Prof. Dr. Nicolai Dose

Senior Professorship of Political Science and Public Administration

Managing Director of the Rhine Ruhr Institute for Social Research and Policy Consulting e.V. (RISP)




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Thursdays from 14:00 - 15:00 h

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Anne-Kristina Zippel received the prize for the best Master's thesis

We want to congratulate Anne-Kristina Zippel on winning the prize of 500 Euros from the renowned Better Regulation and Bureaucracy Reduction Network. Anne-Kristina Zippel's Master's thesis entitled ‘Problem-oriented state control of the circular economy’, supervised by Professor Nicolai Dose and Lilian Fiala, not only illustrates the author's strong analytical and conceptual skills but also demonstrates her outstanding expertise in the material field of investigation – according to the award.

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The thesis was awarded the top grade of 1.0, is characterised by its interdisciplinary approach, and meets the highest standards. As shown in the thesis, the analysed Section 21 of the Packaging Act uses two different instruments that are part of a chain of effects: Firstly, a legal imperative steers the system operators so that, secondly, they then use a negative financial incentive to influence the packaging manufacturers as the ultimate external norm addressees. As an important result of her study, Ms Zippel shows that the collectively organised waste collection system causes the financial incentives to increase the recyclability of packaging to evaporate. The positive effects of efficiently recyclable packaging do not reach those disposal systems that license this packaging at low fees. There would, therefore, be little incentive for the disposal systems to adjust their fees to such an extent that they would induce behavioural changes in trade and industry. The steering effect of the measure would, therefore, remain low overall.

© Hessischer Landtag, Kanzlei - Fotograf Hermann Heibel

Professor Dose supports the bill to establish a Hessian Regulatory Control Council

On 26 September, Professor Nicolai Dose, as an expert at a hearing of the European Affairs Committee of the Hessian State Parliament, welcomed a draft bill by the FDP parliamentary group to establish a Hessian Regulatory Control Council (RCC). Creating an RCC would create essential conditions for the realisation of better laws. At the same time, Professor Dose has formulated several suggestions for improvement based on an impact assessment of the law, the implementation of which would make the Council even more effective. He has summarised the results of his analysis in seven points:

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  1. Establishing a Hessian Regulatory Control Council will create essential conditions for better laws. At the same time, this will help to reduce bureaucracy and increase welfare.

  2. The draft bill presented is essentially a clever way of organising the Hessian Regulatory Control Council (uneven number of members to reduce the likelihood of stalemates (Section 3 (1)), exclusion of special votes (Section 3 (7)), no opinion in the event of a tie (Section 3 (7)) and far-reaching review rights under Section 4). However, it should be clarified that the HessRCC also has the right to review the transposition of European directives into state law to prevent any overly far-reaching transposition (gold plating).

  3. Care should be taken in the composition of the members of the Council to ensure that the selection is primarily based on expertise in the area of bureaucratisation/de-bureaucratisation. The Council should be more open to expertise from administrative practice and the relevant scientific community. The highly successful model of the National Regulatory Control Council and the examples of the regulatory control councils in Baden-Württemberg and Saxony show that this would achieve the right mix.

  4. To prevent a theoretically expected extension of the legislative process, the regulation of Section 4 (4) should be applied with great emphasis, i.e. the ministries should really involve the Council at an early stage.

  5. The Regulatory Control Council will incur low costs for the public sector; it should be seen as a cost-effective instrument for reducing bureaucracy and improving legislation and ordinances, and it promises to contribute to dynamic efficiency through innovative solutions. It is not entirely clear whether establishing a Hessian Regulatory Control Council can be embedded in a sustainable overall concept.

  6. It is recommended that the Hessian Regulatory Control Council coordinates and cooperates with the Bureaucracy Reduction Unit of the Minister for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs and Bureaucracy Reduction of the State of Hesse.

  7. It is to be feared that the ministries will see the work of the Regulatory Control Council as an encroachment on their area of responsibility. This would stand in the way of fruitful cooperation between the ministries and the Council and thus harbour the risk of prolonging the legislative process. Efforts should, therefore, be made to train employees in the ministries in legislative theory/policy design and thus positively change their mindset, among other things. With this anchoring in a larger overall concept, establishing a Hessian Regulatory Control Council would be even more effective.

Professor Dose's full regulatory impact assessment can be downloaded here (in German).

New book on the expansion of wind power in Germany - congratulations

We would like to congratulate our former employee Dr. Leon A. Lieblang on the publication of his dissertation with the renowned Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. The work entitled "Staat und Windenergie. Steuerungsherausforderungen und Steuerungspotenziale" has been published in the Schriften zur Evaluationsforschung and makes an important contribution both to governance-oriented regulatory impact assessment and to the environmental policy debate on the expansion of wind power in Germany.

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In his dissertation, Mr. Lieblang deals firstly with the governance regimes and their underlying developments that characterise the electricity market in Germany. Secondly, and most importantly, he analyses the governance instruments that have been used to stimulate and channel the expansion of onshore wind power in Germany. Particular attention is being paid to the cause-adequacy of the instrument choices, but also to a critical assessment of design flaws in the legal basis and the secondary consequences. Thirdly, the variance of the expansion in the Länderis explained. With this third part of the work, Mr. Lieblang is breaking new ground. A similar comparative study, which provides information on the success and failure factors of the expansion of wind power plants in a comparison of the German Länder, has not yet been conducted.

Professor Nicolai Dose, Lilian Fiala, and Laurin Friedrich presented at the IRSPM in Tampere

The future of administrative sciences is shaped by innovative approaches, diverse perspectives on new and well-known phenomena, and particularly by fruitful exchanges between researchers. Professor Nicolai Dose, Lilian Fiala, and Laurin Friedrich experienced this at the conference of the "International Research Society for Public Management" (IRSPM) under the motto "Hybrid futures for public governance and management" in the Finnish industrial city of Tampere.

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With their approach to the "Governance of Corruption," Professor Dose and Lilian Fiala presented an analytical framework that fills an existing gap in corruption research and aims to be universally applicable. It is particularly suitable for application in combination with the method of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). By referencing different forms of governance, the presented framework looks behind the existing and partially contradictory results of current studies on the causes of corruption. Thus, the presented research contributes to the governance of corruption by helping to uncover the conditions for a high level of corruption. The approach presented received a lot of positive feedback and a high demand from other participants. In many fruitful discussions, Professor Dose and Lilian Fiala were able to gain exciting stimuli for existing and future research projects.

