Closing Event 2024

We closed the year with a kick-off follow-up meeting that showcased not only fascinating initial research results but also inspiring new collaborations. The event provided exceptional opportunities for PhD and MD candidates to present their research and receive constructive feedback to refine their objectives, exchange knowledge and learn new methods, gaining fresh perspectives for their work.

Graduate Seminar

Starting in the second semester each PhD candidate will give one presentation/semester in our graduate seminar. Recent results will be presented and critically discussed with the peers and the PIs. 

Detailed information on our graduate seminar can be found here.

Lecture Series

Main topic of our lecture series is "Cardiac Ischemia". In different lectures scientific and medical basics of myocardial infarction as well as the background of the different research projects will be introduced. 

More information on our lecture series can be found here.

Medical Doctorate Scholarships

We still offer medical doctorate scholarships. Learn more about our research areas here.

If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to contact us. Information on the application process can be found here.


The Kickoff-Meeting of the Research Training Group 2989 was held in the Hotel Franz in Essen-Steele on 24th June 2024.

Please click here for the illustrated article.