Leonardo Bandarra

Postdoctoral ResearcherDr. Leonardo Bandarra
Fak. f. Ges. Wi./Inst. f. Pol. Wiss./Lehrstuhl für Internationale Beziehungen und Entwicklungspolitik
47057 Duisburg
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Institut für Politikwissenschaft
No current news.
Dr Leonardo Bandarra is a Research Fellow at the Department of International Relations and Development at the University of Duisburg-Essen since June 2022, working on the project "VeSPoTec: Verification in a Complex and Unpredictable World - Social, Political and Technical Processes", funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). He is also a member of the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) and a Senior Research Fellow of the Middle East Treaty Organization (METO). Previously, he was a Research Fellow at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), in Hamburg. He holds a PhD from the Georg-August-University of Göttingen (Summa Cum Laude), a Postgraduate Diploma from the University of Montpellier together and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, a Master's and Bachelor's degree in International Relations from the University of Brasília.
Research Interests
- non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction,
- safeguards and verification,
- nuclear latency,
- international regimes and institutions,
- Global history,
- Latin-American, Middle Eastern and Western European politics.
Research Projects
04/2026 –06/2022 (Current) |
“VeSPoTec – Center for Integrated Interdisciplinary Nuclear Verification Research”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Participants: Professor / Principal Investigators (5) / PostDocs (2) / Doctoral Researchers (5) / Associated Reseachers (2). Institutions: University of Duisburg-Essen, RWTH Aachen, Forschungszentrum Jüllich, VCDNP, University of Vienna Role: PostDoctoral Researcher |
10/2021 – (Current) |
“Energy and Climate Change Policies in Brazil”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Participants: PostDocs (2) Instituions: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), University of Duisburg-Essen, University of Potsdam. Role: principal coordinator |
12/2021 – 04/2023 (Current) |
“Regional Perspectives on a Nuclear Weapons Ban”, funded by the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).
Role: principal coordinator |
Completed research
04/2021 – 10/2016 |
“Nuclear Latency and the Participation Puzzle”, funded by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
Role: PhD project |
12-01/2016 | “Brazil-United States relations and the origins and the evolution of universalism in Brazilian foreign policy”, funded by the Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). Participants: Master (1). Participant professor: 1. Head of the project: Prof. Dr Antonio C Lessa.
Role: Reseacher (Master level) |
12/2016 – 06/2012 | “Difficult Europe: Brazil and the establishment of the European process of Integration (1957-1964)”, funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Participants: Undergraduate (2)/ Graduate (3)/ Master (3)/ Doctor (2). Head of the project: Prof. Dr Antonio C Lessa
Role: Reseacher (Bachelor and Master level) |
12/2016 – 06/2012 | “The production of the Brazilian Journal of International Politics: editorial lines and conceptual axes”, funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Participants: Undergraduate (2)/ Master (1). Head of the project: Prof. Dr Antonio C Lessa
Role: Reseacher (Initiation to Science / Bachelor level) |
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Dolev, Sharon, e Leonardo Bandarra (2022). "Towards an Achievable WMDFZ Treaty for the Middle East: Insights from Civil Society". Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament 0 (0): 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/25751654.2022.2092369.
Bandarra, Leonardo (2021). “Introducción”. In.: Bandarra, Leonardo, Emerson U. Cervi, Enrique Natalino, Janaina Maldonado, Miriam Duarte Pereira, y Fábio Pereira Campos Misael. (2021). “Brasil: Los Riesgos Y El Impacto Del Bolsonarismo más Allá De La Pandemia”. Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal 21 (78):201-22. https://doi.org/10.18441/ibam.21.2021.78.201-222.
Bandarra, Leonardo (2021). “Un Desfille Lúgubre: la Ideologia Armamentista en el Brasil de Bolsonaro”. In.: Bandarra, Leonardo, Emerson U. Cervi, Enrique Natalino, Janaina Maldonado, Miriam Duarte Pereira, y Fábio Pereira Campos Misael. (2021). “Brasil: Los Riesgos Y El Impacto Del Bolsonarismo más Allá De La Pandemia”. Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal 21 (78):201-22. https://doi.org/10.18441/ibam.21.2021.78.201-222.
