P4: targeting the microbiome
Gut dysbiosis modifies vascular integrity and function
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Dysbiosis in patients with an AMI has been associated with inferior outcomes, and microbiome composition is linked to cardiovascular disease severity. Experimental studies in acute cerebral ischemia suggest that ischemic events provoke a significant gut dysbiosis, translocation of bacteria and metabolites throughout the cardiovascular system and may negatively impact the vasculature. A comparable pathomechanism for the gut-heart axis in repAMI is not known.
This project aims to characterize how the microbiome is influenced in repAMI and how this gut dysbiosis may negatively impact vascular functions in repAMI. The specific objectives are:
- How does repAMI influence the intestinal microbiome composition?
- Does the active modulation of the microbiome (GF mice, ABX or dietary intervention) interfere with cardiovascular dysfunction?
- How do bacterial metabolites impact vascular integrity & function, and immune cell phenotype & function?
Changes in gut microbiome after repAMI in mice
Age-related differences in the oral microbiome in mice
Principal Investigators