetic domains in cylindrical nanowires | Phys. Rev. B 96, 125415 (2017) | |
2017-07-05 SS2017 Ed 2017 | Florian Rmer | Magneto-plasmonic nanoantennas: Basics and applications | Reviews in Physics 1, 36-51 (2016) | |
2017-06-28 SS2017 Ed 2017 | Teagan Phillips | Magnetism 150 years ago | - | |
2017-05-24 SS2017 Ed 2017 | Fangzhou Wang | Atomic-scale sensing of the magnetic dipolar field from single atoms | Nature Nanotechnology 12, 420-424 (2017) | |
2017-05-03 SS2017 Ed 2017 | Babli Bhagat | Aberration-Corrected Electron Beam Lithography at the One Nanometer Length Scale | Nano Lett. 17 (8), 4562-4567 (2017) | |
2017-04-26 SS2017 Ed 2017 | Ruslan Salikhov | Magnetization switching in ferromagnets by adsorbed chiral molecules without current or external magnetic field | Nature Communications 8, 14567 (2017) | |
2017-04-19 SS2017 Ed 2017 | Iuliia Novoselova | Dual-phase nanostructuring as a route to high-strength magnesium alloys | Nature 545, 80-83 (2017) | |
2017-02-15 WS2016/17 Ed 2017 | Irene Iglesias | Cellular uptake and dynamics of unlabeled freestanding silicon nanowires | Science Advances 2 (12), e1601039 (2016) | |
2017-01-25 WS2016/17 Ed 2017 | Marina Spasova | Ultrafast nonthermal photo-magnetic recording in a transparent medium | Nature 542, 71-74 (2017) | |
2017-01-18 WS2016/17 Ed 2017 | Ralf Meckenstock | Perspective: Interface generation of spin-orbit torques | Journal of Applied Physics 120, 180901 (2016) | |
2016-12-07 WS2016/17 Ed 2016 | Paul Wendtland | Big Area Additive Manufacturing of High Performance Bonded NdFeB Magnets | Scientific Reports 6, 36212 (2016) | |
2016-11-30 WS2016/17 Ed 2016 | Ruslan Salikhov | Large-area high-quality 2D ultrathin Mo2C superconducting crystals | Nature Materials 14, 1135-1141 (2015) | |
2016-11-16 WS2016/17 Ed 2016 | Thomas Feggeler | Electric-field-driven switching of individual magnetic skyrmions | Nature Nanotechnology 12, 123-126 (2017) | |
2016-11-09 WS2016/17 Ed 2016 | Franziska Scheibel | Room-temperature spin-orbit torque in NiMnSb | Nature Physics 12, 855-860 (2016) | |
2016-10-26 WS2016/17 Ed 2016 | Ulf Wiedwald | Paper 1 - The electro-magnet; Paper 2 - Magnetite pollution nanoparticles in the human brain | Science ns-16 (401), 197-202 (1890); PNAS 201605941 (2016) | |
2016-06-29 SS2016 Ed 2016 | Thomas Feggeler | Imaging of room-temperature ferromagnetic nano-domains at the surface of a non-magnetic oxide | Nature Communications 7, 11781 (2016) | |
2016-06-22 SS2016 Ed 2016 | Detlef Spoddig | Paper 1 - Template-Assisted Direct Growth of 1 Td/in2 Bit Patterned Media; Paper 2 - Bit-Patterned Magnetic Recording: Theory, Media Fabrication, and Recording Performance | Nano Lett. 16 (7), 4726-4730 (2016); IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (5), 0800342, 1-42 (2015) | |
2016-06-15 SS2016 Ed 2016 | Florian Rmer | Efficient metallic spintronic emitters of ultrabroadband terahertz radiation | Nature Photonics 10, 483-488 (2016) | |
2016-05-25 SS2016 Ed 2016 | Ralf Meckenstock | Blowing magnetic skyrmion bubbles | Science 349 (6245), 283-286 (2015) | |
2016-05-18 SS2016 Ed 2016 | Ulf Wiedwald | Ultra-low magnetic damping of a metallic ferromagnet | Nature Physics 12, 839-842 (2016) | |
2016-05-11 SS2016 Ed 2016 | Zheng Ma | A high-temperature ferromagnetic topological insulating phase by proximity coupling | Nature 533, 513-516 (2016) | |
2016-05-04 SS2016 Ed 2016 | Irene Iglesias | Bio-inspired, Moisture-Powered Hybrid Carbon Nanotube Yarn Muscles | Scientific Reports 6, 23016 (2016) | |
2016-04-06 SS2016 Ed 2016 | Franziska Scheibel | Magnetically nanostructured state in a Ni-Mn-Sn shape-memory alloy | Phys. Rev. B 91, 214421 (2015) | |
2016-02-17 WS2015/16 Ed 2016 | Sara Liebana-Vinas | Enhancing the magnetic anisotropy of maghemite nanoparticles via the surface coordination of molecular complexes | Nature Communications 6, 10139 (2015) | |