Laurin Friedrich was able to participate in the conference with two excellent presentations. First, he presented joint research with Conrad Ziller, an academic advisor at IfP, on performance indicators in public administration. Ziller and Friedrich developed a comparative efficiency indicator for German municipalities, derived from a broad range of structural data and systematically validated using survey data and an expert rating within the framework of several comprehensive methodological approaches. By deriving a valid and objective instrument for empirically capturing the performance of municipal administration, the study makes an important contribution to the current administrative science literature, where there are few meaningful and universally applicable concepts for performance measurement. This work also contributes to a better understanding of the long-term relationship between citizens and the state, for which the efficient provision of public services at the municipal level is of essential importance.

In a second presentation, Laurin Friedrich discussed the importance of spoken administrative language in the context of gender-specific inequality in the utilization of public services. Using computational linguistic analyses of conversations between administrative staff and citizens, he, together with his co-authors Professor Steffen Eckhard from Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen and Ingrid Espinoza from the University of Konstanz, demonstrated that the verbal communication of administrative staff is influenced by the gender of the citizens they interact with. For example, conversations with male clients show a higher degree of complexity and emotionality. Furthermore, the study indicates that gender matching between administrative staff and citizens contributes to less complex and emotional administrative communication. The work makes an important contribution to the study of stereotypes in personal state-citizen interactions, for which there are usually only theoretical assumptions but hardly any reliable empirical findings in administrative science.

A new research project on diversity in local government has been launched

In March, Professor Nicolai Dose and Laurin Friedrich launched the interdisciplinary research project "Diversity in Local Government – Empirical Inventory and Analysis of the Influence of Diversity on State-Citizen Interaction." It is being carried out in cooperation with researchers from Ruhr University Bochum (Chair of Public Administration, Urban and Regional Policy) and TU Dortmund University (Catholic Theology with a focus on religious didactics).

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The research project, funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation, has set itself two central objectives. Firstly, the diversity of local authorities in Germany will be empirically analysed from an intersectional perspective. Secondly, the influence of the diversity identified on the interaction between administrative staff and citizens will be analysed. This should provide important new insights into the representation of social diversity in public administration. Although this is considered central for the efficiency and legitimacy of administrative action in international administrative science, little is known about the composition of administrative staff and the intersectional effect of bureaucratic representation in German municipalities.

The project will run for two years. Further information can be found on >the website of the Hans Böckler Foundation (in German).

Prof Dr Nicolai Dose in the Legal Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag

The public hearing of the Legal Affairs Committee focussed on better legislation and reducing bureaucracy. The experts were heard on 21 February 2024 on a special report by the Federal Government and a motion by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group.

Professor Dose's detailed written statement can be briefly summarised in 7 points:

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  1. Reducing bureaucracy must not be the end of politics. Policy-making and problem-solving must remain possible.
  2. The compliance costs of critical legislative proposals must be set against a draft law's expected social and economic benefits. However, this must not be a pretext for losing sight of minimising compliance costs.
  3. Legislative objectives should be pursued as far as possible with the instrument which, ceteris paribus, promises to achieve these objectives most cost-effectively. In addition, accuracy and administrative burden are critical criteria for selecting an instrument or bundle of instruments. It is also necessary to check whether the respective conditions for the success of using the various instruments are met. Finally, work on a draft law should begin with a systematic analysis of the initial problem.
  4. All opportunities to substantially reduce compliance costs through the consistent digitalisation of public administration should be exploited. In this context, the implementation of digital checks can be helpful. The integration of territorially and sectorally separate administrative units should be considered.
  5. Practical checks should be carried out with the federal states responsible for implementation in the case of complex projects before regulations come into force. This is because it is essential for complex projects to ensure the smoothest possible implementation and to prevent bureaucratic obstacles from arising in the first place.
  6. The Centre for Legislation, which is currently being set up, is a promising innovation. There is a good chance of generating sustainable success. The centre should be set up as quickly as possible. The planned qualification measures for employees from other departments are forward-looking. The great importance of the Centre is derived from the approach of exerting an influence to improve quality at an early stage in the formulation of draft bills in the ministries.
  7. It is recommended that the Centre for Legislation draws on the indispensable legislative knowledge impregnated in law. At the same time, it should be open to innovative impulses from the social sciences (policy design studies).

You can download Professor Dose's statement (in German) >here.

Professor Nicolai Dose and Lilian Fiala gave a lecture on the Causes of Corruption in Heidelberg

Fundamental theoretical considerations on the causes for the emergence of grand corruption and an empirical application, which Professor Nicolai Dose and Lilian Fiala presented in the venerable Max Weber House in Heidelberg, were well received by the international participants.

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The conference on "Politics, Organizations and Social Responsibility: Corruption Practices and Institutional Development", which was organised by Prof. Dr Markus Pohlmann and colleagues from the Max-Weber-Institute of Sociology at Heidelberg University, was characterised by a particularly fruitful set-up: There was plenty of space available for both the presentations and the subsequent discussion. This was utilised intensively by the participants.

The approach presented by Dose and Fiala attempted to avoid the previous errors and abbreviations of attempts at explanation by providing a clear analytical framework for the explanations presented. It is characterised by a parsimonious use of independent variables. As was made clear, the case of the involvement of the German Member of Parliament Philipp Amthor with Augustus Intelligence, which was used for the first test, could be explained very well with the analytical framework presented. Subsequent cases of corruption, such as the widely known Brazilian Operação Lava Jato, were also explained by the speakers themselves, in part by drawing on some of the independent variables of the analytical framework presented. The conference also proved to be particularly fruitful and forward-looking with a view to agreed further cooperation.

Mathias Reintjes as Professor of Administrative Science at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences

Matthias Reintjes, former doctoral student at the Chair of Political Science and Public Administration, was appointed Professor of Administrative Science at the Faculty of Communication and Environment at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences with effect from 1 July 2023. With a focus on administrative modernisation and e-government, he will be teaching in particular in the Administrative Informatics degree programme in the future. We congratulate him warmly.

