Transfer & Cooperations: Assuming social responsibility

Using scientific progress in an innovative and responsible way

The sustainability of modern societies depends on their ability to use scientific progress in an innovative and responsible way to solve social challenges. Universities are an important part of society and are committed to responsible knowledge development and knowledge transfer.
Among other things, they deal with those issues that affect tomorrow's life - sustainable human activity. Transfer occurs when science, society, politics and / or business work together on concrete issues. It is not only the dialogical communication and transfer of scientific findings in business, politics, society and culture that must be achieved. Beyond the academic fields of communication, consulting and application - the classic fields of established knowledge transfer - it is also about the responsible design of a science-based contribution to the sustainable further development of society. The interrelationships between universities and their social and economic environment are shaped by the specific profile of the university and its active positioning in the scientific-political and geographical context. Interactions between the university and society often follow concrete strategic decisions; at the same time, they often also have concrete effects on the university's profile.