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2020). “From Bonn with Love: West German Interests in the 1975 Nuclear Agreement with Brazil.” Cold War History, 20, 4. https://doi.org/10.1080/14682745.2020.1819245
Martuscelli, Patrícia, and Leonardo Bandarra (2020). “Triply Silenced Agents: Cognitive Structures and Girl Soldiers in Colombia.” Critical Studies on Security, 8, 3. https://doi.org/10.1080/21624887.2020.1846277
Bandarra, Leonardo (2018). “Revisitando a Política Nuclear dos governos Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford (1969-1977).” Conjuntura Austral, 9, 45, 28-42 (Eng.: Reassessing the Nuclear Policies of the Nixon and Ford administrations (1969-1977))
Bandarra, Leonardo; Martuscelli, Patrícia (2017). “The Institutionalization of International Nuclear Politics: between the Non-proliferation of Weapons and the Prevention against Accidents.” Brazilian Journal of International Relations, 6, 3, 543-572
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2016). “O Egito Antigo e o Sistema de Amarna: os contatos políticos entre grandes civilizações durante a Idade do Bronze.” Revista Mundo Antigo, vol. 5. p. 33-52. (Eng.: Ancient Egypt and the Amarna System: the political links between great civilisations in the Bronze Age.)
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2016). “A ascensão chinesa na nova era sob a perspectiva do realismo ofensivo: rumo a uma nova hegemonia?.” Conjuntura Global (UFPR), v. 4, p. 305-317. (Eng.: The rise of China under the perspective of offensive realism: towards a new hegemony?)
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2016). “O Átomo no Pós-Guerra Fria: Mudanças sistêmicas nas relações de poder internacionais e não proliferação nuclear.” Revista Peruana de Estudios Internacionales, v. 2, p. 44-57. (Eng.: The Atom in the Post-Cold War: Systemic changes in international power relations and nuclear non-proliferation.)
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2016). “Os Estudos sobre as Relações entre o Brasil e o Processo Europeu de Integração (1957-2014).” Conjuntura Austral, v. 7, p. 32-42. (Eng.: The studies about relations between Brazil and the European Process of Integration (1957-2014))
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2016). “Não Proliferação Nuclear e Epistemologias Geoculturais: uma abordagem do debate teórico entre as teorias hegemônicas e os casos brasileiro e indiano.” Revista de Estudos Internacionais, v. 7, p. 98-118. (Eng.: Nuclear Non-Proliferaton and Geocultural Epistemologies: and approach of the debate between the hegemonic theories and the cases of Brazil and India.)
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2015). “A Falência Estatal e o Combate à Pirataria na Somália.” Revista de Estudos Internacionais, v. 6, p. 161-180. (Eng.: State Failure and the Struggle against Piracy in Somalia).
Bandarra, Leonardo; Martuscelli, Patricia; Freitas, Fernanda; Sanches, Carolina; Magioni Júnior, Darlí. (2014). “Política Brasileira para Refugiados: Política de Estado ou Política de Governo?” Fronteira (PUC-MG), Vol. 10, No 19, pp. 25-40. ISSN: 1679-5377. (Eng.: The Brazilian Refugee Policy: State Policy of Government Policy?)
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2013). “História e Teoria das Relações Internacionais: uma relação conflituosa?” Fronteira (PUC-MG), Vol. 09, No 17, pp. 67-89. ISSN: 1679-5377 (Eng.: History and International Relations Theory: a conflicting relationship?)
Policy Briefs
Bandarra, Leonardo, and Carmen Wunderlich. 2022. “The Nuclear Governance Multiverse in a Nutshell: The 2022 Conferences on the Prohibition and Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons.” INEF- Development and Peace Blog. 05 October 2022.
Bandarra, Leonardo, and Carmen Wunderlich. 2022. "(Análisis) Primera Reunión del Tratado de Prohibición de las Armas Nucleares." El Espectator, 30 de junho de 2002.
