News Archive

2024-08-02 IEEE AIoT 2024Best Paper Award received!
At the IEEE AIoT2024 conference, Tianheng Ling, Chao Qian and Gregor Schiele won the Best Paper Award for their work on the efficient implementation of integer-only quantised Transformers on embedded FPGAs.
2024-06-03 New BMBF projectTransfAIr: Transfer approaches for artificial intelligence in industry
In May, a new research project was launched, the consortium of which we are leading: TransfAIr.
In this project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, we are working together with the Chair of Distributed Systems of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torben Weis and the companies HARTING, Krohne Messtechnik and Kuntze Instruments to develop and test transfer approaches for artificial intelligence in industry.
The methodological starting points of the project are (1) approaches for transferring learned knowledge to new problems or models (so-called transfer learning) and (2) approaches for the automated optimization of AI models (so-called AutoML). These are to be further developed and made usable for industrial users. For the evaluation, we use existing AI solutions and training data from our industrial partners.

2024-02-18 CCF Journal Top 20Article about Elastic AI ranked 12th
In the renowned Springer journal CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction, our article Elastic AI: system support for adaptive machine learning in pervasive computing systems has recently been ranked 12th in the list of most downloaded articles.
CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction is a platform that publishes high-quality scientific articles on all aspects of human-computer interaction and pervasive/ubiquitous computing. Our article was written by Christopher Cichiwskyj, Stephan Schmeißer, Chao Qian, Lukas Einhaus, Christopher Ringhofer and Gregor Schiele.
We are very pleased that our research article has now been downloaded over 3264 times and hope that we can inspire even more people with our ElasticAI approach in the future!

2024-01-29 DisputationCongratulations to Sam Erbati!
We are pleased to announce that our external PhD student Sam Erbati successfully defended his dissertation on January 29th. Under the title "Towards the optimal orchestration of service function chains to enable ultra-reliable low latency communications in an NFV-enabled network", he made a significant contribution to the research field of "Network Function Virtualization".
His work focused on developing optimized orchestration methods for service function chains to enable ultra-reliable low latency communications in NFV-enabled networks.
On behalf of Professor Schiele and the entire department, we congratulate him on this milestone and wish him all the best for future challenges!

2023-12-06 Project meeting VDI expert recommendation underway
The RIWWER project is intended to benefit not only Duisburg's wastewater system, but also other municipalities throughout Germany.
The project findings are to be incorporated into the VDI expert recommendation 4900 on the topic of digitalisation of wastewater management. Expert recommendations are comparable to groundwork for VDI guidelines.
This enedeavour was launched on 6 December at the VDI premises in Düsseldorf. The project members and representatives of the water management sector met there to generalise the results for other wastewater systems.

2023-11-20 DisputationCongratulations!
Our - now former - PhD student Carolin Wuerich recently defended her dissertation entitled "Non-invasive continuous Blood Pressure Measurement using Machine Learning". She passed her disputation, thus obtaining the title of Dr.-Ing.
We congratulate her on her graduation and wish her all the best for the future!

2023-11-17 Research conference workshopWorkshop at MobiQuitous 2023
This week, a delegation from our department visited the EAI MobiQuitous, which took place in Melbourne, Australia this year.
Chao Qian and Peter Zdankin (Distributed Systems) chaired the AutoQuitous workshop, which was dedicated to autonomous systems on both a technical and ethical level.
As part of this workshop, Tianheng Ling presented a paper co-authored with Qian entitled On-Device Soft Sensors: Real-Time Fluid Flow Estimation from Level Sensor Data.

2023-07-31 Research summit in ArmeniaNew research summit established
That's a first: As a result of the long-standing cooperation between the Akian College of Science & Engineering of the American University of Armenia and the Faculty of Engineering, an Armenian-German research summit on the topic of "Intelligent and Data-Based Systems" is being held for the first time.
The summit will take place from 31 July to 2 August in Yerevan. Among the participants are members of the AUA, our department as well as researchers from the Universidad de Chile.

2023-06-23 Networking and exchangeExchange with the FabLab
On 23 June, part of our department around the IoT Garage visited the FabLab Lothar of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering.
Along with a guided tour through the hall (!) and a presentation of the equipment, we had an exchange about how the day-to-day business and organizational matters are run.
Update: On 7 July we subsequently showcased the IoT Garage, including equipment, workstations, courses and projects, and of course many topics were discussed as well, ranging from 3D printing to publicity.
We thank the FabLab for visiting us and, not least, for the maany suggestions and impulses!

2023-05-05 Progress of the elastic AI.runtimeElastic AI.runtime v2.0.0 now ready
Today, our elastic-AI.runtime team gave a presentation in the IoT Lab about the progress made in developing the runtime over the last year, including a demonstration of the web-based user interface.
Afterwards, there was a lively discussion about the project and also future features.
Our student employees are thusly making an essential contribution to the elastic-AI ecosystem!

2023-03-13 PerCom 2023 Demo SessionBest Demo Award
We are proud to announce that we won the Best Demo Award at the IEEE PerCom 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia!
Unfortunately, Chao Qian and Tianheng Ling could not be there, so our employees Lukas Einhaus and Leo Buron presented the demo. The award is therefore a true team achievement and we would also like to thank the two presenters!