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After studying political and administrative sciences at the University of Duisburg-Essen and the NRW School of Governance, he completed his doctorate under Prof Dr Nicolai Dose with a thesis on the civil service law reforms of the German Länder triggered by the Federalism Reform I. Before appointed he gained already extensive teaching experience, among others at the University of Duisburg-Essen as well as at the University of Police and Public Administration NRW. His subjects have been, in addition to general political science in the areas of digital transformation of public administration, administrative modernisation as well as local policy and local administration. Following his doctorate, he worked in the field of scientific policy consulting at the Rhine Ruhr Institute for Social Research and Political Consultancy (RISP) and as an auditor and consultant for the Municipal Auditing Institute NRW (gpaNRW). 

In his future research, he wants to analyse the digital transformation of state and society. The digitisation of public administration, democracy and state-citizen interactions (e-participation/open government) will play a central role.

Professor Nicolai Dose and Laurin Friedrich at the International Conference on Public Policy in Toronto

Professor Nicolai Dose and Laurin Friedrich were represented with a total of three different papers at the biennial International Conference on Public Policy, which took place this year in the Canadian metropolis of Toronto. One joint paper dealt with social resistance to policies in the tradition of Theodore J. Lowi.

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Laurin Friedrich, in a correspondingly specialised panel on street-level bureaucracy, explored in his contribution the question of how public servants who have frequent personal contact with citizens respond to the current trends of political polarization. In another panel, Nicolai Dose presented in a paper the results of a nationwide survey at German district courts on the implementation of e-file systems. The paper, written from the theoretical perspective of the Technology Assessment Model, is based on a study written together with Leon A. Lieblang. The experienced response to the contributions presented was pleasingly positive. Nevertheless, important suggestions were taken away from the intensive discussions and targeted comments. It became apparent how important it is to go into the panels with papers that are already very well worked through and complete as well as to face international criticism. Other panels attended were also able to provide important impulses for further work.

Master's thesis by Sophie-Anastasia Kauffeld awarded prize

Sophie-Anastasia Kauffeld has received the award of the Better Regulation and Bureaucracy Reduction Network 2022 for her Master's thesis. We warmly congratulate her on this wonderful success! The Master's thesis on the topic "Problem-oriented state control of post-mortal organ donation - A systematic analysis of the Act to Strengthen the Willingness to Decide on Organ Donation", which was graded with 1.0, is in the tradition of legislative impact assessment.

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Ms Kauffeld is a graduate of the Master's programme "Political Management, Public Policy and Public Administration" and was a Master's student at the Chair of Political Science and Administrative Science.

As was emphasised in the laudation at the award ceremony, Ms Kauffeld's work makes a special contribution to research. She has convincingly succeeded in conceptually expanding the approach of problem-oriented state control by aspects of policy transfer and lesson drawing. A pronounced practical relevance results from the high problem pressure that arises from a shortage of transplantable organs. It presents both medicine and politics with almost insoluble problems. Reducing it is the goal of the analysed law on strengthening the willingness to decide on organ donation.

According to the laudatory speech, Ms Kauffeld was able to convincingly explain why the law does not promise to bring about the desired success. Skilfully and analytically strong, she succeeded in deriving measures from her study that allow a higher success to be expected than those provided for in the law on strengthening the willingness to decide on organ donation.

New study published in co-operation with RISP, Accenture and the NRW School of Governance How Public Services/Private Sector Exchange Programs help drive modernization

"A fresh pair of eyes” is the title of a new publication addressing how talent exchange programs’ contributions help public services cope with current challenges. Increasingly severe staff shortages and growing demands on public services require a new way of thinking to improve efficiency as well as the attractiveness of employers within that sector.

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The political will to meet these challenges is evident in the current coalition agreement, as is the multitude of potential initiatives. Talent exchange programs between public administration and the private sector are being considered as possible building blocks for administrative transformation: as such they are the focus of the publication presented here.

This report addresses the questions of: What is the experience with such programs so far? What is the added value and what are the obstacles? What are the conditions that allow these initiatives to effectively support administrative transformation in the future? The study examines these questions and provides an explorative analysis of the experience with talent exchange programs within Germany and internationally, based on 33 expert interviews.

It is clear that both sides can benefit. When it comes to public administration, this study shows that talent exchange programs can have a direct, positive effect in helping achieve the goals for administrative modernization as formulated in the coalition agreement. The programs enable the transfer of methods, expertise and technical knowledge; help drive cultural change in the administration; promote the formation of networks; and increase mutual understanding. Finally, talent exchange programs enhance the career development of employees and increase the attractiveness of employers.

Authored by Prof. Dr Nicolai Dose, Managing Director of RISP, together with Dr Nils Beier, Sophie Evers, Dr Carolin Höhlein-Wortmann and Marvin Herter of Accenture, the study was published on, the website of the NRW School of Governance.

The study (in German) can be accessed here.

Best Paper Award goes to Laurin Friedrich

Congratulations to our team member Laurin Friedrich for winning the Best Paper Award for the paper "Exploring the Communicative Features of Public Service Encounters: How Administrative Language Affects Citizen Perceptions" at this year's conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) from 19 to 22 April 2022.

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Together with his co-author Steffen Eckhard, Professor of Public Administration and Public Policy at Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, Laurin Friedrich was awarded the Christopher Pollitt Prize for the best conference paper. The paper uses a multi-method approach to investigate the influence of verbal administrative communication on citizens' perceptions of contacts with public authorities.

Based on explorative interviews, the authors first develop a theoretical concept for systematising and measuring spoken administrative language. In a second step, this concept is empirically tested using an audiovisual vignette experiment. The results show that administrative staff exert a decisive influence on citizen satisfaction with public services through their communication behaviour. The award committee based its decision on the innovativeness and originality of the contribution and emphasised that the authors contribute important new findings to the current state of research in administrative science, which are also highly relevant for administrative practice.

Sächsischer Landtag/Oliver Killig

Expert Hearing in the Saxon State Parliament on the Regulatory Control Council Act

Professor Dose spoke at an expert hearing on 14 Oct. 2020 in the plenary chamber of the Saxon Parliament on the contents of the Third Act Amending the Saxon Regulatory Control Council Act. He emphasized the successful work of the Saxon Standards Control Council and pleaded for the Council to be located at the State Chancellery in order to give it as much weight as possible.