Bandarra, Leonardo; Dolev, Sharon (2021). “Pathways to a WMD-Free Zone in the Middle East”. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. 02 December 2021
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2020). “Fresh Wind Out of the South: What to Expect from a Binding Nuclear Ban Treaty.” GIGA Focus Global, no. 05
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2019). “Towards a Global Zero for Nuclear Weapons: Three Lessons from Latin America.” GIGA Focus Global, no. 03
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2019). “Brazilian Nuclear Policy under Bolsonaro: No Nuclear Weapons, but a Nuclear Submarine.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 12 April 2019
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2017). “Idealistic but Relevant: The Nuclear Ban Treaty.” Political Risk. Raddington Report. 06 July
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2016) “Extremism in the 21st Century: an appeal against religious and political radicalisation.” Fronteira Política, Portugal
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2015). “The Shift of Chinese Foreign Policy Towards Proactiveness.” Boletim Mundorama, Vol. 9. ISSN: 2175-2052
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2015); “The Mercurial Relations Between Brazil and Argentina”. Panoramas – University of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, US
Bandarra, Leonardo. (28 November 2015); “The effectiveness of sanctions as a tool of international diplomacy in the 21st century.” Fronteira Política, Portugal
Bandarra, Leonardo. (04 Jul. 2014). “A aplicabilidade do princípio da “jurisdição universal” no direito internacional sob a luz do julgamento do ex-presidente chileno Augusto Pinochet.” Jus Navegandi, Teresina, Vol. 19, No 4020. ISSN: 1518-4862. (Eng.: The applicability of the principle of 'universal jurisdiction' in the Pinochet Case)
Published Working Papers
Bandarra, Leonardo; Pry-Hansen, Miriam; van Wyk, Jo-Ansie; Dawood, Layla; Herz, Monica; Hassid, Nir, Pant, Harsh; Set, Shounak. (2022). “Global South Perspectives on a Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons: A Comparative Approach”. GIGA Working Paper, No 330. July 2022.
Book Reviews
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2015) Book Review: TICKNER, Arlene. B.; BLANEY, David. L. (EDS.). Claiming the International. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2013. ISSN: 9780415630689, Mural Internacional, 6, 2, 297-300
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2014); “'Resenha do livro "Parcerias Estratégicas do Brasil: os significados e as experiências tradicionais (Volumes 1 e 2)', de Antônio Carlos Lessa e Henrique Altemani Oliveira (orgs),” (Book Review: Brazil's Strategic Partnerships - the meanings and the traditional experiences, by Antônio Carlos Lessa and Henrique Altemani), Boletim Meridiano 47, vol. 15, p. 59-60, 2014. ISSN: 1518-1219
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2011); “Resenha do livro ‘Ingênuos, Pobres e Católicos: A Relação dos EUA com a América Latina, de Alfredo Menezes” (Book Review: ‘Ingenuous, Poor and Catholic – The Relations between the United States and Latin America’, by Alfredo Menezes), Boletim Meridiano 47, vol. 12, No 124, p. 31-33. ISSN: 1518-1219
Bandarra, Leonardo. (2011); “Resenha do livro “A sociologia das Relações Internacionais”, de Guillaume Devin” (Book Review: The Sociology of International Relations, by Gillaume Devin), Boletim Mundorama, Vol. 5, No. 43. ISSN: 2175-2052
Media Contributions (Quotes and Interviews)
27/10/2022 |
O que mudou desde a primeira vez que Lula foi eleito, há 20 anos. (Eng.: what changed since Lula was first elected twenty years go). Interview (quote) to Deutsche Welle. Online Edition |
03/10/2022 |
Elecciones en Brasil: Bolsonaro sale reforzado; Lula tendría problemas para gobernar. (Eng.: Elections in Brazil: Bolsonaro is strenghtened and Lula will have problems to govern). Interview (quote) to El Espectador (EE). Online Edition |
21/06/2022 |
¿Cómo está la normatividad sobre el control de armas en America hoy? (Eng.: How are norms for arms control in the Americas today?). Interview (quote) to El Espectador (EE). Online Edition |
10/05/2022 |
Um raio X da esquerda brasileira desde a redemocratização. (Eng.: An X-Ray of the Brazilian Left since the redemocratization). Interview (quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW). Online Edition. |
24/04/2022 |