2023-03-13 Multi-day conferencePerCom 2023
At this year's PerCom in Atlanta, our department made several appearances:
On the first day, Prof. Schiele gave the keynote talk of the *LESS workshop, in which he presented the Elastic AI ecosystem to a broad audience.
On the same day, Tianheng Ling gave a remote presentation titled "On-device AI: Quantisation-aware Training of Transformers in Time-Series" as part of the PhD Forum.
Last but not least, on the second day of the conference, Lukas Einhaus and Leo Buron gave a practical demonstration of Elastic AI in action.

2023-03-08 PhD defenceThesis successfully defended
In early March, our former PhD student Alwyn Burger successfully defended his thesis titled "FPGA-Augmented Intelligent Devices for the Internet of Things".
We congratulate him sincerely and wish all the best for the future!

2023-03-02: Conference in HeidelbergTalk at the 4th WEML
On 2 March, the Workshop on Embedded Machine Learning took place at Heidelberg University for the first time since 2020.
The aim of this conference, co-organised by our department, is a lively and informal exchange about ongoing research and current developments in the field of embedded machine learning.
The speakers consisted of experts from academia and the private sector. Our department was, of course, present as well: Dr.-Ing. Andreas Erbslöh and Lukas Einhaus presented the progress of the Sp:AI:ke project.

2023-01-01 New staff memberDepartment welcomes new staff member
While the UDE was offline, our department attracted a new member: Dr.-Ing. Andreas Erbslöh.
He now adds the perspective of an electrial engineer to our team, i.e. a hardware-aware perspective.
His expertise is currently employed in the processing of neural signals in the Sp:AI:ke project.
Welcome to the team!

22-10-31: Symposium in BelgiumDoctoral Symposium
From October 27th-31st, our department's scientific staff and PhD students went to Spa, Belgium.
While there, we presented the current state of our research to each other and discussed how to approach our future joint research. It was a very productive and beautiful weekend and we are looking forward to publishing new results soon!

22-10-17: New joint research project launchedRIWWER: Flood control, enhanced with AI
How to digitalise Duisburg's sewage system and simultaneously make it safer and more efficient with the help of AI?
That is the topic our department's new PhD student Tianheng Ling is researching from now on in the RIWWER project.
The BMWK-funded project is a cooperation with many partners from other universities as well as the public and private sectors.

2022-03-10: Panel IEEE conference PerCom 2022Prof. Schiele will be part of PerCom 2022 panel
What are the implications of allowing critical decisions to be increasingly made by autonomous intelligent computer systems without any human involvement? Prof. Schiele is one of four experts who will discuss this matter online on March 24th as part of the panel at IEEE PerCom 2022, a world-leading conference for such systems.

2021-11-19: IoT Garage got a new PCB printerPrint your own circuit board
The IoT garage just got new equipment. In the future, you will not only be able to develop and assemble your own circuit board there, but also print it on the spot.
The IoT Garage is always open on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m. - come and visit us!
Further information:

2021-12-06: MERCUR.KOOPERATION of UDE and RUBNew MERCUR reasearch project
Our application on the topic "Neural signal processing using artificial intelligence on an embedded platform" was accepted within the 21st call of the Mercator Research Center Ruhr (MERCUR)'s funding line MERCUR.KOOPERATION. Together with Karsten Seidl (UDE) and Christian Klaes (RUB), we are researching how to integrate AI into a medical implant.

2021-10-01: Team is back, IoT Garage opened againWe're Back
Starting with the winter semester 2021/22, we are back on campus - finally! Lectures will take place on site again and our IoT garage will be open from the beginning of November, with new opening hours on Thursdays from 1 to 3 pm. However, meetings and final lectures will still be partly held online for the time being.
We hope that the situation will continue to improve and that we can remain on-site. However, nothing is certain - especially considering autumn and winter. Please check our teaching page (here), Twitter (here) and the university website (here) for updates.

2021-10-01Lecture Series
Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly defines the societal, political and economical debates. The TU Dortmund organises a lecture series on this topic called Gratwanderung Künstliche Intelligenz (21.04. - 14.07.), that examines in more detail how the relation between humans and AI currently is.
Prof. Schiele will give a online lecture in this context with the topic KI - Irren ist nicht nur menschlich on the 21.04.2021.

33rd International Conference for the Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS) 2020Won the Best Presentation Award!
With their paper about the efficient calculation of Eigenvalue problems on embedded FPGAs Alwyn Burger, Patrick Urban, Jayson Boubin and Gregor Schiele have won the Best Presentation Award on the ARCS 2020 Conference!
"[...]We present a novel hardware architecture for embedded FPGAs that performs eigendecomposition using previously unused techniques like squared Givens rotations. That leads to a 3x performance improvement for 16x16 covariance matrices over similar approaches that use much larger FPGAs. Offering higher than 30fps at only 68.61µJ per frame, our architecture creates exciting new possibilities for intelligent mobile devices."

Home Office, IoT Garage closed, teaching onlineThe department in during the Coronavirus
Due to the current situation the department will continue working doing Home Office and are available via Email. Our IoT-Garage will remain closed. Meetings, discussions and presentations will be done electronically.
The University Duisburg-Essen has additionally moved the begin of the summer semester 2020 to the 20th of April. Due to this the start of all lectures, projects and the seminar are moved accordingly. Due to this, all courses will be offered digitally, via videos and live streams. To keep up to date please visit our teaching page (link), on Twitter (link) and on the website of the university (link)