Bulk Probenherstellung
Präzisions Ionen Poliersystem (PIPS) Gatan Model 691 mit doppelseitiger Ionenquelle für beidseitige Bearbeitung
- milling angles between 0° and 10°
- production of large, clean, electron transparent areas (typical: 1mm²)
- sample reducable to thicknesses of about 50 +/- 10 nm
- typically used for metallic bulk samples, isolating / semiconducting samples possible
- max. start thickness: 100 nm
- preparation under 10-4 mbar Ar vacuum condition
M. Acet
Ausrüstung zur bulk Probenpräparation Schaefer arc Schmelzofen
- Ar atmosphere at ambient pressure
- Temperatures up to 2000°C
- watercooled Cu-cruicible
- usable for almost all metals for producing Heusler alloys
- Well: Precision diamant wire saw Type: 3242
- minimum diamant cutting wire diameter of about 0.2 mm
- cut width of 0.1 mm possible
- usable for all non smearing materials
- Wirtz WoCo50p diamant saw for materials
- maximum cutting depth: 10 mm
- maximuum blade diameter: 120 mm
- usable for all non smearing materials
- Buehler grinder polisher type Phoenix Beta
- dual sliding and polishing machine
- used for pre-preparation for PIPS
- Gatan ultrasonic disc cutter model 601
- for milling 3 mm discs for TEM samples
- Gatan precision dimple grinder model 656
- pre-preparation for PIPS
M. Acet