INEF/sef: Development and Peace Blog

13.09.2024Michael Hamp Agrarfinanzierung - eine komplexe Herausforderung, die nach integrativen Ansätzen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit sucht
Die Agrarfinanzierung als Teil der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) steht aufgrund diverser Krisen vor besonderen Herausforderungen. Aktuelle Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „Wege aus Armut, Vulnerabilität und Ernährungsunsicherheit“ (AVE) am Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden liefern Empfehlungen, wie sich die Agrarfinanzierung verändern sollte.Die Kernbotschaft: Inklusive und nachhaltige Lösungen bei der Agrarfinanzierung sollten integraler Bestandteil einer nationalen Finanzinklusionsstrategie sein und im Fokus von Green Finance Programmen stehen.

03.04.2024Kariem El-Ali, Alecia Firnanda Accelerating Smart City 4.0: A city diplomacy and sister city cooperation between Jakarta and Berlin
Over the years, there has been a range of definitions for smart city concepts and it has gained attention particularly responding to the emergence of various urgent issues as the world is facing multifaceted urban challenges such as climate change, air and water pollution, poverty, over-population, inadequate infrastructure, poor waste management, land sinking and to mention a few. But becoming a smart city is difficult and requires learning. Global cooperation between cities can provide impetus and drive change, as the example of the sister cities of Jakarta and Berlin shows.

11.01.2024Daniela Reina From repression to opportunities: Two approaches to violence reduction in Latin America
In a regional environment characterized by repressive approaches to the fight against urban violence, Daniela Reina presents the "Pazos" strategy pursued by the Colombian town of Palmira as an innovative alternative to prevent and reduce violence.
The Development and Peace blog is operated by the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) and the Development and Peace Foundation (sef:). On this blog, international authors regularly share their perspectives on development and peace issues worldwide.