Checklist - Before Your Departure

(Symbolbild) Ein blauer Koffer mit einem roten Pass, der unter den Träger geklemmt ist.
CC0 Creative Commons

Before you leave Germany, you will have do deal with some organisational matters:

  • Cancel all your contracts (tenancy agreement, mobile phone, electricity, gas, water etc.) and any subscriptions and memberships (newspapers, clubs etc.)
  • Find out if you have to complete a tax declaration (see "Taxes")
  • Arrange an appointment with an adviser at the "Rentenversicherungsanstalt" (pension scheme) (Essen, Duisburg or VBL) to discuss your pension entitlements, especially if you have been staying here with a work contract.
  • Check with your personnel department/your fellowship provider well in advance whether you will receive your final salary/fellowship payment before you leave the country
  • Deregister with the city.You can deregister in Essen informally in writing at the earliest 7 days before moving out and at the latest 14 days after moving out. You can also use this form . In Duisburg you have to deregister in person, please make an appointment. Deregistration is also possible at the earliest 7 days before or at the latest 14 days after moving out.

  • You can find more information here: Essen, Duisburg

  • Consider taking out the redirection service of Deutsche Post so that your mail will be forwarded to your new address.