
Prof. Schiele will take in the coming winter semester 2020/21 a "sabbatical term", focusing on research. For this reason the lecture "Embedded System" will not take place in that semester. If you are, however, interested in acquiring additional skills regarding how to develop embedded systems you can join our upcoming student project.

We offer the following courses in the winter semester 2020/21:

Project for BAI, MAI, Master ISE Computer EngineeringEmbedded Systems Boot Camp

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele
Language: English
Cycle: Winter semester
Time: TBA
Place: TBA
Begin: TBA


Project for Master KomediaEnchanted Objects: Wie man ein intelligentes eingebettetes Computersystem im Internet der Dinge entwickelt

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele
Language: German/English
Cycle: Winter semester
Time: TBA
Place: TBA
Begin: TBA