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Serkan Topal


Beckmann, Fabian / Hoose, Fabian / Obereiner, Lara / Topal, Serkan, 2024: Casualization of work, free riding and institutional distrust: Explaining social protection preferences of platform workers in Germany. In: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 70 (3), S. 225–247 | Lesen

Topal, Serkan / Kramer, Paul-Fiete / Hoose, Fabian / Beckmann, Fabian , 2024: Collective interests in individualised work: an empirical analysis of self-perceptions and orientations of platform workers and their implications for regulation and representation. In: E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies 13 (1), pp. 127–157| Info | Lesen

Beckmann, Fabian / Glanz, Sabrina / Hoose, Fabian / Topal, Serkan, 2024: Investigating social protection amongst platform workers in Germany: forced individualisation, hybrid income generation and undesired regulation. In: Journal of Social Policy (online first), pp. 1–19 | DOI-Link

Topal, Serkan, 2023: Between Autonomy and Heteronomy: Frugalism and its Ambivalent Relationship to Labour. In: E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies 12 (3), pp. 132-153| Info | Lesen

Hoose, Fabian / Beckmann, Fabian / Topal, Serkan / Glanz, Sabrina , 2022: Zwischen institutioneller Verwilderung und Restrukturierung: Soziale Sicherung und industrielle Beziehungen in der Plattformökonomie. Duisburg: Inst. Arbeit und Qualifikation. IAQ-Report 2022-11| Info | Lesen