2016-02-10 WS2015/16 Ed 2016 | Ruslan Salikhov | A new class of chiral materials hosting magnetic skyrmions beyond room temperature | Nature Communications 6, 7638 (2015) | |
2015-11-18 WS2015/16 Ed 2015 | Ulf Wiedwald | Exploring the Single Atom Spin State by Electron Spectroscopy | Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 206803 (2015) | |
2015-09-30 SS2015 Ed 2015 | Florian Rmer | Eddy current interactions in a ferromagnet-normal metal bilayer structure, and its impact on ferromagnetic resonance lineshapes | Journal of Applied Physics 117, 143902 (2015) | |
2015-09-23 SS2015 Ed 2015 | Thomas Marzi | Reversible Control of Co Magnetism by Voltage-Induced Oxidation | Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 267202 (2014) | |
2015-07-22 SS2015 Ed 2015 | Ruslan Salikhov | Magnonic charge pumping via spin-orbit coupling | Nature Nanotechnology 10, 50-54 (2015) | |
2015-07-01 SS2015 Ed 2015 | Ulf Wiedwald | Non-Joulian Magnetostriction | Nature 521, 340-343 (2015) | |
2015-06-03 SS2015 Ed 2015 | Alexandra Terwey | From Bacteria to Mollusks: The Principles Underlying the Biomineralization of Iron Oxide Materials | Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 4728-4747 (2015) | |
2015-05-27 SS2015 Ed 2015 | Thomas Marzi | Field-Dependent Size and Shape of Single Magnetic Skyrmions | Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 177203 (2015) | |
2015-05-13 SS2015 Ed 2015 | Sara Liebana-Vinas | Wireless magnetothermal deep brain stimulation | Science 347 (6229), 1477-1480 (2015) | |
2015-04-22 SS2015 Ed 2015 | Thomas Feggeler | Observation of Skyrmions in a Multiferroic Material | Science 336 (6078), 198-201 (2012) | |
2014-12-17 WS2014/15 Ed 2014 | Benjamin Zingsem | Normal-state nodal electronic structure in underdoped high-Tc copper oxides | Nature 511, 61-64 (2014) | |
2014-12-03 WS2014/15 Ed 2014 | Alexandra Terwey | Self-assembly of magnetite nanocubes into helical superstructures | Science 345 (6201), 1149 1153 (2014) | |
2014-11-19 WS2014/15 Ed 2014 | Thomas Marzi | Phase-controlled synthesis of α-NiS nanoparticles confined in carbon nanorods for High Performance Supercapacitors | Scientific Reports 4, 7054 (2014) | |
2014-11-05 WS2014/15 Ed 2014 | Irene Iglesias | Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Gold Nanostructures Using DNA Origami Molds | Nano Lett. 14 (11), 6693-6698 (2014) | |
2014-07-16 SS2014 Ed 2014 | Ulf Wiedwald | The New Quantum Design DynaCool System: Transport, VSM, etc. | - | |
2014-07-09 SS2014 Ed 2014 | Zi-An Li | Observation of the magnetic flux and three-dimensional structure of skyrmion lattices by electron holography | Nature Nanotechnology 9, 337-342 (2014) | |
2014-06-18 SS2014 Ed 2014 | Behnaz Arvan | Designer Magnetoplasmonics with Nickel Nanoferromagnets | Nano Lett. 11 (12), 5333-5338 (2011) | |
2014-06-11 SS2014 Ed 2014 | Christian Schppner | Direct Observation of Magnetic Metastability in Individual Iron Nanoparticles | Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 107201 (2014) | |
2014-05-21 SS2014 Ed 2014 | Xiang Yao | Circular Magnetoplasmonic Modes in Gold Nanoparticles | Nano Lett. 13 (10), 4785-4789 (2013) | |
2014-05-14 SS2014 Ed 2014 | Thomas Marzi | Spin Backflow and ac Voltage Generation by Spin Pumping and the Inverse Spin Hall Effect | Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 217602 (2013) | |
2014-04-30 SS2014 Ed 2014 | Sara Liebana-Vinas | DNA origami based assembly of gold nanoparticle dimers for surface-enhanced Raman scattering | Nature Communications 5, 3448 (2014) | |
2014-04-16 SS2014 Ed 2014 | Ruslan Salikhov | Vortices on the move | Nature Nanotechnology 9, 96-97 (2014) | |
2014-04-09 SS2014 Ed 2014 | Nathalie Reckers | bersicht der Eigenschaften der -Resonatoren in der Arbeitsgruppe | An overview of microresonators available in the group | |
2014-03-19 WS2013/14 Ed 2014 | Franziska Scheibel | A Nanolaminated Magnetic Phase: Mn2GaC | Materials Research Letters 2 (2), 89-93 (2014) | |