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Furthermore, he supported the retention of the right to review legal ordinances. However, he did not want this to be limited to ordinances dealt with by the state government. In the sense of a bureaucracy brake with a "one in, one out" rule, all statutory instruments should be included in the right of review. In his view, the same applies to the repeal of regulations in order to keep an overview of the development of bureaucratic burdens. The creation of a right of initiative for the inclusion of existing regulations was also supported, because existing regulations in particular could result in a considerable compliance cost. Finally, Professor Dose suggested systematically using the compliance cost as well as other criteria such as cost efficiency or the predicted effectiveness of a measure for the comparative evaluation of different legislative variants.

Nationwide study on the introduction of the e-file in the justice system published

The electronic court file (e-file) in the justice system is becoming increasingly important. In Germany by 2026, court files must be kept digitally. Against this background it is all the more surprising that so far little is known about the attitudes and experiences of (future) users.

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A study that has now been published (in German) changes this: Together with the cooperation partner Materna Information & Communications SE and supported by the German Association of Judges, Prof. Dr. Nicolai Dose and Leon A. Lieblang conducted a survey in all German federal states. Judges and service staff at district courts were surveyed. They work both at courts where the e-file has not yet been introduced and at courts where the e-file is already being tested. More than 650 people took part in the survey.

The extensive results point in different directions. Users are convinced of the future of the e-file and rate the benefits as high. Their interest in the e-file is pronounced. The expected fears of non-users are less pronounced in practice.

However, non-users are more sceptical than users, not all their expectations are fulfilled, and the e-file leads to new processes in cooperation. The study shows in recommendations for action how a successful introduction can nevertheless be supported.

The study can be downloaded here.

"Planning and Governance in the Context of Socio-environmental Challenges"

"Planning and Governance in the Context of Socio-environmental Challenges" was the title of the first digital Brazilian-German workshop, which took place on 24 and 25 June 2020. It was organized by the Chair of Political and Administrative Science as part of a joint project funded by the DAAD and the Brazilian funding organization FAPESP.

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Scientists from five universities on three continents took part in the project. In addition to the team of the Chair, which was represented with three lectures, speakers included Professors Vanessa Elias de Oliveira and Klaus Frey from the Federal University of the Region ABC, São Paulo, Professor Petro Roberto Jacobi from the University of São Paulo, Professor Karsten Zimmermann from the TU Dortmund University and Dr Pedro Henrique Campello Torres from the University of California, Santa Barbara. In a total of twelve lectures and intensive discussions, questions of climate change in federal states as well as the autonomy of environmental policy making and problems of implementing immission control law were addressed. Other topics were coordination in networks and the special challenges of planning in turbulent environments.

All in all, a positive conclusion could be drawn despite the corona-related limitations. On the one hand, the spatial separation hindered a more intensive exchange, on the other hand, the circle of participants* could be enlarged digitally slightly beyond the circle of those for whom travel means are available. The workshop was the starting point for further bilaterally organised joint work; it will be continued with a follow-up workshop at the end of October 2020.

Rector's award for the best dissertation in 2020

The whole team of the chair congratulates our team member Dr Daniela Strüngmann on the Rector's award for the best dissertation in 2020. The thesis with the title "Acceptance of Public Administration by the Citizens" is about the systematic analysis of the explanatory factors of attitude and behaviour of citizens towards public administration.

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The most important result of her methodologically and content-wise groundbreaking work is that the evaluation of the administration must not be reduced to its negative image. It also becomes clear that attitudes towards the administration can influence election decisions and political attitudes. This result underlines the fact that administrations need, among other things, the necessary equipment in order to have a positive effect on society. Stressed and under-resourced public administration employees have a hard time contributing to the acceptance of administration.

Just published: Mobility problems of civil servants due to fragmented civil service law?

With the federalism reform of 2006, the German Länder gained legislative power for their civil servants. This did not only lead to a substantial difference of pay levels but also to fragmented and differently attractive civil service regulation.

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In the following, requests to move to another state are faced by differing problems in the different areas of the civil service. They are partly caused by the fragmented regulation and partly by an informal agreement between the Länder. By making use of an online survey among human resource managers in the different areas of public administration and 32 case studies of intended and implemented changes of civil servants to another state, motivations for and hindrances to moving to another state are systematically captured and analysed. Both obstructive and conducive factors explaining mobility could be disclosed. Moreover, the authors put forward some reform proposals.

New guest researcher Professor Vanessa Elias de Oliveira welcomed as guest researcher

We are pleased that Professor Vanessa Elias de Oliveira of the Federal University of the Region ABC, São Paulo, Brazil, together with the team of the Chair of Political Science and Administrative Sciences, is conducting research on variants of vertical federalism.

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Professor de Oliveira is a visiting researcher at the University of Duisburg-Essen in the first quarter of 2020. Her research areas encompass federalism including the intergovernmental relations of sub-national entities, the impact of jurisprudence on public policies, and the role of public administration in the implementation of public policies.

The joint research is dedicated specifically to Brazilian and German federalism. Although both systems are generally considered to belong to the same category of a federal political system, there are clear differences in the broader institutional setting. The common goal is to identify these differences and their effects on the respective political process and the problem-solving capacity.

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New Publication: Acceptance of public administration by the citizens

An analysis of the explanatory factors of attitude and behaviour by Daniela Strüngmann

In her recently published volume, Daniela Strüngmann develops an integrative legitimacy model with which she explains the acceptance of public administration by citizens.

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Using a multi-method approach, she derives a typology of acceptance types from empirical research and examines influencing factors such as contacts with authorities, attitudes in the social environment or media reports and their interaction. It becomes apparent that the evaluation of the administration cannot be reduced to its negative image. Moreover, it becomes clear that attitudes towards administration can also influence election decisions and political attitudes.

The book (in German) can be hier ordered here.

Congratulations to Dr Carolin Höhlein for the University Award of the University of Duisburg-Essen 2018

On 15 June, Dr Höhlein was honoured with the University Award 2018 for the best dissertation in the field of social sciences at the Dies Academicus in the best weather and with live music.

