Information for Employed Researchers

Work Permit
The Immigration Act that came into effect on January 1st, 2005 enables certain applicants to obtain a work permit in combination with a residence permit.
It is highly recommended that the visiting scholar should enter Germany with a residence permit that explicitly includes employment as a visiting scholar. If your residence permit precludes accepting gainful employment, you are usually required to apply for a residence permit that will allow you to accept an offer of employment (as a visiting scholar) at a German consulate or embassy. The application can only be made from a country in which you are legally permitted to reside; this means that you will have to leave the EU and perhaps even return to your home country to apply.
Employment Status at the University of Duisburg-Essen
When you begin employment at the University of Duisburg-Essen, the administrative Dezernat 4 (Department for Human Resources and Organisation), the subject area 4.1 (Personnel Matters for Professors, Professional Matters) and the subject area 4.2 (Personnel Matters for Academic Staff Members not of Professorial Rank and Other Employees) will assist you.
You will have to sign your employment contract before you officially start working. Your institute or the Personnel Department will tell you in advance which forms and documents have to be submitted in order to draw up the contract. As an employee you will usually be required to pay tax and social security contributions.
The Department of Human Resources will advise you on tax matters and social security, and the payment of salary will be handled by the Landesamt für Besoldung und Versorgung (LBV). You will find your contact person on your salary statement or by using your LBV-pin number to access the LBV's website. Here you will find additional information on collective pay agreements, child benefit and taxation.
Upon beginning your employment, you will receive information concerning your university ID. The card, resembling a bank card, contains an integrated library card and a dining hall card for use in the dining halls and cafeterias sponsored by Student Services on both campuses.
Academic employees at universities conclude employment contracts with the university which state the salary scale and conditions of employment. In Germany, however, many professors and academic staff are public servants, and they are appointed. Public servants' salaries are laid down by the "Bundesbesoldungsgesetz" (the law regulating the salaries of public servants) and the corresponding regulations of the respective federal State. The salary scale for professors is called "W" (which stands for "Wissenschaft"). In most federal States academic staff are paid according to a collective pay agreement known as "TV-L" (Tarifvertrag für den Öffentlichen Dienst der Länder).
Intellectual Property Rights
On principle, you should ask your employer about the handling of intellectual property, patents and innovations at an early stage. At universities and research institutes there is nearly always an office responsible for the transfer of research and technology. This should be your first port of call to get advice on dealing with intellectual property and to register patents and licences. Here you will find information on the necessary procedures and regulations at the respective institution and also get support in carrying out the steps required to complete registration.
Please refer to the contacts on this page for more information on intellectual property rights (IPR).
New at the University?
On the website of UDE you will find information on workplace (working hours, holidays, travel on university business, health and safety, acquisition etc.), on employers' contributions, interest groups, technical support and many other points.
As a fellow or visiting researcher you are, of course, entitled to make use of all the facilities such as libraries, refectories and university sports amenities.
Contact person
Details on your personal contact at UDE can be found in your employment contract.
With the TV-L-Rechner you can calculate your expected salary.