Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter - Detailseite

Christine Üyük


Dr. Sophie Rosenbohm, Christine Üyük: Solidarity and Solidarity Actions in Multinational Companies. „Assessing solidarity“. Online Workshop ausgerichtet von der Universität Bremen und dem Zentrum für Arbeit und Politik (ZAP)., 08.10.2021

Christine Üyük: Transnational Workers’ Mobilization and Their Conditions. 19th ILERA World Congress, Lund, Sweden, 21-24 Juni 2021 (Online), 23.06.2021  Weitere Informationen

Christine Üyük: Transnationale Solidarität in multinationalen Unternehmen? Quo Vadis Partizipation und Solidarität? Forba, 7.10.2019, Technisch-Gewerbliche Abendschule (TGA). Wien, 07.10.2019  Weitere Informationen

Christine Üyük: Digital mobilization to transnational protest actions. The search for security under disruptive technologies and deconstructed labour markets. 40th International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation (IWPLMS). In Kooperation mit: Forschungsinstitut für gesellschaftliche Weiterbildung (FGW) und Netzwerk Arbeitsforschung NRW, Düsseldorf, 10.09.2019

Christine Üyük, Prof. Dr. Thomas Haipeter: Transnational Protest Actions and the interplay of the different levels of employee representation in multinational companies. ILERA European Congress 2019: Perspectives of Employment Relations in Europe. In Kooperation mit: International Industrial Relations Association – Sektion der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 07.09.2019  Weitere Informationen

Christine Üyük: Wie entstehen transnationale Protestaktionen in multinationalen Unternehmen? Eine Untersuchung. Betriebsrätetagung CCEP, Karlsruhe, 24.05.2019

Christine Üyük, Prof. Dr. Thomas Haipeter: Interplay and Interest Articulation in the Multilevel Employee Representation System. Fragmentations and Solidarities. International Labour Process Conference 2019, Wien, 25.04.2019  Weitere Informationen

Dr. Tabea Bromberg, Christine Üyük: Changing Patterns of Interests and Interest Representation of White-Collar Employees in German Industry? Work2015 - New Meanings of Work. Turku, Finnland, Turku Centre for Labour Studies, 20.08.2015

Dr. Tabea Bromberg, Christine Üyük: Changing patterns of interests and interest representation of white collar employees in German industry? 4th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network. Geneva, ILO, International Labour Office (ILO) / University of Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) / University of Melbourne Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law (CELRL, 08.07.2015  Vortragsfolien

Dr. Tabea Bromberg, Christine Üyük: Interessen und Interessenvertretung von Industrieangestellten - Problemlagen, neue Initiativen, Interessenorientierungen. Forum Angestellten-, ITK- und Studierendenarbeit vor Ort. Bad Orb, IG Metall, 10.06.2015

Dr. Angelika Kümmerling, Christine Üyük: Working time across the life course – a longitudinal approach. SLLS International Conference . Lausanne, Society for longitudinal and life course studies, 11.10.2014

Dominik Postels, Christine Üyük, Dr. Angelika Kümmerling: Same system, same working time patterns of women in reunified Germany? Determinants of women's working patterns in East- and West-Germany. International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation . Manchester Business School , Manchester, University of Manchester , 11.09.2014

Prof. Dr. Thomas Haipeter, Christine Üyük: Interessenvertretung von Industrieangestellten – Ansatzpunkte der Forschung und statistische Trends. Angestellte in der Industrie: Arbeit, Interessen und Interessenvertretung. In Kooperation mit: Hans Böckler Stiftung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, 24.06.2014

Prof. Dr. Thomas Haipeter, Christine Üyük: Fragmenting Financialization: Practice and Effects of Profit-Sharing in the German Metalworking Industry. States in Crisis. Mailand, SASE, 29.06.2013

Christine Üyük: Fragmenting Financialisation - Profit Sharing in the German Metalworking Industry. Dimensions and Perspectives on Financial Participation. Hamburg , Helmut Schmidt Universität, 19.01.2013

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