Wahlen in Brasilien: Die Macht der Jugend. (Eng.: Elections in Brazil: the power of youth). Interview (quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW). Online Edition |
19/04/2022 |
Como o “voto jovem” pode influenciar a eleição brasileira. (Eng.: How can youth voting shape Brazilian elections). Interview (quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW). Online Edition |
18/03/2022 |
Entre auxílios e benefícios, parlamentares do Brasil estão entre os mais bem pagos. (Eng.: Between benefits and financial support, parlamentarians in Brazil are among the most well payed). Interview (quote) to CNN Brasil. Online Edition |
12/03/2022 |
Bolsonaro ganha o referente a 20% do salário de Biden; remuneração de presidente no Brasil é menor ante outros países. (Eng.: Bolsonaro earns equivalente to 20% of Biden’s salary; salary of Brazilian president is less than in other countries). Interview (quote) to CNN Brasil. Online Edition |
23/02/2022 |
Interview with Leonardo Bandarra and Sharon Dolev - In the Zone, episode 16 |
26/09/2021 |
Merkel deixa o comando da Alemanha como a chanceler que venceu sucessivas crises. (Eng.: Merkel leaves as the Geman chancellor who overcame multiple crises). Interview (quote) to CNN Brasil. Online Edition |
15/09/2021 |
Eleições na Alemanha e os Descobramentos para o Brasil. (Eng.: German Elections and its consequences to Brazil.) Full Interview to Fora da Cadência. Online Edition |
30/03/2021 |
¿Cómo es la tenencia de armas de fuego en América Latina?. (Eng.: How is the possesision of lightguns in Latin America?). Interview (Quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW). Online Edition |
14/09/2020 |
Segurança Internacional e Política Nuclear no Século XXI. (Eng.: International Security and Nuclear Politics in the 21st Century). Full Interview to Fora da Cadência. Online Edition |
07/08/2020 |
La geopolítica de Trump se cierne sobre el BID. (Eng.: Trump’s geopolitics looming over the IDB). Interview (Quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW). Online Edition |
19/05/2020 |
Cinco petroleros iraníes y otra tormenta política sobre Venezuela. / Fünf iranische Tanker provozieren die USA. (Eng.: Five Iranian tankers and the política storm over Venezuela.) Interview (Quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW). Online Edition |
25/04/2020 |
Une planète nucléaire? (Eng.: A nuclear world?). Full interview to Gavroche. Online edition |
13/08/2019 |
La pelea por el Poder en Venezuela se translada al Parlamento. (Eng.: The fight in Venezuela is for power moves to the Parliament). Full interview to Metro. Online and print editions |
23/07/2019 |
Venezuela: Ein halbes Jahr mit zwei Präsidenten (Eng.: Venezuela: Half an Year with two Presidents) Interview (Quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW). Online Edition |
28/06/2019 |
Bolsonaro and Macri Look for Better Ties to Distract From Their Domestic Troubles . Full Interview to the World Politics Review (WPR). Online Edition |
21/01/2019 |
Venezuela: El fantasma de una intervención planea sobre Venezuela (Eng.: Venezuela: The Ghost of an Intervention soars over Venezuela). Interview (Quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW). Online Edition |
15/01/2019 |
America Latina: Bolsonaro y Macri buscan ir juntos más allá de Venezela. (Eng.: Latin America: Bolsonaro and Macri try to go beyond Venezela). Interview (Quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW). Online Edition |
06/12/2018 |
Mexico: Neuer Präsident, neue Soldaten, neuer Frieden? (Eng.: „Mexico: New President, new Soldiers, new Peace?). Interview (Quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW) online edition |
04/11/2018 |
Brasilien: Eine Woche nach Bolsonaros Wahlsieg (Eng.: “Brazil: A week after Bolsonaro’s Electoral Victory”). Full Interview to Radio Dreyeckland. Germany |
24/07/2018 |
Argentina: ¿Militares para los desafíos del siglo XXI? (Eng.: “Argentina: Military for the challenges of the 21st century?). Interview (Quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW) online edition |
09/08/2017 |
Argentina: ni de Macri ni de Kirchner, sino de los pobres (Eng.: Argentina: neither Macri nor Kirchner, but the poor). Interview (Quote) to Deutsche Welle (DW) print edition |
Ongoing work
Bandarra, Leonardo; Pry-Hansen, Miriam (eds.). (upcoming) “Special Issue: Regional Perspectives on a Nuclear Weapons Ban”. Peace Review
