The study course EnviTox consists of a more theoretical first study year and a more practical second study year.
The curriculum comprises nine modules, including a 16-week internship, and the six-months Master's Thesis as final module.
The nine modules of the curriculum cover three groups of knowledge and its application. In group “Fundamentals” students are introduced to the field of EnviTox (Module “Aspects of environmental research”), they gain fundamental knowledge of the movement of substances in environmental compartments (Environmental chemistry), obtain insight into important molecular biological sciences (biochemistry and bioinformatics) and learn how to monitor chemical substances in different matrices (Environmental analytics).
The group “Effects” treats effects of pollutants on different organisms. The module “biological interaction” covers the role of microbes in drinking water supply and waste water treatment, explains how pollutants are taken up by plants and animals and how we can use population structures of different keygroups to monitor the ecological state of ecosystems. The module “Effects on biological functions” directly deals with the effects of xenobiotics and other pollutants on cells, plants and animals. Additional competencies related to the presentation of information, teamwork, information technologies and strategies to solve problems will be integrated in the courses with emphasis on multidisciplinarity.
During the practical year “Applied Environmental Toxicology” focuses on the European legislation regarding the use of xenobiotics and the implementation of monitoring, assessment and risk managing by the Industry and other stakeholders. Furthermore, in a 16 week internship students are encouraged to get first working experiences in an industrial, administrational, advisory or scientific setting in Germany or abroad.
The Master's Program will close with the Master's Thesis on current questions in Environmental Toxicology.
Student’s performance will be assessed and awarded in line with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). As an international program, EnviTox has been designed with a modular curriculum. The work load of the study course amounts to 120 Credits (ECTS) including a master thesis (30 CP).
Curriculum Master Envitox
More information on curriculum
Additional information (including the module handbook and schedules) can be found at www.uni-due.de/envitox