INEF/sef: Development and Peace Blog

23.05.2022Jannis Saalfeld How rejectionist Islamism turned into a key security threat in Africa
In the 1990s, political liberalisation opened up space for Islamist activism across Africa. While some Islamist actors openly embraced the electoral process, others advocated a rejectionist stance, negating the legitimacy of the nation-state. Driven by the rise of global jihadism and state repression, this rejectionist branch of Islamism turned increasingly militant.

08.12.2020Jannis Saalfeld, Christof Hartmann Does electoral inclusion constrain jihadist radicalisation in Africa?
Since October 2017, Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Province has been plagued by a jihadist rebellion which so far has resulted in up to 2,000 deaths and the displacement of more than 400,000 people. The uprising erupted in the context of escalating tensions between the Mozambican government and an extremist youth sect whose origins can be traced to the 2000s. Indeed, over the past three decades, jihadist milieus dominated by militant Islamist preachers have emerged in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa.

28.05.2020Jannis Saalfeld Jihadismus(bekämpfung) in Zeiten von Corona: Zur aktuellen Krise im Norden Mosambiks
Am 23. März 2020 forderte UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres angesichts der Ausbreitung des Corona-Virus einen sofortigen globalen Waffenstillstand. In allen Konfliktzonen gelte es nun, so Guterres, die Waffen niederzulegen und sich auf den gemeinsamen Kampf gegen die Pandemie zu konzentrieren. Von diesem Appell unbeeindruckt sehen sich jihadistische Gruppen weltweit durch die Pandemie im Aufwind. Besonders im sub-saharischen Afrika, das in der letzten Dekade zu einem Hotspot islamistischer Gewalt geworden ist, besteht die Gefahr, dass die Ausbreitung des Virus bestehende Destabilisierungstendenzen signifikant verstärken wird.
The Development and Peace blog is operated by the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) and the Development and Peace Foundation (sef:). On this blog, international authors regularly share their perspectives on development and peace issues worldwide.