2014-03-12 WS2013/14 Ed 2014 | Tadus Schaffers | Thermal imaging of standing spin waves | Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 052410 (2013) | |
2014-03-05 WS2013/14 Ed 2014 | Zi-An Li | ESTEM imaging of single atoms under controlled temperature and gas environment conditions in catalyst reaction studies | Annalen der Physik 525, 423-429 (2013) | |
2014-02-26 WS2013/14 Ed 2014 | Carola Lottis | A cryogenic receiver for EPR | Journal of Magnetic Resonance 237, 79-84 (2013) | |
2014-02-19 WS2013/14 Ed 2014 | Moritz Riebisch | Cubic Mn2Ga Thin Films: Crossing the Spin Gap with Ruthenium | Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 027201 (2014) | |
2014-02-12 WS2013/14 Ed 2014 | Christian Schppner | Delineating the pathways for the site-directed synthesis of individual nanoparticles on surfaces | PNAS 110 (3), 887-891 (2013) | |
2014-01-29 WS2013/14 Ed 2014 | Ruslan Salikhov | Topological properties and dynamics of magnetic skyrmions | Nature Nanotechnology 8, 899-911 (2013) | |
2014-01-22 WS2013/14 Ed 2014 | Sara Liebana-Vinas | Robust antiferromagnetic coupling in hard-soft bi-magnetic core/shell nanoparticles | Nature Communications 4, 2960 (2013) | |
2014-01-15 WS2013/14 Ed 2014 | Thomas Marzi | Paper - Study of Kondo effect in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions by electron tunnelling spectroscopy; Discussion - Kondo effect, Electron Tunnelling Spectroscopy | J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 200 052004 (2010) | |
2013-12-18 WS2013/14 Ed 2013 | Florian Rmer | Direct Probing of the echange interaction at buried Interfaces | Nature Nanotechnology 8, 853-858 (2013) | |
2013-12-11 WS2013/14 Ed 2013 | Irina Rod | Highly sensitive nanoscale spin-torque diode | Nature Materials 13, 50-56 (2014) | |
2013-12-04 WS2013/14 Ed 2013 | Ruslan Salikhov | Novel Chiral Magnetic Domain Wall Structure in Fe/Ni/Cu(001) Films | Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 177204 (2013) | |
2013-11-27 WS2013/14 Ed 2013 | Thomas Marzi | Project report | Discussion of current measurement results (double resonance ESR/FMR) | |
2013-11-20 WS2013/14 Ed 2013 | Franziska Scheibel | Enhanced reversibility and unusual microstructure of a phase-transforming material | Nature 502, 85-88 (2013) | |
2013-11-13 WS2013/14 Ed 2013 | Sven Stienen | Crystallites of magnetic charges in artificial spin ice | Nature 500, 553-557 (2013) | |
2013-11-06 WS2013/14 Ed 2013 | Kai Wagner | Current-induced skyrmion dynamics in constricted geometries | Nature Nanotechnology 8, 742-747 (2013) | |
2013-10-23 WS2013/14 Ed 2013 | Xiang Yao | Magnetically tunable surface plasmon resonance based on a composite consisting of noble metal nanoparticles and a ferromagnetic thin film | Optics Letters 36 (4), 514-516 (2011) | |
2013-10-16 WS2013/14 Ed 2013 | Thomas Marzi | Local Excitation of Magnetostatic Modes in YIG | IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49 (3), 1055-1059 (2013) | |
2013-09-16 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Michael Farle | Conference reports | ICNM 2013; MSM 2013; DICNMA 2013 | |
2013-09-09 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Irina Rod | Project report | Nano-scaled thermocouple | |
2013-09-02 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Christian Schppner | Report on beamtime in Stanford | XFMR beamtime summer 2013 | |
2013-08-26 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Franziska Scheibel | Project presentation | Caloric Effects in Ferroic Materials: New Concepts for Cooling - DFG Priority Programme 1599 | |
2013-08-05 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Kai Wagner | Spin torque transistor revisited | Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 192412 (2013) | |
2013-07-22 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Taddus Schaffers | Electronic structure and magnetic properties of sub-3 nm diameter Mn-doped SnO2 nanocrystals and nanowires | Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 012401 (2013) | |
