Management and Technology of Water and Wastewater (ISE)(M.Sc.) (english description)
Master of Science in Management Technology of Water and Waste Water (M.Sc. MTW³)
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Management and Technology of Water and Wastewater (ISE)(M.Sc.) (english description)
Place of study
Campus Duisburg
Start of study
winter semester and summer semester
Period of study
2 years of study
By studying a Master's degree as part of the ISE study program, students can build on their Bachelor's degree by dealing with increasingly complex issues, enhancing their specialist knowledge in their chosen area, and learning to apply specialist procedures. As part of the integrated program, a Master's qualification will provide the students with an additional qualification that will significantly enhance their career prospects. A Master's will show that the students have gained the enhanced specialist knowledge, skills and methods that are required in a professional environment. It will demonstrate that the students have an overview of specialist disciplines and their contexts, that they have the ability to analyze engineering problems in their chosen area, and that they have the knowledge and practical ability to describe and solve problems independently. A Master's will also allow going on to complete a doctorate and pursue an academic career.
The need to provide water resources of defined quality and quantity while protecting the aquatic environment for future generations is an essential global task. In the increasingly complex environment of water management, engineers must therefore be equipped with extensive interdisciplinary expertise. During their studies, students first acquire basic knowledge of water chemistry, water management and process engineering in the various modules of the MTW3 course of studies, which they must then later combine in highly comprehensive and practice-oriented advanced courses. The main focus is on the transfer of engineering knowledge and networked thinking.
The courses are held in roughly equal parts in German and English. We promote and encourage ethnic diversity and social interaction. So far, we have had students from more than 30 different nations.
The teaching of the MTW³ course is partly digitalized, i.e. lecture and exercise materials are offered as audio presentations and pdf files in special course rooms on an internet platform (Moodle). Students have access to extensive tests in the form of multiple choice as well as short videos on special questions for self-study. In addition, face-to-face lectures are still held but are also offered in digital form as videos.
After graduating, there are potential jobs in the areas of water technology planning and consulting, corporate environmental protection, environmental management, water management, research and development, and in monitoring and permitting. For example, former graduates work for water suppliers and wastewater treatment companies, water authorities, universities and research institutions, in plant construction, in engineering companies, and for government or environmental agencies.
Due to the international orientation of the program, a wide range of employment opportunities in other countries and international organizations are also available.
Further information about the course and the subjects of the MTW³ study program can be found at
Air Pollution Control
Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics
CO2-Kreislauf Technologien - Freisetzung, Abscheidung und Nutzung
Computational Fluid Dynamics for incompressible flows 1
Computational Fluid Dynamics for incompressible flows 2
Elektrochemische Wasserstofferzeugung und -nutzung
Energieintensive Industrien im Wandel
Energy Economics and Sector Coupling
Heiztechnologien und Wärmebereitstellung
Integration von Strömungsmaschinen in Systemen
Laseroptische Messverfahren für reaktive Strömungsprozesse
Moderne Energiesysteme
Nachhaltige Energievektoren
Reactive Flows
Recycling of Oxidic and Metallic Materials
Solare Energiesysteme
Testing of Metallic Materials
Thermische Verfahrens- und Prozesstechnik
Turbulent Flows
The master's degree comprises 120 credits. Of these, 90 credits are for the subjects in the compulsory and elective area and 30 for the master's thesis. All exams must be taken during the course. Finally, a master's thesis (processing time: 6 months) must be completed. The examinations during the course can be repeated twice. The master's thesis can only be repeated once.
• Completion of a bachelor's degree program in the ISE study program with an overall grade of 2.5 or better or
• completion of a course of study lasting at least three years in engineering, natural sciences or computer science in the Federal Republic of Germany with an average grade of 2.5 or better or
• a comparable degree with an average grade of at least 2.5. The examination board is responsible for recognising the degree.
If the admission requirements are not met or if there is a change of field of study within the ‘ISE’ study program when moving from a Bachelor's to a Master's degree, the examination board may make admission to the Master's degree program subject to the condition that certain knowledge be demonstrated by the time of registration for the Master's thesis. The type and scope of these conditions are determined individually by the examination board on the basis of the course content completed as part of the previous degree. The scope of the conditions is up to 2 courses.
Provided that the admission requirements are met, there is no restriction on admission to this program. Applicants who would like to apply for a Master course as a part of the study program International Studies in Engineering (ISE) must use the application portal of UDE.
Applicants who have not obtained their university entrance qualification at a German-speaking institution must provide proof of German language skills corresponding to the completed level B1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). When enrolling, applicants must provide proof of English language skills corresponding to the completed level B1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The requirement for graduation from a Master's program in ISE is proof of level B2 in both languages. The language courses required in individual cases are part of the program. Students must take placement tests to determine their knowledge of German and English and to be placed in courses according to sentence 1 immediately at the beginning of their studies.
Study abroad period
For students who obtained their higher education entrance qualification at a German-speaking institution, a stay abroad of three to six months is mandatory.
For students who have already completed this stay abroad as part of their ISE bachelor's program, a further stay abroad is optional.
The master's degree program in the ISE study program lead to a second professionally qualifying degree within the framework of the consecutively designed ISE study program. Compared to the bachelor's degree, the master's degree significantly expands career prospects. The Master's examination determines whether students have acquired the advanced knowledge, skills and methods necessary for the transition to professional practice, whether they have a comprehensive overview of the subject-related context and the ability to analyse engineering problems in the area of their chosen course of study, and to independently develop and apply scientific methods and findings to describe or solve these problems. Passing the Master's examination also allows admission to a doctorate and thus enables an academic career.
The Master's degree in MTW³ is aimed at employment opportunities particularly in water supply and wastewater treatment companies, water boards and in planning and engineering offices. Due to the international orientation of the course, employment opportunities in other countries and international organisations are opening up for students. Typical jobs for graduates can be found in the following areas or institutions:
• engineering offices
• water boards and similar organisations in other countries
• governmental organisations, ministries and authorities
• NGOs
• research institutes and universities
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