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Her thesis deals with the use of antibiotics in fattening livestock and the associated problem of resistance development. In 2011, Germany implemented a minimisation concept to solve the problem, which is based on the experiences of the Netherlands and Denmark, as these countries have been particularly successful in curbing antibiotic use. In 2007, for example, the Netherlands was still the country with the highest rates of antibiotic use in veterinary medicine across Europe," explains Höhlein. Denmark, on the other hand, was the first European country to develop measures that led to low use rates in farm animals as early as 20 years ago.

Dr Höhlein systematically compared the measures of the three countries and conducted more than 30 interviews for her study with veterinarians, representatives of pharmaceutical companies, political actors and representatives at ministerial level in the countries in question.

In fact, the amount of antibiotics dispensed in Germany fell by 56.5 percent to 742 tonnes from 2011 to 2016. The minimisation concept is successful, but it also has weak points: Recording is costly. Livestock farmers are under pressure to demonstrate improvements. "There is a danger that treatment will be shortened or not carried out at all - to the detriment of the animals and the development of further resistances", Höhlein fears. Moreover, there is no guarantee that all the information is correct. It is clear that animal health aspects must be taken into account more strongly than before in the development of further policies.

The excellent work of the graduate, who now works for an international strategy consultancy, has been published under the title "Staatliche Steuerung des veterinärmedizinischen Antibiotikaeinsatzes" by Springer VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


► Curriculum Vitae

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Studies of Administrative Science and Political Sciences at the University of Constance and the Graduate School of Rutgers University, N. J., USA

Research Associate in the special research field ‘Administration in Transformation’ at the University of Konstanz

Researcher at the Research Institute of Public Administration at the University for Administrative Science Speyer

Research Assistant and Associate at the Chair of Administrative Science, Institute for Political Science (‘Staatswissenschaften’) at the University of the Armed Forces Munich

Research Assistant (November 1998–March 2002) and afterwards until March 2009 Academic (Senior) Assistant at the Chair for Political Science at the Technical University of Munich

Deputizing the Chair for State and Governance at the University of Hagen

Professor of the Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany and Public Administration at the University of Siegen

Chair of Political Sciences and Public Administration at the University of Duisburg-Essen

Managing Director of the Rhine Ruhr Institute for Social Research and Policy Consulting e.V. (RISP)

Managing Director of the Institute for Political Sciences


Laurin Friedrich Profilbild

Research Associate in third-party funded projectsLaurin Friedrich, M.A.

Room: LF 188
Phone: +49 (0)203-379-3607
Staff Portfolio

Research Associate in third-party funded projects Dipl.-Pol. Frederik Brandenstein

Campus Duisburg

Raum: LF 157
Telefon: +49 (0)203-379-3741

Rhein-Ruhr-Institut (RISP)
an der Universität Duisburg-Essen
Forschungsgruppe ABS
Kollegiat NRW-Fortschrittskolleg FUTURE WATER

Heinrich-Lersch-Str. 15
47057 Duisburg
Telefon: 0203/280 99-16
Fax: 0203/280 99-22 

Research AssistantRobin Saßmannshausen

Room: -
Phone: -

Former Staff

► Lilian Fiala
► Laura Kaldek
► Valentin Becker
► Dr. Leon Lieblang
► Merve Tavsan
► Dr. Daniela Strüngmann
► Felix Wolfes
► Jess Topping, BCom
► Marianna Rovner
► Jan Pfetzing
► Lena Delfs
► Dr. rer. pol. Martin Ströder
► Carolin Burmester
► Jakob Schuchardt
► Dr. Anne-Kathrin Fischer
► Laura Schon
► Nathalie Golla
► Dr. rer. pol. Thomas Kneissler
► Dr. rer. pol. Carolin Höhlein


Current activities

current Semester [LSF]

Bachelor and master’s theses

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If you are planning to have your thesis supervised by me, please work out a meaningful exposé within three pages prior to contacting me for a further discussion about your topic. The exposé must be sent to me via mail and should contain the following information:

  • A short but concise research question

  • A short explanation as to why the research question has some relevance

  • A short explanation of how you plan to answer your research question: How do you want to address the problem? Which materials, and where appropriate, which data and methods do you want to employ?

  • A short list with relevant research literature

  • Please note this further information (in German)

Naturally, I am available for further consultations during my office hours.
Good luck with the systematic preparation of your work!


Research areas

  • Administrative science
  • Impact assessment
  • Governmental steering
  • Governance
  • Policy analysis
  • Political system of the Federal Republic of Germany, especially parties and federalism
  • Environmental policy

Current research project

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Digitisation of the justice system

The obligation of the courts to massively digitise their work poses a major challenge for the judiciary. This applies in particular to electronic legal transactions and the associated introduction of an electronic file (E-File). This is a prerequisite for an efficient, effective, media-consistent and legally secure digital justice system.

The nationwide introduction of the electronic court file will change the work in German courts. Opportunities and challenges will arise in the process. However, increasing digitisation can only meet with acceptance among those involved if the changeover generates added value - for example, in terms of increased efficiency and reduced workload. Nevertheless, little research has been done into the views of (future) users: what concrete benefits are expected, what sources of information are used and what are the conditions for success for the successful introduction of the E-Filing system? These and other questions are part of the research project Change communication in the digitisation of the justice system.

The core of the project is an online-supported survey aimed at two groups of people: First, judges at pilot courts and judges at courts where the introduction of the E-File has not yet taken place are to be interviewed. Since service staff are also profoundly affected by the change, they too will be interviewed - also at pilot and other courts.

The aim of the study is to gain an overview of the experiences and expectations of employees in the justice system against the background of the introduction of the E-File. On the basis of the results of the survey, fields of action are to be identified and recommendations for action ae to be made after the evaluation and problem analysis. In this way, on the one hand, identified potentials can be promoted and development accelerated, and on the other hand, fears and obstacles can be addressed. The project is carried out in cooperation with Materna Information & Communications SE.


Nicolai Dose/Leon A. Lieblang, 2021: Potenzial der E-Akte ausschöpfen, in: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift, 74. Jhrg., Heft 16, 15. April 2021, NJW-aktuell, 19.

