Light MicroscopyZeiss Axio Scan Z.1

Technical Details:


Microscope frame: Zeiss Axio Scan Z.1 motorized epifluorescence and transmitted light microscope.

Light Source: Illumination with Colibri 7 high performance LED at 385nm, 430nm, 475nm, 555nm, 590nm, 630nm and 735nm.


Monochrome Camera: Orca flash 16 bit data depth 4.2 Megapixel monochrome sCMOS camera.

Color Camera: Hitachi HV-F203SCL 3CCD progresive scan 12bit RGB camera.



Example Dyes Excitation Emission
DAPI, FITC, TRITC, Cy5 385, 475, 555, 630 425/30,  514/30, 592/30, 709/100.
DAPI, FITC, AF594, Cy7 385, 475, 590, 735 425/30, 524/51, 634/38, 785/38.
CFP,  (YFP), mCherry 430, (511), 590 467/24, (555/25), 687/145
Alexa Fluor 555 555 595/31
Alexa Flour 647 630 676/29



Magnification Numerical Aperture Working distance (mm) Immersion
Fluar 5x 0.25 12,5 air
PApo 10x 0.45 2,1 air
EC Plan-Neofluar 20x 0.5 2,0 air
PApo (Korr) 40x 0.95 0,25 air


Software: ZEN Blue


Application: A fully automated slide scanner with a maximum capacity of 25x4 slides. Applicable for fluorescence and transmitted light purposes.