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Hand hält eine Karte, auf der Workshop steht, vor eine Pinnwand mit Post-its
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Workshops for Doctoral Researchers

In this series for UDE doctoral researchers, we offer a one- or two-day workshop every month on transferable skills that are relevant during your doctorate. The workshop topics range from presentation or writing training to aspects of good scientific practice or planning your next career steps. These workshops offer an opportunity for you to focus on a specific topic and exchange ideas with other doctoral candidates.

Our workshops take place either online or in person at the Essen campus. The dates are published quarterly. If you would like to suggest a workshop topic, please get in touch with us.

Registration and Participation

Registration usually opens three weeks prior to the respective workshop date and runs for seven days. You will find the registration form linked at the end of the workshop description during the registration phase.

We usually allocate places on a first-come, first-served basis. If you state your motivation or reasons for participation in the comments field of the registration form, we will try to take this into account.

We will inform you shortly after the registration deadline whether you have been accepted to the workshop. In case of high demand, we will put you on a waiting list. If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail.

FAQ about participation in our programmes can be found here.

​​Hinweis Öffnung HRW HSRW HAW
This workshop series is open to doctoral researchers of the Rhine-Waal and Ruhr West Universities of Applied Sciences.

Workshop Programme July/August 2024

31 July + 01 August + 07 August: Secrets of Impactful Poster Design and Presentation

A guide to the essential steps to designing a powerful poster. What has visual impact – and what to avoid. Practical, easy-to-apply tips to create a professional standard of output. Integrating the principles of visual communication to poster design, and the course leader’s recommendation for easiest software to learn.

Download detailed workshop description (PDF)

  • Date: Wed, 31 July 2024 + Thu, 01 Aug, + Wed, 07 Aug, each 09:00−12:00 hours
  • Place: online
  • Trainer: Mark Edwards
  • Target group: Doctoral researchers from all disciplines, max. 12 participants
  • Language: English

Please register via our eveeno registration form until 14 July under following link: https://eveeno.com/129995216

Workshop Programme June 2024

27 June: Die eigene Forschung für ein fachfremdes Publikum verständlich machen

In diesem Workshop erarbeiten die Teilnehmer*innen Kernbotschaften, Storylines und erste Formatideen zur Kommunikation ihrer Forschung an ein fachfremdes Publikum.

Die Teilnehmer*innen erhalten zunächst eine Einführung in Ziele und Formate der Wissenschaftskommunikation. Im Laufe des Workshops bestimmen die Teilnehmer*innen ihre individuellen Kommunikationsziele und lernen, basierend auf diesen, wesentliche Elemente ihrer Forschungstätigkeit ‚auf den Punkt‘ zu bringen.

Download Workshop-Beschreibung (PDF)

  • Datum: Do, 27 Juni 2024, 09:00−17:00 Uhr
  • Ort: online via Zoom
  • Trainerin: Lea Schönberger
  • Zielgruppe: Doktorand:innen aller Fächer, max. 12
  • Sprache: Deutsch

Bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 13. Juni unter folgendem Link an: https://eveeno.com/603831044

Workshop Programme May 2024

21 May: Time management

We all plan and organize our day somehow. So the question is not whether you want to do time and self-management, but how you do it. Heavy workloads, complex projects and ever more crises constantly confront us with new challenges. In this course, basic techniques of time management will be presented as well as specifics that have to be considered when working scientifically – also in a home office.

Download detailed workshop description (PDF)

  • Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 09:00−17:00 hours
  • Place: online
  • Trainer: Dr. Alexander Egeling
  • Target group: Doctoral researchers from all disciplines, max. 12 participants
  • Language: English

Please register via our eveeno registration form until 10 May under following link: https://eveeno.com/365912714

24 + 31 May: Effective Project Management

“So many tasks! I don’t know where to start!”, is a common challenge when it comes to preparing for exams, writing homework assignments and certainly when facing a Ph.D. thesis. To eliminate overwhelm and get (the right) things done, it is essential to have a clear goal, a long and midterm-plan and to be organized on a day-to-day basis.

Download detailed workshop description (PDF)

  • Date: Fri, 24 May 2024, + Fri, 31 May 2024, each 09:00−13:00 hours
  • Place: online
  • Trainer: Christine Thiel
  • Target group: Doctoral researchers from all disciplines, max. 12 participants
  • Language: English

Please register via our eveeno registration form until 10 May under following link: https://eveeno.com/315883001

