Dünnschichtpräparation Ultra High Vacuum electron beam evaporation

- Base pressure < 4*10-10 mbar
- 2 four pocket electron beam evaporators (simultaneous operation possible)
- Typical materials: Fe, Co, Ni, Gd, Cu, Al, Au, C, Pt, Pd, Cr, Ti,...
- Multilayers (Co/Pt, Co/Ni, …) and alloys possible
- Sample temperature during evaporation in the range of 20°C to 250°C
- Ar ion etching ( up to 3 keV energy ) to clean surfaces or to etch structures after EBL with negative resist
- Typical total thickness of 5-30 nm, single layers of multilayers in the monolayer range. Maximum: some hundred nm
- Feedback control of evaporation rate via thickness determination by two quartz crystal balances
- Typical evaporation rates in the range of 0.005 to 0.1 nm/s
- Sample sizes up to 2 cm
M. Farle