Dose, Nicolai/Lieblang, Leon A., 2021: Die E-Akte an deutschen Landgerichten: Leistungsfähigkeit, Nutzen und Probleme, in: Wolfram Viefhues (Hrsg.), Elektronischer Rechtsverkehr. Corona deckt Schwachstellen auf. eBroschüre Ausgabe 1/2021. Bonn, 6-11. 

Dose, Nicolai/Lieblang, Leon A., 2020: Die E-Akte in der Justiz – Ergebnisse einer deutschlandweiten Umfrage, in: Deutsche Richterzeitung, 98. Jhrg., Heft 12, 432-435.

Dose, Nicolai/Lieblang, Leon A., 2020: Einführung der elektronischen Akte in der Justiz. Ergebnisse einer Umfrage an Landgerichten. Duisburg und Dortmund.


Interview with Professor Dose on the study "Introduction of an electronic file system in the judiciary. Results of a survey at regional courts".

Completed research funded by third parties

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The federalism reform and civil servants. Impacts of the latest reforms on German federalism.

Civil servants have been under specific pressure since the federalism reforms of 2006 and 2009 came into force. Federalism Reform I aimed to provide the German Länder with more autonomous scope and thus to allow for more federal diversity. Hence, several legislative competences were transferred exclusively to the Länder. These include the legislative competences for the civil service career law, civil servants’ pay, and pensions. In this respect, the Länder have widely made use of the new competences, leading to differing pay levels. Moreover, some Länder like Bavaria and the Länder of the northern region have modernized their civil service career law fundamentally and have established the conditions for a more frequent internal mobility. However, the diverging civil service career laws make it more difficult for civil servants to move from one Land to another: This is at least the presumption based on the literature review and initial analyses. The aim of the project is, inter alia, to test these hypotheses. Certainly, not only the civil service career laws are diverging, but also the level of civil servants’ pay goes through the same development. Considering career track A 9, the federal state Bavaria pays 13.9 per cent more than Berlin. Our hypothesis is that this is a direct consequence of the balanced budget amendment (the so-called ‘debt brake’), which was established by Federalism Reform II in 2009. The project seeks to test the hypothesis that salary is linked to the debt level in an empirical way. To strengthen our results, control variables like the governing party of a federal state will be considered as well.

An in-depth look at the diverging civil service career laws and civil servants’ pay in different Länder gives rise to additional questions. One such question is if the Länder are part of a more competitive federalism driven by the balanced budget amendment. This could ultimately force them into a competition over low salary payments, while the diverging career paths prevent internal mobility between the Länder and keep the civil servants within the Länder. Another hypothesis states that young civil servants will change into the Land that offers the best conditions for them. If this hypothesis is correct, only the Länder with low debt will be able to sufficiently raise the salary of their civil servants and hence to recruit staff with urgently needed qualifications. Then again, other Länder will lose touch. If these hypotheses are verified, regional disparities will increase dynamically. Our intention is to test the hypotheses with different methods of empirical social research (correlation analyses, online surveys, case studies, and ex ante plausibility checks).

The project was funded by the Hans-Böckler-Foundation between December 2014 and September 2016.

(Former) staff involved: Carolin Burmester, M.A. and Felix Wolfes, M.A.


Dose, Nicolai/Wolfes, Felix/Burmester, Carolin, 2020: Kleinstaaterei im Dienstrecht der deutschen Bundesländer. Probleme bei der Bundesländergrenzen überschreitenden Mobilität von Landesbeamten nach der Föderalismusreform I, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden.

Dose, Nicolai/Reus, Iris, 2016: The effect of reformed legislative competences on Länder policy-making: determinants of fragmentation and uniformity, in: Regional & Federal Studies, Vol. 26, No. 5, 625-644.

Dose, Nicolai/Burmester, Carolin/Wolfes, Felix, 2016: Mobilitätschancen bei Föderalisierung, in: Der Personalrat, Heft 9/2016, 20-23.

Dose, Nicolai, 2016: Ökonomische Theorie des Föderalismus und die Föderalismusreformen. Die Bundesländer im Wettbewerb und die Beamten, in: Sommermann, Karl-Peter (Hrsg.), Öffentliche Angelegenheiten - interdisziplinär betrachtet. Forschungssymposium zu Ehren von Klaus König, Berlin, 27-48.

Dose, Nicolai/Wolfes, Felix, 2016: Die Höhe der Beamtenbesoldung in den Ländern. Der Versuch einer Erklärung: Parteiendifferenzhypothese oder Verschuldungsdruck?, in: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 9, No. 4, 267-293.

Burmester, Carolin, 2015: Mobilität von Beamten der allgemeinen Verwaltung sowie von Lehrern und Polizisten. Vorschriftenanalyse zu den Auswirkungen der Föderalismusreform I, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburger politik- und verwaltungswissenschaftliche Arbeitspapiere, Lehrstuhl für Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft, Nr. 2.

Dose, Nicolai, 2013: Modernisierung der staatlichen Ordnung auf dem Rücken der Beschäftigten?, in: Der Personalrat, Heft 12/2013, 490-493.


"Föderalisiertes Beamtenrecht. Die gewollte Ungleichheit", dgb Beamtenmagazin vom 23.06.2016


Political steering of the financial crises

The world economy is facing an unprecedented crisis. In an early stage, the political agenda was dominated by offsetting the negative consequences of the crisis. Meanwhile, there are also further considerations. In the centre of attention are potential measures of political steering to prevent a repetition of such a crisis. However, most suggestions ignore political and institutional requirements necessary for the adoption and implementation of these measures. Direct consequences are proposals that are economically rational but nevertheless not realistic. Along with these comes a missed chance to influence institutional requirements in a way that will lead the proposals to success.

The project addresses all these problems. First, it analyses political and institutional conditions for successful measures regarding the regulation of financial markets. Second, it will be checked if missing institutional conditions can be established.

Within the project, the focus will be on two key areas – the European regulations of rating agencies and the efforts taken during the Basel-III negotiations to raise the equity ratio of banks.

The project concerning European regulation of rating agencies was financially supported by the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Currently, the final report is under revision and will be published later. The Basel-III negotiations are part of a dissertation.

Former staff involved: Martin Ströder, M.A.