Previous workshops in this series


  • 31 Jan–01 Feb 2019: Presenting in Academia: How to give a good talk
  • 22 Feb 2019: Profil entwickeln – Karriere machen. Den eigenen Weg in der Wissenschaft aktiv planen und gestalten
  • 18 March 2019: Projektmanagement in der Wissenschaft
  • 25–26 Apr 2019: Überzeugend argumentieren
  • 13 May 2019: Netzwerken auf Konferenzen
  • 11 June 2019: Gute Wissenschaftliche Praxis
  • 12–15 July 2019: Scientific Prose: Paper writing in natural sciences
  • 28 Aug 2019: Selbstmarketing und Socia Media in der Wissenschaft
  • 12 Sept 2019: Kommunikationskultur in der Promotion
  • 21–22 Oct 2019: Scientific Prose: Writing Papers in the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • 13–14 Nov 2019: Die Promotion als Projekt – Projektmanagement für die Promotionsphase
  • 10 Dec 2019: Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis


  • 03 Feb 2020: Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis
  • 16–17 Apr 2020: Academic Writing
  • 21.+24 Apr 2020: Zeitmanagement im Homeoffice
  • 27.–28 Apr 2020: Selbstdarstellung und Marketingstrategien für Wissenschaftler*innen
  • 04–15 May 2020: Online-Schreibwerkstatt
  • 06 May 2020: Slidewriting – Create clear slides quickly
  • 08 May 2020: „Promovieren? Mach’ ich morgen...“ – Prokrastination verstehen und in Produktivität umwandeln
  • 14, 15 + 19 May 2020: Netzwerkstrategien für Doktorandinnen
  • 18 May 2020: Promovieren mit Kind: Wie sich Dissertation und Familienalltag unter einen Hut bringen lassen
  • 15–16 June 2020: Good Scientific Practice
  • 06–10 July 2020: Die Logik der eigenen Forschung begründen und erklären
  • 20, 21 + 28 Aug 2020: Visuelle Kommunikation für Wissenschaftler*innen
  • 07 Sept 2020: Karrierewege in der Wissenschaft
  • 26.–27.10.2020: Sprechausdruck und Körpersprache
  • 11–12 Nov 2020: Netzwerkstrategien für Doktorandinnen
  • 09 Dec 2020: Karrierewege im Non Profit Sektor: NGOs, Stiftungen und Öffentlicher Dienst
  • 10−11 Dec 2020: Grundlagen der Wissenschaftskommunikation


  • 19 & 26 Jan 2021: Zeitmanagement
  • 10–11 Feb 2021: Good Scientific Practice
  • 09–10 March 2021: Social Media
  • 29 Apr 2021: Academic Writing
  • 04, 11, & 18 May 2021: BWL Grundlagen für Nicht-BWLer
  • 17−18 June 2021: Als Introvertierte*r in der Wissenschaft überzeugen: Ermutigungsworkshop für leise Menschen
  • 01−02 July 2021: Stressfrei und zielorientiert durch die Promotion: Stresskompetenz für Promovierende
  • 29 July 2021: Academic Writing
  • 02–09 Sept 2021: Zeitmanagement
  • 11 Oct 2021: Academic Writing
  • 10–11 Nov 2021: Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis
  • 8–9 Dec 2021: Networking strategies for doctoral researchers


  • 19 + 26 Jan 2022: Zeitmanagement im Homeoffice
  • 10 Feb 2022: Vom 'Defizit' zum 'Dialog' – Einführung in die Wissenschaftskommunikation
  • 7–8 March 2022: Academic Writing — and, yes, language matters!
  • 21, 22 + 26 April 2022: Projektmanagement für die Promotion
  • 11 May 2022: Good Research Practice
  • 22 June 2022: Selbstbewusste Kommunikation in schwierigen Situationen für Doktorandinnen (postponed)
  • 28 July 2022: Präsentationstraining für Promovierende
  • 02 August 2022: Academic Writing
  • 09 September 2022: Storytelling für Wissenschaftler:innen
  • 27 September 2022: Presentation training for doctoral researchers
  • 18 October 2022: Selbstbewusste Kommunikation in schwierigen Situationen für Doktorandinnen
  • 20 October 2022: From 'Deficit' to 'Dialogue' – Introduction to Science Communication
  • 8–9 November 2022: Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis
  • 7–8 December 2022: Networking strategies for doctoral researchers


  • 26.–27.01.2023: Konferenzen planen und durchführen
  • 22.–23.02.2023: Networking strategies for doctoral researchers
  • 13.04.2023: Academic Writing
  • 11.05.2023: Stress-free and goal-oriented through the doctorate: Stress competence for doctoral researchers
  • 22.–23.05.2023: Karrierewege nach der Promotion
  • 07.06.2023: Fail-proof planning methods for your doctorate – setting up for success
  • 15.08.2023: Good Research Practice
  • 24.10.2023: Academic Writing
  • 08.11.2023: Selbstbewusste Kommunikation in schwierigen Situationen für Doktorandinnen


  • 16.01.2024: Academic writing
  • 24./25.01.2024: Time planning and work-life balance utilizing new planning methods
  • 26.02.2024: Presenting for doctoral researchers
  • 28.03.2024: Identity and Integrity as a researcher
  • 29.04.2024: Stress-free and goal-oriented through the doctorate: Stress competence for doctoral researchers