2013-07-15 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Sabrina Masur | A robust scanning diamond sensor for nanoscale imaging with single nitrogen-vacancy centres | Nature Nanotechnology 7, 320-324 (2012) | |
2013-07-15 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Alexandra Terwey | Optical microcavities; Spin-Resolved Purcell Effect in a Quantum Dot Microcavity System | Nature 424, 839-846 (2003); Nano Lett. 12 (7), 34553459 (2012) | |
2013-07-08 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Carola Lottis | Magnetic properties of single biogenic magnetite nanoparticles | Journal of Nanoparticle Research 13, 3345-3352 (2011) | |
2013-07-01 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Florian Rmer | Hybrid nanocolloids with programmed three-dimensional shape and material composition | Nature Materials 12, 802-807 (2013) | |
2013-06-24 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Christian Derricks | Anomalous Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Anisotropy in Gradient-Composition Sputterred Thin Films | Advanced Materials 25 (7), 980-984 (2013) | |
2013-06-03 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Christian Schppner | Exploring the accessible frequency range of phase-resolved ferromagnetic resonance detected with x-rays | Journal of Applied Physics 113, 033904 (2013) | |
2013-05-27 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Thomas Marzi | Anisotropy of Spin Relaxation in Metals | Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 236603 (2012) | |
2013-05-13 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Ralf Meckenstock | Unidirectional spin-wave heat conveyer | Nature Materials 12, 549-553 (2013) | |
2013-04-29 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Behnaz Arvan | Anisotropic magnetothermal resistance in Ni nanowires | Phys. Rev. B 87, 094409 (2013) | |
2013-04-22 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Irina Rod | Strong spin-phonon coupling between a single-molecule magnet and a carbon nanotube nanoelectromechanical system | Nature Nanotechnology 8, 165-169 (2013) | |
2013-04-15 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Puchong Kijamnajsuk | Scanning Thermal Microscope Modulated FMR | Near field thermal microsopy (SThM) techniques - SThM-Modulated FMR and 3 Omega method | |
2013-04-08 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Christian Derricks | Report on master project | Analysis of Spin-Wave Dynamics by Resonators | |
2013-03-04 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Thomas Marzi | Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of defects at the dielectric-semiconductor interface: Ge substrates and Si nanowires (invited) | Microelectronic Engineering 88 (7), 1482-1487 (2011) | |
2013-02-18 SS2013 Ed 2013 | Florian Rmer | Paper - The magnetic anisotropy and spin reorientation of nanostructures and nanoscale films. Ideas for discussion - Magnetostriction in Fe/GaAs(110)? | J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16 (20), R603 (2004) | |
2013-01-28 WS2012/13 Ed 2013 | Irina Rod | Quantized thermal transport across contacts of rough surfaces | Nature Mater. 12, 59-65 (2013) | |
2013-01-21 WS2012/13 Ed 2013 | Sara Liebana-Vinas | Multifunctional Plasmonic Shell-Magnetic Core Nanoparticles for Targeted Diagnostics, Isolation, and Photothermal Destruction of Tumor Cells | ACS Nano 6 (2), 1065-1073 (2012) | |
2013-01-21 WS2012/13 Ed 2013 | Alexandra Terwey / Ralf Meckenstock | Einzelpartikelresonanz: Simulation von Spektren (Software und Physik) | - | |
2013-01-14 WS2012/13 Ed 2013 | Kai Wagner | Giant Spin Seebeck Effect in a non-magnetic material | Nature 487, 210213 (2012) | |
2013-01-07 WS2012/13 Ed 2013 | Carola Lottis | Photon-induced molecular charge separation studied by nanosecond time-resolved microwave conductivity | Chemical Physics 73 (1), 35-53 (1982) |