Ströder, Martin, 2017: Finanzmarktentwicklung und  Finanzmarktregulierung im Schatten intensiven Wettbewerbs. Anhaltende Markt- und Steuerungsversagen durch Basel-III.
Dose, Nicolai/Buntrock, Oliver, 2010: Politische Steuerung der Finanzkrise. Das Beispiel der europäischen Regulierung von Ratingagenturen, Siegen.

Party member shrinkage of people’s parties

The ‘big’ people’s parties, namely SPD and CDU/CSU, are steadily losing members. Especially, the SPD as a former typical membership party has suffered a substantial loss of members for many years although lately a kind of turnaround can be observed due to the newly elected party leader Martin Schulz. However, the CDU and CSU also experience a decline in their number of members. With respect to small parties, the development is not very different, except for the Greens and the newly established AfD. Considering the dramatic loss of party members, which will be suffered especially by the traditional parties within the next decades due to an over-ageing of its membership basis, the pressure on these parties is substantial.

The research project is focused on the question of how the loss of party members can be explained. The relevant literature mentions factors such as demographic development, the erosion of social environments conducive to certain parties, political disenchantment that grows into party disenchantment, competition by social movements, and finally the reduced real possibilities of party members to participate in the party. The project aims to reveal the reasons for membership loss and to explain the relationships between them. Empirically, the project is based on systematic interviews of former SPD members and a survey of all SPD members of the Siegen-Wittgenstein region in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Former staff involved: Anne-Kathrin Fischer, B.A. 


Dose, Nicolai/Fischer, Anne-Kathrin/Golla, Nathalie, 2016: Die Partei im regionalen Fokus. Mitgliederschwund, Alterungsprozesse und Mitgliederpartizipation bei der SPD – Ergebnisse zweier empirischer Studien, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden.

Dose, Nicolai, 2014: Innerparteiliche Demokratie: Der Mitgliederentscheid bei der SPD, in: Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik, 63. Jhrg., Heft 4, 519-527.

Dose, Nicolai, 2014: Innerparteiliche Demokratie und Mitgliederschwund – was tun?, in: Ursula Münch/Uwe Kranenpohl/Henrik Gast (Hrsg.), Parteien und Demokratie. Innerparteiliche Demokratie im Wandel, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 151-168.

Dose, Nicolai/Fischer, Anne-Kathrin, 2014: Dramatische Schrumpfungsprozesse der Parteien? Mitgliederverluste und die Konsequenzen, in: Eckhard Jesse/Roland Sturm (Hrsg.), Bilanz der Bundestagswahl 2013. Voraussetzungen, Ergebnisse, Folgen. Baden-Baden, 315-334.

Dose, Nicolai/Fischer, Anne-Kathrin, 2013: Mitgliederschwund und Überalterung der Parteien: Prognose der Mitgliederzahlen bis 2040, in: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, Heft 4/2013, 892-900.

Dose, Nicolai/Golla, Nathalie/Fischer, Anne-Kathrin, 2012: Mitgliederschwund bei der SPD. Entwicklungen und Erklärungen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Lehrstuhl für Politikwissenschaft und Verwaltungswissenschaft.

Dose, Nicolai, 2012: Warum schrumpfen Mitgliederparteien?, in: Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik, 61. Jhrg., Heft 3, 293-302.


"Warum so viele Menschen der SPD den Rücken kehren", WAZ vom 21.09.2016.

"Frust an der Basis – Was die Volksparteien falsch machen", WAZ vom 15.09.2016.

"Mehr Transparenz, mehr Mitwirkung: Forscher empfehlen der SPD Maßnahmen gegen den Mitgliederschwund" von Petra Kappe, Blog der Republik, Anstalt für andere Meinungen.


Joint project: PROKOM 4.0 – Competency management of skilled work in high-technology industries

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) generally form the basis of economic and social prosperity in modern Germany. However, due to large-scale technological changes, enterprises will need to adjust their work organization in the near future. Energy transition processes, demographic changes, as well as digitization and the German strategic initiative ‘Industry 4.0’ are merely some keywords that indicate the requirement of setting up new and complex standards of the work environment.

However, this cannot be done by applying a single standard to all. Company-specific concepts are needed that will allow the SMEs to meet those challenges in a timely manner. In this context, competency management has a key function: Enterprises will only tap their full innovation potential if their labour force adjusts to the growing requirements. This will also encompass stimulating work environments and concepts of modern competency development. In a broader context, competency management has to enhance innovation and competitiveness in Germany.

PROKOM 4.0 is a research project of various partners within the scope of the BMBF Research Programme: ‘Work Study – Development of Competencies-Innovation-Capabilities in a modern working environment’. It aims to test and develop concepts for the management of competencies in SMEs. This is being implemented with the close involvement of firms and companies. Thus, there will be a focus on new requirements of skilled work.

This joint research project involves four research institutions (University of Duisburg-Essen, University of Flensburg, Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau, and TAT Technik Arbeit Transfer GmbH), one provider of further education (Berufsfortbildungswerk of DGB), and two companies (celano GmbH, multiwatt® Energiesysteme GmbH). Several companies (especially SMEs) participate in the implementation process of this project. Most of these companies belong to the sectors of energy industry, IT, and automotive suppliers. Four regions will be in charge in terms of the realization process – the region of Flensburg, the region of Berlin-Brandenburg, the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, and the region of Münsterland. The Rhine Ruhr Institute for Social Research and Policy Consulting e.V. (RISP), attached to the University of Duisburg-Essen, is in charge of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region and is coordinating the joint project.

Period: January 2015 until December 2017

Chairing: Project manager being the Chair of Political Science and Public Administration: Dr. Hans Uske


Latest research contributions

Digitale Transformation der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Abgründe, Gründe und Abhilfe, in: Karl-Rudolf Korte/Philipp Richter/Arno von Schuckmann (eds.), Regieren in der Transformationsgesellschaft: Impulse aus Sicht der Regierungsforschung. Wiesbaden, 2023, 197-203. 10.1007/978-3-658-41285-2_22

Elektronische Justiz (E-Justice), in: Tanja Klenk/Frank Nullmeier/Göttrik Wewer (Hrsg.), Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, 2022. (together with Göttrik Wewer).

Frischer Wind für neue Perspektiven? Wie Talentaustauschprogramme öffentliche Verwaltung und Privatwirtschaft voranbringen können, published on:, August 2022 (together with Nils Beier/Sophie Evers/Carolin Höhlein-Wortmann/Marvin Herter).