Author’s Workshop: Regional Perspectives on a Nuclear Weapons Ban. To be held online between. 27-28 April 2023. Sponsored by the University of Duisburg-Essen, METO, GIGA, and the Peace Review
Additional Publications
Cameron, James; Bandarra, Leonardo. (28 October 2018). Technology, politics, and development: domestic criticism of the 1975 Brazilian-West German nuclear agreement – an interview with James Cameron by Leonardo Bandarra. Boletim Mundorama – ISSN: 2175-2052 (http://www.mundorama.net/), IBRI-RBPI Website (http://www.ibri-rbpi.org/), and Scielo em Perspectiva Humanas (http://humanas.blog.scielo.org/)
Picq, Manuela.; Bandarra, Leonardo. (24 Sep. 2016). Rethinking IR from the Amazon – an interview with Manuela Picq, by Leonardo Bandarra. Boletim Mundorama – ISSN: 2175-2052 (http://www.mundorama.net/), IBRI-RBPI Website (http://www.ibri-rbpi.org/), and Scielo em Perspectiva Humanas (http://humanas.blog.scielo.org/)
Onuf, Nicholas; Bandarra, Leonardo (22 September 2016). Many Worlds, Many Theories, Many Rules: Formulating an Ethical System for the World to Come – an interview with Nicholas Onuf, by Leonardo Bandarra. Boletim Mundorama – ISSN: 2175-2052 (http://www.mundorama.net/), IBRI-RBPI Website (http://www.ibri-rbpi.org/), and Scielo em Perspectiva Humanas (http://humanas.blog.scielo.org/)
Reza, German de la; Bandarra, Leonardo. (20 Jan. 2016) Émeric Crucé and the 1623 Plan for Global Governance: The Obscure History of Its Reception? An interview with Germán de la Reza, by Leonardo Bandarra. Boletim Mundorama – ISSN: 2175-2052 (http://www.mundorama.net/), IBRI-RBPI Website (http://www.ibri-rbpi.org/), and Scielo em Perspectiva Humanas (http://humanas.blog.scielo.org/)
Santos, Norma B.; Uziel, Eduardo; Bandarra, Leonardo. (19 January 2016) The 40 years since the UN Resolution on Zionism and Racism: an evaluation of the Brazilian position, an interview with Norma Breda dos Santos and Eduardo Uziel, by Leonardo Bandarra. Boletim Mundorama – ISSN: 2175-2052 (http://www.mundorama.net/), IBRI-RBPI Website (http://ewww.ibri-rbpi.org/), and Scielo em Perspectiva Humanas (http://humanas.blog.scielo.org/)
Vukić, Boris; Bandarra, Leonardo (18 January 2016). Pope Francis and the Challenges of Inter-Civilization Diplomacy – an interview with Boris Vukićević, by Leonardo C. Bandarra. Boletim Mundorama – ISSN: 2175-2052 (http://www.mundorama.net/), IBRI-RBPI Website (http://www.ibri-rbpi.org/), and Scielo em Perspectiva Humanas (http://humanas.blog.scielo.org/)
Özdemir, Yonca; Bandarra, Leonardo. (21 September. 2015) Political Conditions for Successful inflation stabilisation: comparing Brazil and Argentina, an interview with Yonca Özdemir. Boletim Mundorama – ISSN: 2175-2052 (http://www.mundorama.net/), IBRI-RBPI Website (http://www.ibri-rbpi.org/), and Scielo em Perspectiva Humanas (http://humanas.blog.scielo.org/)
Pereira, Paulo; Bandarra, Leonardo. (27 Sep. 2015) Os Estados Unidos e a Ameaça do Crime Transnacional nos anos 1990, uma entrevista com Paulo Pereira. (The United States and the Transnational Crime in the 1990’s, an interview with Paulo Pereira). Boletim Mundorama – ISSN: 2175-2052 (http://www.mundorama.net/), IBRI-RBPI Website (http://www.ibri-rbpi.org/), and Scielo em Perspectiva Humanas (http://humanas.blog.scielo.org/)
Gardini, Gian; Bandarra, Leonardo. (04 October 2015) Towards modular regionalism: the proliferation of Latin American cooperation? An interview with Gian Gardini. Boletim Mundorama – ISSN: 2175-2052 (http://www.mundorama.net/), IBRI-RBPI Website (http://www.ibri-rbpi.org/), and Scielo em Perspectiva Humanas (http://humanas.blog.scielo.org/)
Bruneau, Thomas; Bandarra, Leonardo (05 October 2015). The US experience in contracting out security and lessons for other countries ? an interview with Thomas Bruneau. Boletim Mundorama – ISSN: 2175-2052 (http://www.mundorama.net/), IBRI-RBPI Website (http://www.ibri-rbpi.org/), and Scielo em Perspectiva Humanas (http://humanas.blog.scielo.org/)
- All Hands Alumnae Network
- Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW)
- Friedrich Ebert Foundation Ehemaliger (Alumae Network)
- International Studies Association (ISA)
- METO (Middle East Treaty Organization) Project / METO Young Network
Former Membership in Associations
- Brazilian Association for International Relations (Abri) (2013-2016)
- European International Studies Association (EISA) (2021-2022)
- CTBTO (Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization) Youth (2020-2022)
- Latin American Studies Association (LASA) (2018-2020)