University ID

Almost every member of the University has a university ID (the matriculation number) that generally speaking is used as an identification for user services, such as logins, e-mail, and so on. Employees with a contract at the University of Duisburg-Essen can apply for one at the Centre for Information and Media Services (ZIM); doctoral candidates receive their university ID automatically when they enrol.
» Application for University ID
For all other visitors the International Office recommends that they register as users. Following your registration, you will receive a university ID that will enable you to access various services, especially the authentication for Wi-Fi on campus.
» Online User Registration (this function is currently not available)
There are two additional and optional advantages to registering. If you so desire, you can receive, at no charge, a Guest ID Card with an integrated library ID and a dining hall card (which guarantees reduced prices in the dining halls and cafeterias run by Student Services). This card can be obtained at the Student Office (Einschreibungs- und Prüfungswesen formerly Studierendensekretariat).
University ID Card and Guest Card
Employees at the UDE receive a University ID Card (Dienstausweis). On this website you will find some details and contacts as well as the application form for a University ID Card.
If you don’t have an employment contract with the UDE, you can apply for a visitor’s card. Please fill out this form. Please enter "Gast" in the line “Amts-/Dienstbezeichnung”. You will also need a confirmation from the faculty stating the period of validity of the guest card. Please send both documents to one of the following contact persons, depending on your department.
Contact in Essen:
Regina Naber
Campus Essen
Room: T03 R00 D04
Phone: +49 201 183 4357
Contact in Duisburg:
Melanie Steinkopf
Campus Duisburg
Room: SG 195
Phone: +49 203 379 2233