Change Management im Rahmen der Pre-Merger-Phase einer Verwaltungsfusion, in: VM Verwaltung & Management, Vol. 28, Issue 2, 2022, pp. 76-86 (together with Christoph Czychun).

Von Government zu Governance. Regieren unter veränderten Bedingungen, in: Karl-Rudolf Korte/Martin Florack (Hrsg.), Handbuch Regierungsforschung. Wiesbaden, 2021. 1-10 (online first).

Potenzial der E-Akte ausschöpfen, in: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift, 74. Jhrg., Heft 16, 15. April 2021, NJW-aktuell, 19 (together with Leon A. Lieblang).

Die E-Akte an deutschen Landgerichten: Leistungsfähigkeit, Nutzen und Probleme, in: Wolfram Viefhues (Hrsg.), Elektronischer Rechtsverkehr. Corona deckt Schwachstellen auf. eBroschüre Ausgabe 1/2021. Bonn, 6-11 (together with Leon A. Lieblang).

Die E-Akte in der Justiz – Ergebnisse einer deutschlandweiten Umfrage, in: Deutsche Richterzeitung, 98. Jhrg., Heft 12, 2020, 432-435 (together with Leon A. Lieblang).

Einführung der elektronischen Akte in der Justiz. Ergebnisse einer Umfrage an Landgerichten. Duisburg und Dortmund, 2020 (together with Leon A. Lieblang).

Kleinstaaterei im Dienstrecht der deutschen Bundesländer. Probleme bei der Bundesländergrenzen überschreitenden Mobilität von Landesbeamten nach der Föderalismusreform I, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2020 (together with Felix Wolfes und Carolin Burmester). Mehr.

Das Rechtsstaatsprinzip - unter dem Schutz des Bundesverfassungsgerichts?, in: Bürger & Staat: Das Grundgesetz, hrsg. von der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg, 69. Jhrg., Heft 1, 2019, 38-49.

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Cooperative Administration in Multilevel Governance Analysis: Incorporating Governance Mechanisms into the Concept, in: Nathalie Behnke/Jörg Broschek/Jared Sonnicksen (eds.), Configurations, Dynamics and Mechanisms of Multilevel Governance. Cham, 2019, 79-96. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-05511-0_5.

Divergenzen der Siedlungsabfallmengen in den urbanen und ländlichen Räumen Nordrhein-Westfalens. Eine Ursachenanalyse. RISP Policy Paper 12/2018. Duisburg  (together with Matthias Reintjes).

O Federalismo Alemão - Características e Dilemas, in: José Mario Brasiliense Carneiro/Klaus Frey (Ed.), Governança Multinível e Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável. Experiências do Brasil e da Alemanha, São Paulo, 2018, 23-45.

Política Ambiental na Alemanha e Europa, in: José Mario Brasiliense Carneiro/Klaus Frey (Ed.), Governança Multinível e Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável. Experiências do Brasil e da Alemanha, São Paulo, 2018, 253-273.

Die Zukunft der Kies- und Sandindustrie im Planungsbezirk Düsseldorf vor dem Hintergrund einer möglichen Fortschreibung des Regionalplans Düsseldorf. RISP Studie 09/2018. Duisburg, 2018 (together with Matthias Reintjes).

Steuerung, in: Rüdiger Voigt (Hrsg.), Handbuch Staat, Band 2, Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 2018, S. 1239-1248. DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-20744-1_111.

Die Marktstruktur der Restabfallentsorgung in Nordrhein-Westfalen. RISP Policy Paper 01/2018. Duisburg, 2018 (together with Matthias Reintjes).

Das fragmentierte Dienstrecht der Bundesländer und die Mobilität von Beamten. Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Beamtentauschverfahren, Mobilitätsanreizen und Mobilitätshemmnissen nach der Föderalismusreform. Study Nr. 381 der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Düsseldorf, 2018 (together with Carolin Burmester und Felix Wolfes).

Neue Herausforderungen treffen auf alte Probleme des Politikmanagements. Die verwaltungswissenschaftliche Perspektive auf die Einwanderungsgesellschaft, in: Christoph Bieber/Andreas Blätte/Karl-Rudolf Korte/Niko Switek (Hrsg.), Regieren in der Einwanderungs-gesellschaft: Impulse zur Integrationsdebatte aus Sicht der Regierungsforschung, Wiesbaden, 2017, 27-32.

The effect of reformed legislative competences on Länder policy-making: determinants of fragmentation and uniformity, in: Regional & Federal Studies, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2016, 625-644 (together with Iris Reus). Mehr.

Mobilitätschancen bei Föderalisierung, in: Der Personalrat, Heft 9/2016, 20-23 (together with Carolin Burmester und Felix Wolfes).

Besoldungs-, dienst- und arbeitsrechtliche Aspekte einer einphasigen Lehrer_innenausbildung, Gutachten mit Unterstützung der Max-Traeger-Stiftung, hrsg. vom Hauptvorstand der Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Frankfurt/Main,, 2016 (together with Leon Arvid Lieblang). Mehr.

Die Partei im regionalen Fokus. Mitgliederschwund, Alterungsprozesse und Mitgliederpartizipation bei der SPD – Ergebnisse zweier empirischer Studien, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2016 (together with Anne-Kathrin Fischer und Nathalie Golla). Mehr.

Genügt die PKW-Maut den eigenen Ansprüchen?, in: Der moderne Staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 9. Jhrg., Heft 1, 2016, S. 183-202 (together with Leon Arvid Lieblang). Mehr.

Ökonomische Theorie des Föderalismus und die Föderalismusreformen. Die Bundesländer im Wettbewerb und die Beamten, in: Sommermann, Karl-Peter (Hrsg.), Öffentliche Angelegenheiten - interdisziplinär betrachtet. Forschungssymposium zu Ehren von Klaus König, Berlin, 2016, 27-48.

Die Höhe der Beamtenbesoldung in den Ländern. Der Versuch einer Erklärung: Parteiendifferenzhypothese oder Verschuldungsdruck?, in: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2016, 267-293 (together with Felix Wolfes). DOI 10.1007/s12286-016-0282-0.


PDF with a full list of publications (in german).